The 'Science' Behind Democrat Explanation Global Warming Is Cause Of Wildfires

The simple truth is that the warmer Earth is, the wetter it is, and no matter how many BS things you can parrot, that truth cannot be refuted....
I guess you need to explain to them why the cool La Niña pattern is causing the drought.. The globe is only warming in regions not as a whole..

Alarmists do not have working brains...
Its really sad that over 100 years of forestry mismanagement by liberals is being swept under the rug... Its time to throw these idiots into the fires they created and get real people who know what they are doing in to fix it... The problem is, how do you keep from getting crown fires when there is 50+ years of fuel on the forest floor? There may be no way to do this safely..

That’s BULLSHIT. Just because a dumb SOB told you about forest mismanagement doesn’t mean it’s true. Are you forgetting something or just pure ignorance?
1. Several of these wildfires that are going on here in California are under federal lands.
2 We have drought.
3. Last 2 weeks a record breaking heat waves here in Ca reaching 120°+.
4. Then Santa Ana winds.
5. Like the Bobcat fire only access is helicopter.

Yes we blamed on climate change.
You moron...

We have been in a La Niña flow for about three years now..

Winter Predicton.JPG

This normal flow change is cyclical.. Forestry mismanagement and the normal dry cycle made worse by man starting fires. these are the issues.

Yes our climate is changing but not how you think or why you think it is.

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