The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

Also from Wiki...

On March 26, 2007, federal prosecutors in Manhattan indicted Stockman in "a scheme ... to defraud [Collins & Aikman]'s investors, banks and creditors by manipulating C&A's reported revenues and earnings." At the same time, the Securities and Exchange Commission brought civil charges against Stockman related to actions he performed while CEO of Collins & Aikman.[9] Stockman suffered a personal financial loss, estimated at $13 million, along with losses suffered by as many as 15,000 Collins & Aikman employees worldwide. Stockman said in a statement posted on his law company's website that the company's end was the consequence of an industry decline, not fraud.[10] On January 9, 2009, the U.S. Attorney's Office announced that it did not intend to prosecute Stockman for this case.


He wasn't to smart in 1981 and it looks like he didn't get any better.

Keep trying...moron.
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

From the crazy libertarian types over at right wing mises institute ...

Even Ford and Carter did a better job at cutting government. Their combined presidential terms account for an increase of 1.4%—compared with Reagan's 3%—in the government's take of "national income." And in nominal terms, there has been a 60% increase in government spending, thanks mainly to Reagan's requested budgets, which were only marginally smaller than the spending Congress voted. - The Free Market: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The hell with Grover Norquist and his pathetic Reagan Legacy Project - How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan - Bill Clinton -

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 05:28 ET
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.


Increases in the National Debt Chart
Still piss that Reagan brought an end the the communist empire in Eroupe.

[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah, Gorby was getting around to that, tearing the wall down was on his "To Do" list, Reagan had nothing to do with it
It was not Bill Clinton that cut spending it was the Gingrich controlled Congress that forced it on Him! Hence the GOP!

The same republican controlled congress that pretty much doubled the debt under Bush II?

LOL yes. This kind of argument completely ignores the dynamic that actually prevails in setting budgets today. It takes a classroom reading of the Constitution, which gives Congress the authority to set a budget, and treats that as if it explained everything.

The reality is that the president proposes a budget to Congress (doesn't have to, but this has become tradition), and Congress takes that as a beginning and modifies it. In submitting the proposal, the president is in essence saying, "Do exactly this and I won't veto it. Do something pretty close to it, and I probably won't veto it. Depart from it wildly and it won't get past my desk."

So the president in reality has a lot of input into the budget process, even though officially he has no say beyond his veto. Bill Clinton submitted budget proposals to Congress that, if exactly enacted, would have resulted in a balanced budget. Did Congress pass them exactly? Of course not. But did they depart from them wildly -- enough to justify the claim that it was Gingrich and Congress that balanced the budget over Clinton's objections? Absolutely not.

On the other hand, Ronald Reagan never once submitted a balanced budget proposal to Congress. All of his budgets would have resulted in massive budget deficits if they had been enacted exactly as he called for them. Were they? No. But were they departed from wildly? They were not.
Yeah, Gorby was getting around to that, tearing the wall down was on his "To Do" list, Reagan had nothing to do with it

You think you're making a joke. You're not. What you stated here is exactly the truth.

No obama did it.:cuckoo::eusa_whistle: Reagan did by creating a war machine that the socialist system of the communist party could not keep up with. Reagan broke the bank of Moscow. Capitalism defeated socialism.
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The sad legacy of Ronald Reagan is the legitimizing of a failed and irresponsible fiscal policy of ‘cutting taxes’ without taking long term effects into consideration – resulting in a greater waste of public funds and the needless suffering of millions of Americans.
The sad legacy of Ronald Reagan is the legitimizing of a failed and irresponsible fiscal policy of ‘cutting taxes’ without taking long term effects into consideration – resulting in a greater waste of public funds and the needless suffering of millions of Americans.

When Reagan was President even the poorist of the poor was richer than most in any third world country. So that's bull shit.
The sad legacy of Ronald Reagan is the legitimizing of a failed and irresponsible fiscal policy of ‘cutting taxes’ without taking long term effects into consideration – resulting in a greater waste of public funds and the needless suffering of millions of Americans.

In other words, he should have never taken any democrat at their word.
Yeah, Gorby was getting around to that, tearing the wall down was on his "To Do" list, Reagan had nothing to do with it

You think you're making a joke. You're not. What you stated here is exactly the truth.

Uh huh. Sure it is. Gorby called the USSR an "Evil Empire" too, amiright?

Oh, that reminds me, let me know when you start collecting from your share of the African diamond mine you bought into off that email you got from the attorney for the jailed Finance minister

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