The Senate Border bill, which some Republicans favor (but I was not able to read)




Basically it all comes down to what I just posted and this is our answer:

That's interesting, I just heard from a family member that this whole entire securing the border thing is actually a scam to get illegal immigrants into our country secretly and that's what they want to use the money for. Not actually using it for security purposes.
Wakey wakey!!!!

Time to wake up!

He is correct.

The whole thing is a sham, written up by a bunch of globalist fags.

It is designed to codify the invasion, allowing 8000+ aliens a day.
The bald headed fag in charge of DHS would be given “special authority” to grant asylum to anyone he wants without review.
Only one DC circuit court would be allowed to hear challenges.

View attachment 897928


I knew this bill was bad but --- THIS: putting DC in charge of immigration!

Those sick POSes!

HURRAY! Mayorkas is impeached! :thewave:

why would anyone vote for these self-aggrandizing, demonized "people"???

No one with an IQ over room temp, that is for sure


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