The same people who were shouting "Lock her up!" now feel hiding classified documents is okay

Baloney. Any non Dimmer, non uber elitist would have been shot or at least breaking big ones into little ones in Leavenworth. Her actions were treasonous and she should be made to pay for them.
Drama Queen Alert!!!!

Her actions were not treasonous.... :rofl:

They were stupid, and thoughless, but there was nothing remotely close to treasonous, silly one!
Drama Queen Alert!!!!

Her actions were not treasonous.... :rofl:

They were stupid, and thoughless, but there was nothing remotely close to treasonous, silly one!
I served 25 years, part of that time in Navy Intelligence......I know what represents treason and her picture is in the dictionary under the word.

Wow, your sources like the words "appear" and "might" and "could". Funny how all our sources have actual proof.
Oh and I forgot another one your sources like....."made up".
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Well duh!

Look at the un American, Carnival Barker traitor, you (and the Russians) put in there to run the show, and destroy the Nation!!!! :(
There are so many legal issues coming down on that Orange POS...I am nearly certain one or more of them is going to trip him up. If I were a betting man, I would vote for the election meddling case in Fulton County, Georgia. In any case, I just cannot see an instance where is sits in the WH once again. He has shown everyone he is a liar and cannot be trusted.
There are so many legal issues coming down on that Orange POS...I am nearly certain one or more of them is going to trip him up. If I were a betting man, I would vote for the election meddling case in Fulton County, Georgia. In any case, I just cannot see an instance where is sits in the WH once again. He has shown everyone he is a liar and cannot be trusted.
Did you cut and paste this from 2016 jimmy?? What a doofus.
Tick tick tick Dimmer.
I served 25 years, part of that time in Navy Intelligence......I know what represents treason and her picture is in the dictionary under the word.
Then you know nothing about the incident.

And you should also know, if you served as you claim, that Military code is different from U.S. code, much more severe for the enlisted, than it is for non military, or civil service,

and as a simple American, let alone ex military, you should know what Treason is..... :rolleyes-41:
Then you know nothing about the incident.

And you should also know, if you served as you claim, that Military code is different from U.S. code, much more severe for the enlisted, than it is for non military, or civil service,

and as a simple American, let alone ex military, you should know what Treason is..... :rolleyes-41:
Treason is treason, who cares what code says what. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, just a real American.
As for you, an America hater, you have to live with supporting Hildabeast and condoning all her felony actions. Rollseyes....
If there had been consequences for Hillary, maybe there is a similar argument, even though the circumstances are FAR different and Hillary did in fact, jeopardize U.S national security.

Trump didn't actively circumvent U.S security that has been confirmed to have been hacked, thus, risking lives (anyone know if people did die due to her decision?). Also, she was secretary of state, not president.

All good men have to put their bias aside and demand fair and equal treatment. Even Dem voters are suggesting this online. Trump might not be the right GOP candidate for 2024 but it's far tougher to view him as NOT going forward now and without question if he doesn't run he will be kingmaker.

The Jan 6th Hearing jump started Trumps revival (coincidentally and ironically it will probably be the end of the present day Neo-Con custodian Cheneys political career). It kept Trump in the limelight and reminded half of the country, "this is what they will do to those who disagree with them". The raid just added a big exclamation mark.
Gee..if only Hillary had been investigated.
Treason is treason, who cares what code says what. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, just a real American.
As for you, an America hater, you have to live with supporting Hildabeast and condoning all her felony actions. Rollseyes....
So, what is treason, in your head?

What foreign enemy was she working with to harm the USA?

YOU play a FOOL quite well, Drama Queen! :lol:
So, what is treason, in your head?

What foreign enemy was she working with to harm the USA?

YOU play a FOOL quite well, Drama Queen! :lol:
Wow which foreign enemy was she NOT working with.
Besides, that isn't a prerequisite for treason. Having a personal server housing classified documents that could be accessed is all it takes. Guilty as charged!
Oh so knowing someone broke the law is according to you "stupid" when people say lock her up, but assuming someone broke the law without you having the proof presented you isn't stupid in accordance to you ?? Got it... Steve Harvey would have that blank stare in confusion if you were a contestant on "family feud" right about now.... LOL.
If everyone who broke the law in a serious manner were locked up, we would all be in jail. When an accusation is made, the police first investigate the accuser. Under the Law., no accuser is innocent and anything you say can and will be used against you.
It is stupid to be the accuser.
If her's isn't neither is Trump's.
Why? How are they the same? The items of major concern are all MARKED TS SCIF, and were improperly taken from its secure, proper, compartmentalized, place....and brought to an insecure/ an unsecure basement in a Beach Resort with lots of foreign spies attempting entrance. It fits 100% as breaking the law, and all his other top secret and classified records breaks Trump's new law too!

Regardless, I do not think they will prosecute former president trump with this.....the law was broken, anyone else, would be charged and convicted, this in a heart beat! But since Mark Meadows was in charge of his move, I think they may charge Meadows....he's been awfully silent thru this Mara Lago circus!

I do think if something like those records being stolen or photographed by a foreign actor of his unsecure stash, or if Trump passed along to his foreign friends like a Putin, or if he sold or traded these top secrets thru a quid Pro quo, with him or family benefitting, then of course, without any doubt, he would be charged!
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Why? How are they the same? The items of major concern are all MARKED TS SCIF, and were improperly taken from its secure, proper, compartmentalized, place....and brought to an insecure an unsecure basement in a Beach Resort with lots of foreign spies attempting entrance. It fits 100% as breaking the law, and all his other top secret and classified records breaks Trump's new law too!

Regardless, I do not think they will prosecute former president trump with this.....the law was broken, anyone else, would be charged and convicted, this in a heart beat! But since Mark Meadows was in charge of his move, I think they may charge Meadows....he's been awfully silent thru this Mara Lago circus!

I do think if something like those records being stolen or photographed by a foreign actor of his unsecure stash, or if Trump passed along to his foreign friends like a Putin, or if he sold or traded these top secrets thru a quid Pro quo, with him or family benefitting, then of course, without any doubt, he would be charged!
If you have to ask you are dumber then you appear.
If her's isn't neither is Trump's.
We don't know the facts yet. The FBI saw something on surveillance tape that alarmed them. What was it? Was there evidence that trump was going to sell the documents? Were there foreign agents at his home? Were the sensitive documents being handed around?

We don't know the answers yet. But I do know that...if anything..Garland has been super careful up to this point. There is no way he was approve a search at a former presidents home without solid legal reason.
We don't know the facts yet. The FBI saw something on surveillance tape that alarmed them. What was it? Was there evidence that trump was going to sell the documents? Were there foreign agents at his home? Were the sensitive documents being handed around?

We don't know the answers yet. But I do know that...if anything..Garland has been super careful up to this point. There is no way he was approve a search at a former presidents home without solid legal reason.
Same old thing Trump bad. The lefts lies are getting old. I am now officially backing Trump. Screw you.

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