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The Self-Loathing Jew

silly -----"RESPECT" ???? any person who uses the term "MUSLIM LAND" supports rape, murder, pillage and ENSLAVEMENT OF STOLEN CHILDREN" as a "LEGAL" means to obtain ownership of land.

so sorry MUHJAHAD the CIVILIZING of the middle east precedes the birth of the rapist pig by THOUSANDS OF YEARS civilized HUMANS buy land King David actually BOUGHT JERUSALEM Abraham ---the founding prophet of the jews, actually BOUGHT Hebron the pig of mecca never purchased an inch of arabia ------but he was good at raping and murdering -----READ YOUR KORAN

oh BTW the zionists of the 1800s BOUGHT land too
Irosie take cymbalta pills they help
I gotta tell ya that exchange was one of the funniest I have witnessed. I practically fell off my chair laughing. Reminded of the "who's on first base" exchange.

Are you gonna blame me? Seriously I'm doing something she should perceive as a good thing than she posts random things
That's what made me laugh. She didn't get it that you were actually defending her. We're all human, after all.
I gotta tell ya that exchange was one of the funniest I have witnessed. I practically fell off my chair laughing. Reminded of the "who's on first base" exchange.

Are you gonna blame me? Seriously I'm doing something she should perceive as a good thing than she posts random things
That's what made me laugh. She didn't get it that you were actually defending her. We're all human, after all.

I know lol I was trying to make it obvious too
Sir, it is a well-known fact that military service is a bastion of the undereducated---as you so clearly demonstrate...soldiers don't think--they follow, once you join the military you check you mind, personal feelings, autonomy, and morality at the door...
I absolutely agree with you for once. It wasn't American soldiers who gave you license to be a creep in public; it was the political parties. Along with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Saul Alinsky,Barry Sotero and the rest of that human scum and garbage. Being a colledge perfesser and all, I suppose you are acquainted with that mangy nest of rats, with the exception of Alinsky (Self Hating Jew Extraordinaire) whom God stilled his evil heart forever. As for the military, most have a college degree if not some college today and could give you professional students some valuable lessons. Chowderhead.

Incorrect Sir...the vast majority of those in the military are underedcuated...some take online courses at third-rate universities like Phoenix-online--paid by the GI-bill, but most have a high school edcuation and choose the military becasue of extremely limited options...minorities from the inner city and poor whites from devasted factory towns form 99% of the military today...their service has nothing whatsoever to do with such bandied ideas as 'defending our freedoms" or "serving their country"....moreover they are essentially cannon-fodder for elite foreign policies who origins and strategies they scarcely begin to comprehend...how very tragic that they lay down their lives in the belief that they are fighting terrorism---when in fact they are participating in it....
Bull shit.
I absolutely agree with you for once. It wasn't American soldiers who gave you license to be a creep in public; it was the political parties. Along with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Saul Alinsky,Barry Sotero and the rest of that human scum and garbage. Being a colledge perfesser and all, I suppose you are acquainted with that mangy nest of rats, with the exception of Alinsky (Self Hating Jew Extraordinaire) whom God stilled his evil heart forever. As for the military, most have a college degree if not some college today and could give you professional students some valuable lessons. Chowderhead.

Incorrect Sir...the vast majority of those in the military are underedcuated...some take online courses at third-rate universities like Phoenix-online--paid by the GI-bill, but most have a high school edcuation and choose the military becasue of extremely limited options...minorities from the inner city and poor whites from devasted factory towns form 99% of the military today...their service has nothing whatsoever to do with such bandied ideas as 'defending our freedoms" or "serving their country"....moreover they are essentially cannon-fodder for elite foreign policies who origins and strategies they scarcely begin to comprehend...how very tragic that they lay down their lives in the belief that they are fighting terrorism---when in fact they are participating in it....
Bull shit.
The way I see things, I and the rest of those under educated dupes signed a blank check for Uncle Sam and it wasn't because of fame or fortune. WTF have you done for your country except to disrespect it while tearing it down? And visit a military post or ship and see what kind of people they are. They're amazing, Turd Blossom.
Why certainly: [ antisemitism ] is defined as attitudes that are injurious and defamatory to Jews...what could possibly be more harmful to Jews than the central values of Zionism? Apparently you have a phobia to brevity as well as facts
When I was in the Army, we were taught to communicate in such a manner as to be; Clear. Complete. and Concise. That means don't run off at the mouth. Course you being a colledge perfesser and all that wouldn't ken that.

Sir, it is a well-known fact that military service is a bastion of the undereducated---as you so clearly demonstrate...soldiers don't think--they follow, once you join the military you check you mind, personal feelings, autonomy, and morality at the door...

why is it that a lot of jews trash the military. most of the kids who join have very limited opportunities because of an economic system that discriminates against the poor. just because some rich jewish person like you has a rich daddy is no reason to trash our troops.

sokdiers think fine, and part of that thinking, yes, involves following legal orders. i don't want to be debating existentialism and morality when some bad guy is bustin; in on my position. also, if the troopies are so stupid, what does that make you. you're taxes are paying for them.
When I was in the Army, we were taught to communicate in such a manner as to be; Clear. Complete. and Concise. That means don't run off at the mouth. Course you being a colledge perfesser and all that wouldn't ken that.

Sir, it is a well-known fact that military service is a bastion of the undereducated---as you so clearly demonstrate...soldiers don't think--they follow, once you join the military you check you mind, personal feelings, autonomy, and morality at the door...

why is it that a lot of jews trash the military. most of the kids who join have very limited opportunities because of an economic system that discriminates against the poor. just because some rich jewish person like you has a rich daddy is no reason to trash our troops.

You don't know for a fact that the poster is rich or Jewish or ever knew his daddy but none of that stops a dime-a-dozen Nazi skank from taking a cheap shot at Jews, eh Bubba.
When I was in the Army, we were taught to communicate in such a manner as to be; Clear. Complete. and Concise. That means don't run off at the mouth. Course you being a colledge perfesser and all that wouldn't ken that.

Sir, it is a well-known fact that military service is a bastion of the undereducated---as you so clearly demonstrate...soldiers don't think--they follow, once you join the military you check you mind, personal feelings, autonomy, and morality at the door...

why is it that a lot of jews trash the military. most of the kids who join have very limited opportunities because of an economic system that discriminates against the poor. just because some rich jewish person like you has a rich daddy is no reason to trash our troops.

sokdiers think fine, and part of that thinking, yes, involves following legal orders. i don't want to be debating existentialism and morality when some bad guy is bustin; in on my position. also, if the troopies are so stupid, what does that make you. you're taxes are paying for them.

"legal orders"? LOL Whose law? Can you rationally disprove the statements I've made? Can you tell us that the vast majority of enlisted men are Rhodes Scholars? or are they mostly undereducated with extremely limited options? No one introduced the prospect of debating "existentialism" or moral relativism, I merely stated the statistical facts---enlisted men are none too educated. As for taxes, your tax dollars subsidize Israel...how is that working for you? Can you possibly expound on this "bad guys" thesis? who are the good guys?
When I was in the Army, we were taught to communicate in such a manner as to be; Clear. Complete. and Concise. That means don't run off at the mouth. Course you being a colledge perfesser and all that wouldn't ken that.

Sir, it is a well-known fact that military service is a bastion of the undereducated---as you so clearly demonstrate...soldiers don't think--they follow, once you join the military you check you mind, personal feelings, autonomy, and morality at the door...

why is it that a lot of jews trash the military. most of the kids who join have very limited opportunities because of an economic system that discriminates against the poor. just because some rich jewish person like you has a rich daddy is no reason to trash our troops.

sokdiers think fine, and part of that thinking, yes, involves following legal orders. i don't want to be debating existentialism and morality when some bad guy is bustin; in on my position. also, if the troopies are so stupid, what does that make you. you're taxes are paying for them.

This is the first and only time I've heard a Jew bash the military. In Israel, of course, everyone does the army. All 8 of my cousins, both male and female, have been soldiers, and one died. Growing up in post-draft America, none of my Jewish friends did the American Army, but their dads were drafted during World War 2. One of my friend's dads was a colonel, and another helped liberate the concentration camps.
Incorrect Sir...the vast majority of those in the military are underedcuated...some take online courses at third-rate universities like Phoenix-online--paid by the GI-bill, but most have a high school edcuation and choose the military becasue of extremely limited options...minorities from the inner city and poor whites from devasted factory towns form 99% of the military today...their service has nothing whatsoever to do with such bandied ideas as 'defending our freedoms" or "serving their country"....moreover they are essentially cannon-fodder for elite foreign policies who origins and strategies they scarcely begin to comprehend...how very tragic that they lay down their lives in the belief that they are fighting terrorism---when in fact they are participating in it....
Bull shit.
The way I see things, I and the rest of those under educated dupes signed a blank check for Uncle Sam and it wasn't because of fame or fortune. WTF have you done for your country except to disrespect it while tearing it down? And visit a military post or ship and see what kind of people they are. They're amazing, Turd Blossom.

Kindly elaborate here Sir...please explain what unit of considration I am 'disrespecting'...is America some either-or proposal that boils inexorably down to blind allegiance or exile? This is the astonishingly simplistic thinking I am citing in my comments...apparently you are none too educated yourself...the military is an enforcement arm for foreign policy determinations--most of which violate the central statutes of international law...take Iraq and Afghanistan as two typical examples...both are egregious examples of state-sanctioned large-scale terrorism and human-rights crimes, but we are the nation that hosts these military exercises so we refer to them cynically as "defensive measures"...Vietnam was an awesome military crime agaisnt a civilian population, something you confess participation in...I regret to inform you that in this capacity you are a criminal...a willing accomplice to a staggering crime

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