The Scheme behind the Obamacare Fraud

Justice Department brief the administration no doubt wishes Eric Holder’s minions had edited more furtively:The [Affordable Care Act’s] grandfathering provision’s incremental transition does not undermine the government’s interests in a significant way. Even under the grandfathering provision, it is projected that more group health plans will transition to the requirements under the regulations as time goes on. [Officials of the Department of Health and Human Services] have estimated that a majority of group health plans will have lost their grandfather status by the end of 2013 [emphasis added]. poor duped "prgressives".

I have started two threads telling everyone that 100 million Americans will lose their coverage as soon as Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate. Of course, the moronic Obummer-bots deny it...but there it is in black and white. Every independent analysis says half to 2/3 on employer group plans get killed next year.

Welcome to the New World Order. :fu:

Yup, 100 million lose their insurance and many won't be able to afford what Obama offers them. 15 million without insurance to begin with and many by choice. Lots of young people decide against buying insurance. Medicaid was available for the rest who wanted it.

They had to lie about the numbers and lie about the real purpose of Obamacare. They invented a crisis and didn't let it go to waste. Pushing the bill through the senate and bypassing the House makes it illegal, considering it was deemed a revenue raising bill by SCOTUS.

Government was out of line to interfere in our health care. There are programs already to assist people.

Obama still tries to convince people this is a success despite the fact that he turned 15 million uninsured into 100 million uninsured, costs are way up, deductibles are way up and the overall quality of health care will be significantly reduced because doctors are quitting and major hospitals, like the Mayo, are refusing to accept Obamacare patients. Obama claims that's okay because the smaller hospitals are cheaper. Clueless ass that he is, he isn't aware that most of those cheaper little hospitals generally send the patients with serious injuries or illnesses on to the bigger research hospitals, like Mayo. We call our local hospital "St. Send Me Elsewhere." It's a great place for minor things, but the Life Flight helicopter is sent often to transfer patients to the bigger hospitals. Yup, some families are going to save serious money on hospital bills, then they'll have more to spend on funerals.

Obama has totally fucked up health care. It was expensive before, mainly because of government interference, but the quality was unbeatable. It's no accident that world leaders come here for care, even those who brag about the universal health care in their countries.

The claim was that they wanted to help a small percent of the population and the result was that millions lost their jobs, their insurance and more of their freedoms. It's not about health care and never was. The Obama regime is merely seeking to further a radical leftist agenda and the people of the United States are expendable little pawns in his game.
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If employers decide it's more cost effective to discontinue their insurance and swallow the fine, that's going to mean seismic sticker shock.
You all ain't seen nothing yet. When insurance companies start going bankrupt because they can't handle the claims forced upon them by Obamacare, then the real fun starts. This combined with the millions of Americans who have already lost their health insurance, and we'll have some very serious issues.
You all ain't seen nothing yet. When insurance companies start going bankrupt because they can't handle the claims forced upon them by Obamacare, then the real fun starts. This combined with the millions of Americans who have already lost their health insurance, and we'll have some very serious issues.

Yeah, you can see this coming a mile away. Profit is evil, corporations are evil, insurance companies are extra evil. So no one will be able to complain or defend them when the regulations suffocate and eliminate them. They'll be "getting what they deserve, tough shit." But of course, government waste, sloth, bloat and corruption are good, because government is We The People and businesses are not.

I usually giggle at conspiracy theories, but it's becoming more and more clear what's going on here. What I'm wondering now is how long they anticipate the carnage will last as the insurance companies leave and/or die. They must be anticipating some kind of transition period to single payer, they know it won't be pretty, but they figure it's just a price we'll all have to pay.

There's another step after that: Once the insurance companies are out of the picture (or more likely, relegated to offering highly-regulated supplemental coverage), the providers will be next. Doctors, hospitals, specialists. They'll be taking BIG haircuts when the gubmit is writing the checks. Tough shit for them too, I hope they enjoyed paying those massive student loans off for nothing.

There's no way those who created this thing didn't see this happening.

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This law was passed to get to the single payer. It's not hard to see. It is a staged act played out by a temporary majority passing what is known as Mutant Legislation according the words of the Founding Fathers............

The ACA is meant to fail, and cause CHAOS............So the only alternative is for the Gov't to step in and save the day, even though they caused it scenario.

They will lay the blame on everyone except for themselves and cause a public outcry to fix this mess they caused..........

End Game is single payer...........
Look Out Below, The Obamacare Chaos Is Coming - Forbes

The Article explains it very well, and estimates 20 million will lose their coverage. And this is an older article..........which is starting to come true...........

Employer Mandate put off for one year to delay the carnage until after the elections by proxy, without the rule of law........

Liberal Scum sink to lower levels in their schemes to get what they want, not caring about the destruction caused in their path to get what they want.

They are despicable people, who damage America because of their BS Ideologies.

I hope more of them practice Birth Control so they will stop breeding and spreading their disease around the globe.

That's just my personal opinion on them.
This was the biggest scam played on us ever

and people just sit back and do nothing

they are out to destroy us and private sector businesses all rolled into one
You all ain't seen nothing yet. When insurance companies start going bankrupt because they can't handle the claims forced upon them by Obamacare, then the real fun starts. This combined with the millions of Americans who have already lost their health insurance, and we'll have some very serious issues.

That and the $100 billion a year the 1,300 insurance companies pay in:
Federal taxes... who will make up the difference?
State taxes...
Local taxes...

And property taxes... remember these 1,300 companies have offices, rent buildings pay property taxes.
They go out of business who's taxes will have to increase (i.e. like Detroit???)?

Finally 400,000 employees pink slipped. unemployment checks: Cost: $300/week for 99 weeks: nearly $12 billion PLUS these people won't be paying into
social security or Medicare.. at an average of $30,000 salary at this is another nearly $2 billion NOT coming in..

But of course the idiots who HATE evil capitalist profiteering companies as Obama do.. they prefer as Obama said in his OWN words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" [/I]Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

Well if you are a proponent of a "single payer" THAT means 1,300 companies go out of business!


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