The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The Bushs were spenders, esp Jr. Few will argue that he was a good President. He was horrendous on the economy. He was horrendous in reversing the housing policies that Clinton put in place that lead to the bubble bursting. He foolheartedly invaded Iraq. In ever sense of the word he sucked.

Reagan's legacy was tainted by the deficits he created.

HOWEVER, don't give Slick Willie the credit for the surplus. Give it to the idea guy Gingrich. Gingirich pushed for welfare and entitlement reform. He was the guy that made the cuts and battled Clinton on every boneheaded spending hike Clinton wanted. If GOP didn't win the house and senate, then Slick Willie would have been the spender he wanted to be! Lastly Slick Willie also had artificial boost. The dotcom companies grew rapidly and generated a lot of revenue. Then they crashed creating a mini-recession at the end of his Presidency!

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

From the crazy libertarian types over at right wing mises institute ...

Even Ford and Carter did a better job at cutting government. Their combined presidential terms account for an increase of 1.4%—compared with Reagan's 3%—in the government's take of "national income." And in nominal terms, there has been a 60% increase in government spending, thanks mainly to Reagan's requested budgets, which were only marginally smaller than the spending Congress voted. - The Free Market: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The hell with Grover Norquist and his pathetic Reagan Legacy Project - How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan - Bill Clinton -

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 05:28 ET
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.


Increases in the National Debt Chart
Reagan committed treason.

Iran Contra says it all. Along with the hostages being released a half hour after his inauguration.

Conservatives seem to admire treachery.
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

From the crazy libertarian types over at right wing mises institute ...

Even Ford and Carter did a better job at cutting government. Their combined presidential terms account for an increase of 1.4%—compared with Reagan's 3%—in the government's take of "national income." And in nominal terms, there has been a 60% increase in government spending, thanks mainly to Reagan's requested budgets, which were only marginally smaller than the spending Congress voted. - The Free Market: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

In this thread the OP calls his source crazy, yet uses that source to make his point.

Now, talk about schizophrenia.
Obama one year deficit> all of Reagans

Obama one year deficit > any Reagan budget

That is true Frank. Don't let them lie to you though. Ronald was terrible on spending. His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

So Ronald inherited a pretty decent trend and made it terrible. Obama stepped into the ridiculous spend more tax less trend of the 2000s and has not stopped it.

For folks like me who believe the economy is our biggest issue I find it difficult to listen to anyone who says positive things about Reagan and the economy then mentions small government as their main goal.

Wanna talk kicking Grenada's butt, siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan, getting some poor Marines blown up, or outspending the Russians then we can talk Ronnie.
Obama one year deficit> all of Reagans

Obama one year deficit > any Reagan budget

That is true Frank. Don't let them lie to you though. Ronald was terrible on spending. His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

So Ronald inherited a pretty decent trend and made it terrible. Obama stepped into the ridiculous spend more tax less trend of the 2000s and has not stopped it.

For folks like me who believe the economy is our biggest issue I find it difficult to listen to anyone who says positive things about Reagan and the economy then mentions small government as their main goal.

Wanna talk kicking Grenada's butt, siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan, getting some poor Marines blown up, or outspending the Russians then we can talk Ronnie.

His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

Might have something to do with winning the Cold War.
The OP is yet another idiot take on the Reagan era, which simply dumps out raw numbers without analyzing the horrendous foreign and domestic situations Reagan inherited from the disastrous Carter administration. Noithing to see here, folks, move along.
Not only that, but the horrendous implications of the disasterous economic policies of LBJ, Nixon & Ford, as well as Carter.
Yeah.....that's quite-the-list o' disasterous economic policies ya' got, there!!

Um hello, anybody there? you look but do not see. The debt is not about politics. Yes many Reagen was a tool used by the men commiting treason against the states.....
Ya' heard-about-that, huh??​

"Like most people in Washington, Clinton understood that Ronald Reagan was a figurehead and that it was really the Bush Cabal, which was running things for all of those 12 years."

Obama one year deficit> all of Reagans

Obama one year deficit > any Reagan budget

That is true Frank. Don't let them lie to you though. Ronald was terrible on spending. His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

So Ronald inherited a pretty decent trend and made it terrible. Obama stepped into the ridiculous spend more tax less trend of the 2000s and has not stopped it.

For folks like me who believe the economy is our biggest issue I find it difficult to listen to anyone who says positive things about Reagan and the economy then mentions small government as their main goal.

Wanna talk kicking Grenada's butt, siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan, getting some poor Marines blown up, or outspending the Russians then we can talk Ronnie.

His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

Might have something to do with winning the Cold War.

Ok, but you must give Obama the same percentage of credit for "winning" the terror war he inherited and merely said "we are going to kick butt in Afgahanistan".

I do give Ronald some credit there.

Are we better off with a Soviet or Taliban Afgahnistan? Who knows.

Curious, does anyone have an old CIA fact book listing Soviet military expenditures for the 70s and 80s?
That is true Frank. Don't let them lie to you though. Ronald was terrible on spending. His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

So Ronald inherited a pretty decent trend and made it terrible. Obama stepped into the ridiculous spend more tax less trend of the 2000s and has not stopped it.

For folks like me who believe the economy is our biggest issue I find it difficult to listen to anyone who says positive things about Reagan and the economy then mentions small government as their main goal.

Wanna talk kicking Grenada's butt, siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan, getting some poor Marines blown up, or outspending the Russians then we can talk Ronnie.

His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

Might have something to do with winning the Cold War.

Ok, but you must give Obama the same percentage of credit for "winning" the terror war he inherited and merely said "we are going to kick butt in Afgahanistan".

I do give Ronald some credit there.

Are we better off with a Soviet or Taliban Afgahnistan? Who knows.

Curious, does anyone have an old CIA fact book listing Soviet military expenditures for the 70s and 80s?

I know Reagan increased spending on defense. Did Obama? By how much?
His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

Might have something to do with winning the Cold War.

Ok, but you must give Obama the same percentage of credit for "winning" the terror war he inherited and merely said "we are going to kick butt in Afgahanistan".

I do give Ronald some credit there.

Are we better off with a Soviet or Taliban Afgahnistan? Who knows.

Curious, does anyone have an old CIA fact book listing Soviet military expenditures for the 70s and 80s?

I know Reagan increased spending on defense. Did Obama? By how much?

If memory serves the Obama increase has been about 4% per year with as usual a cut back plan scheduled for the next year.

Todd, the crazy Soviet build up which supposedly almost bankrupted them in the mid 80s was about the same if I recall.

Do you recall the same Todd?
Oh, and Ronald's increase did have a plan. His budgets were just unrealistic. Especially if you consider his second term a decent economic time and the deficit "bailout" spending not an emergency new deal type action to save us from 1979's economy.
Obama one year deficit> all of Reagans

Obama one year deficit > any Reagan budget

That is true Frank. Don't let them lie to you though. Ronald was terrible on spending. His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

So Ronald inherited a pretty decent trend and made it terrible. Obama stepped into the ridiculous spend more tax less trend of the 2000s and has not stopped it.

For folks like me who believe the economy is our biggest issue I find it difficult to listen to anyone who says positive things about Reagan and the economy then mentions small government as their main goal.

Wanna talk kicking Grenada's butt, siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan, getting some poor Marines blown up, or outspending the Russians then we can talk Ronnie.

Two things:

Reagan did not control Congress

You know the Democrats Change the rules in 1974 with the Budget Impoundment Act.
Obama one year deficit> all of Reagans

Obama one year deficit > any Reagan budget

That is true Frank. Don't let them lie to you though. Ronald was terrible on spending. His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

So Ronald inherited a pretty decent trend and made it terrible. Obama stepped into the ridiculous spend more tax less trend of the 2000s and has not stopped it.

For folks like me who believe the economy is our biggest issue I find it difficult to listen to anyone who says positive things about Reagan and the economy then mentions small government as their main goal.

Wanna talk kicking Grenada's butt, siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan, getting some poor Marines blown up, or outspending the Russians then we can talk Ronnie.

Two things:

Reagan did not control Congress

You know the Democrats Change the rules in 1974 with the Budget Impoundment Act.

With due respect sir, I am not saying Reagan did not controll Congress and Congress PR'd down the Soviet Union.

You just can't have it both ways and good or bad one of the effects of the Roosevelt New Deal near kingship was the expanded powers of the Presidency.
The OP is yet another idiot take on the Reagan era, which simply dumps out raw numbers without analyzing the horrendous foreign and domestic situations Reagan inherited from the disastrous Carter administration. Noithing to see here, folks, move along.

You are so right. Just as President Obama inherited the financial wizardy from gwb.
And I thank Ronald Reagan for single handily CRUSHING the life out of Soviet Union and ending a major form of Socialism from the world stage THANK YOU Mr Reagan for having the vision to do what needed to be done.

Those who believe that Ronnie single handily was responsible for the demise of the Soviet Union lives quite a delusional life. Believe what you will but that is so far from a fact as one can get.
Ronnie is not the big hero.:cuckoo:
That is true Frank. Don't let them lie to you though. Ronald was terrible on spending. His administration reversed a positive THIRTY FIVE trend with the Debt as a percentage of GDP.

So Ronald inherited a pretty decent trend and made it terrible. Obama stepped into the ridiculous spend more tax less trend of the 2000s and has not stopped it.

For folks like me who believe the economy is our biggest issue I find it difficult to listen to anyone who says positive things about Reagan and the economy then mentions small government as their main goal.

Wanna talk kicking Grenada's butt, siding with the wrong side in Afghanistan, getting some poor Marines blown up, or outspending the Russians then we can talk Ronnie.

Two things:

Reagan did not control Congress

You know the Democrats Change the rules in 1974 with the Budget Impoundment Act.

With due respect sir, I am not saying Reagan did not controll Congress and Congress PR'd down the Soviet Union.

You just can't have it both ways and good or bad one of the effects of the Roosevelt New Deal near kingship was the expanded powers of the Presidency.

Someone with even a passing, grade school familiarity with our form of government would know that Congress controls spending, how did that get passed you?

Also, did you know that Reagan called for eliminate of teh Department of Education aqs a way to control spending?

Did you know that Democrats (who controlled Congress) declared Reagan's budgets "Dead on arrival"?

Defeating the USSR was something Reagan did as CinC.
Frank sir. So the budget problem we have this year is not Obama's fault?

So Ronald was not the great communicator but a President hamstrung by a Congress which created the recovery despite him?

I mean no disrespect nor do I intend to threaten or insult you enough to belittle me. Just making conversation.

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