The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

From the crazy libertarian types over at right wing mises institute ...

Even Ford and Carter did a better job at cutting government. Their combined presidential terms account for an increase of 1.4%—compared with Reagan's 3%—in the government's take of "national income." And in nominal terms, there has been a 60% increase in government spending, thanks mainly to Reagan's requested budgets, which were only marginally smaller than the spending Congress voted. - The Free Market: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The hell with Grover Norquist and his pathetic Reagan Legacy Project - How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan - Bill Clinton -

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 05:28 ET
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.


Increases in the National Debt Chart

The saddest part though. He took Democrats at their word. That was his biggest failure.
Look at the foreign lefties on the site all full of themselves with criticism for Reagan. What a bunch of jerks. They should be thanking the Colonies for saving their DNA but they ain't got a clue.
And with all that, Raygun was still better than the Pubs and Tea Party we have now. At least he and Tip fixed SS...

Carter's deal from WIKI SS article:

[edit] 1977 Amendments
To combat the declining financial outlook, in 1977 Congress passed and Carter signed legislation fixing the double-indexing mistake. This amendment also altered the tax formulas to raise more money,[56] increasing withholding from 2% to 6.15%.[57] With these changes, President Carter remarked, "Now this legislation will guarantee that from 1980 to the year 2030, the Social Security funds will be sound."[58] This turned out not to be the case. The financial picture declined almost immediately and by the early 1980s, the system was again in crisis.
Look at the foreign lefties on the site all full of themselves with criticism for Reagan. What a bunch of jerks. They should be thanking the Colonies for saving their DNA but they ain't got a clue.

Jeebus you're an ignorant xenophobe moron. Again, I'm from Buffalo LOL. Are you in Bugtussle, W. Va.?:lol:
And with all that, Raygun was still better than the Pubs and Tea Party we have now. At least he and Tip fixed SS...

Carter's deal from WIKI SS article:

[edit] 1977 Amendments
To combat the declining financial outlook, in 1977 Congress passed and Carter signed legislation fixing the double-indexing mistake. This amendment also altered the tax formulas to raise more money,[56] increasing withholding from 2% to 6.15%.[57] With these changes, President Carter remarked, "Now this legislation will guarantee that from 1980 to the year 2030, the Social Security funds will be sound."[58] This turned out not to be the case. The financial picture declined almost immediately and by the early 1980s, the system was again in crisis.

They did nothing of the sort. The money continued toward the general fund.
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

From the crazy libertarian types over at right wing mises institute ...

Even Ford and Carter did a better job at cutting government. Their combined presidential terms account for an increase of 1.4%—compared with Reagan's 3%—in the government's take of "national income." And in nominal terms, there has been a 60% increase in government spending, thanks mainly to Reagan's requested budgets, which were only marginally smaller than the spending Congress voted. - The Free Market: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The hell with Grover Norquist and his pathetic Reagan Legacy Project - How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan - Bill Clinton -

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 05:28 ET
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.


Increases in the National Debt Chart
Still piss that Reagan brought an end the the communist empire in Eroupe.

[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

From the crazy libertarian types over at right wing mises institute ...

Even Ford and Carter did a better job at cutting government. Their combined presidential terms account for an increase of 1.4%—compared with Reagan's 3%—in the government's take of "national income." And in nominal terms, there has been a 60% increase in government spending, thanks mainly to Reagan's requested budgets, which were only marginally smaller than the spending Congress voted. - The Free Market: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The hell with Grover Norquist and his pathetic Reagan Legacy Project - How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan - Bill Clinton -

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 05:28 ET
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.


Increases in the National Debt Chart

I have no doubt that Reagan is burning in hell right now.

His lower taxes for the rich mythology has done more damage to this country that anything else in its history.

And it continues today...
In the whole world, only the dupes believe anything good about Raygun. Some Thatcherites maybe. Talking points and stupid insults....

Disprove what I posted you moron.

Maybe you can pull your head out of the sand long enough to post something of value...

for once.
Good for another 15 years at least. Oh right, you believe the SS is broke myth....:badgrin::eusa_boohoo::D

Only after several other fixes after Carter's.

Carter missed it by so much it wasn't funny.

I am sure you are related and that is why he was such an idiot.
I have no doubt that Reagan is burning in hell right now.

His lower taxes for the rich mythology has done more damage to this country that anything else in its history.

And it continues today...

And I have no doubts you are an idiot who can do nothing but post a few graphs with no explanation in the hopes that you might come off looking like you are semi-smart.

And not being very successful.

What continues today is the failed policies of the SFB-in-Chief who can't seem to figure out what he was hired for.

Liberals hate liberty.

The stimulus stalled the recovery.
I have no doubt that Reagan is burning in hell right now.

His lower taxes for the rich mythology has done more damage to this country that anything else in its history.

And it continues today...

And I have no doubts you are an idiot who can do nothing but post a few graphs with no explanation in the hopes that you might come off looking like you are semi-smart.

And not being very successful.

What continues today is the failed policies of the SFB-in-Chief who can't seem to figure out what he was hired for.

Liberals hate liberty.

The stimulus stalled the recovery.



The stimulus stalled the recovery.

Barack Obama deserves to return to Chicago on a garbage truck (or in one) in 2013.
David Stockman became one of the most controversial OMB directors ever during a tenure that lasted until his resignation during August 1985. Committed to the doctrine of supply-side economics, he assisted the approval of the "Reagan Budget" (the Gramm-Latta Budget), which Stockman hoped to be a serious curtailment of the "welfare state", gaining a reputation as a tough negotiator with House Speaker Tip O'Neill's Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and Majority Leader Howard Baker's Republican-controlled Senate. During this period, although only in his early 30s of age, Stockman became well known to the public during the contentious political wrangling concerning the role of the federal government in American society.

Stockman's influence within the Reagan Administration decreased after the Atlantic Monthly magazine published the famous 18,246 word article, "The Education of David Stockman",[3] in its December 1981 issue, based on lengthy interviews Stockman gave to reporter William Greider. The White House's public relations team thereafter attempted to limit the article's damage to Reagan's perceived fiscal-leadership skills. Stockman was quoted as referring to Reagan's tax act as: "I mean, Kemp-Roth [Reagan's 1981 tax cut] was always a Trojan horse to bring down the top rate.... It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down.'

David Stockman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dittoheads!! I've never seen you post anything but Rushbot talking points and stupid insults. WTF are you talking about? LLOL

Did Randi help you with that brilliant post.

Your man is below of the worst ratings for someone in office after three years in history.

That's a real talking point.

He's gonna get his ass kicked in 2012.

What do we call you ? HeadupRandisass ?

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