The Shade War Between Kamala Harris and Jill Biden that Everyone is Missing

I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lying ass bovine excrement!
]The Liberty Daily - Media Bias/Fact Check

View attachment 501454

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Liberty Daily Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of sources who routinely fail fact checks as well as a complete lack of transparency regarding who is behind the website.

There is absoluty nothing to substantiate this hateful and moronic bullshit. You re and irresponsabile ass!
English please. When you can’t disprove the story, attack the source. It’s been reported a few times that Jill and Kamala aren’t exactly besties.
A few times, eh? Where? When?
Fuck off troll. Your pathetic bullshit is just that.

So.....its this blogger citing himself as Kamala and Jill and......who? So far, the source of this 'war' is the ignorant ramblings of some wordpress blogger who doesn't know anyone involved, quoting himself.

That's it? Really?
Try looking at post #29. Then STFU and slink off In embarrassment.

Biden was pissed after that debate too. He got over it. What makes you think either he or Jill are still pissed Kamala?

Remember, the imaginary 'shade war' that the wordpress blogger made up is supposedly happening right now.

With your only source being 'J.D.' from a random wordpress blog, citing himself. That's all you got?

The standard of evidence in your little bubbles is wanting, Red.
Move those goalposts retard. Fuck off. didn't read the OP, did you?

Its not about a shade war in 2019 after the debate. Its about a shade war RIGHT NOW, with the latest salvo (in the imagination of wordpress blogger 'J.D' anyway) fired less than a week ago.

So.....beyond JD citing himself as Kamala and Jill, what evidence do you have that there is any bad blood between them?

Go ahead. I'll wait.
Go away little boy. Adults are speaking. Hey fuckwit, i was asked for articles showing PRIOR problems between the two leading to today. Looks like YOU didn’t read the posts. Go ahead. Look at them. Then apologize.

Laughing....its okay. No one expected you to be able to back up the rambling fantasy of 'J.D.' the wordpress blogger, citing himself.

Anyone else want to take a shot? Or is this just standard conservative flat earth nonsense where the 'accusation is the evidence'?
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lol, there's a shitload of wishful thinking there, and no reality at all.

You kids just can't make anything stick, can you.

Its a jarring transition from their fetid little womb of conspiracy batshit where any accusation is accepted as absolute the real world where we ask all these inconvenient questions and demand more than their Jill and Kamala fan fiction.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lol, there's a shitload of wishful thinking there, and no reality at all.

You kids just can't make anything stick, can you.

Its a jarring transition from their fetid little womb of conspiracy batshit where any accusation is accepted as absolute the real world where we ask all these inconvenient questions and demand more than their Jill and Kamala fan fiction.
Please, don't give them any ideas. Fan-fic is always so damn weird.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lying ass bovine excrement!
]The Liberty Daily - Media Bias/Fact Check

View attachment 501454

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Liberty Daily Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of sources who routinely fail fact checks as well as a complete lack of transparency regarding who is behind the website.

There is absoluty nothing to substantiate this hateful and moronic bullshit. You re and irresponsabile ass!
English please. When you can’t disprove the story, attack the source. It’s been reported a few times that Jill and Kamala aren’t exactly besties.
A few times, eh? Where? When?
Fuck off troll. Your pathetic bullshit is just that.

So.....its this blogger citing himself as Kamala and Jill and......who? So far, the source of this 'war' is the ignorant ramblings of some wordpress blogger who doesn't know anyone involved, quoting himself.

That's it? Really?
Try looking at post #29. Then STFU and slink off In embarrassment.

Biden was pissed after that debate too. He got over it. What makes you think either he or Jill are still pissed Kamala?

Remember, the imaginary 'shade war' that the wordpress blogger made up is supposedly happening right now.

With your only source being 'J.D.' from a random wordpress blog, citing himself. That's all you got?

The standard of evidence in your little bubbles is wanting, Red.
Move those goalposts retard. Fuck off. didn't read the OP, did you?

Its not about a shade war in 2019 after the debate. Its about a shade war RIGHT NOW, with the latest salvo (in the imagination of wordpress blogger 'J.D' anyway) fired less than a week ago.

So.....beyond JD citing himself as Kamala and Jill, what evidence do you have that there is any bad blood between them?

Go ahead. I'll wait.
Go away little boy. Adults are speaking. Hey fuckwit, i was asked for articles showing PRIOR problems between the two leading to today. Looks like YOU didn’t read the posts. Go ahead. Look at them. Then apologize.

Laughing....its okay. No one expected you to be able to back up the rambling fantasy of 'J.D.' the wordpress blogger, citing himself.

Anyone else want to take a shot? Or is this just standard conservative flat earth nonsense where the 'accusation is the evidence'?
LAughing at your own illiteracy. Nobody expects a lifelong liar like you to tell the truth. Glad to see you admit you’re a flat Earther since your pathetic totally debunked accusations toward Trump were all based on the accusation being the evidence. Pointing at you and laughing some more.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lol, there's a shitload of wishful thinking there, and no reality at all.

You kids just can't make anything stick, can you.

Its a jarring transition from their fetid little womb of conspiracy batshit where any accusation is accepted as absolute the real world where we ask all these inconvenient questions and demand more than their Jill and Kamala fan fiction.
Please, don't give them any ideas. Fan-fic is always so damn weird.

C' have Roger Stone spinning yarns about how N. Korea delivered fake ballots by sea IN MAINE. And the head of the CIA being killed in a fire fight with the US military as they ceased dominion servers IN GERMANY.

Do you think they need *me* to give them inspiration for the absolutely delusional horseshit they make up?

They'll literally accept ANY wordpress blogger as an irrefutable source if they will make up stories that buttress their beliefs.

These are very creative, very fragile people.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Xi gave Biden his orders: you're picking the cackling laughing stock as your VP
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lying ass bovine excrement!
]The Liberty Daily - Media Bias/Fact Check

View attachment 501454

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Liberty Daily Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of sources who routinely fail fact checks as well as a complete lack of transparency regarding who is behind the website.

There is absoluty nothing to substantiate this hateful and moronic bullshit. You re and irresponsabile ass!
English please. When you can’t disprove the story, attack the source. It’s been reported a few times that Jill and Kamala aren’t exactly besties.
A few times, eh? Where? When?
Fuck off troll. Your pathetic bullshit is just that.

So.....its this blogger citing himself as Kamala and Jill and......who? So far, the source of this 'war' is the ignorant ramblings of some wordpress blogger who doesn't know anyone involved, quoting himself.

That's it? Really?
Try looking at post #29. Then STFU and slink off In embarrassment.

Biden was pissed after that debate too. He got over it. What makes you think either he or Jill are still pissed Kamala?

Remember, the imaginary 'shade war' that the wordpress blogger made up is supposedly happening right now.

With your only source being 'J.D.' from a random wordpress blog, citing himself. That's all you got?

The standard of evidence in your little bubbles is wanting, Red.
Move those goalposts retard. Fuck off. didn't read the OP, did you?

Its not about a shade war in 2019 after the debate. Its about a shade war RIGHT NOW, with the latest salvo (in the imagination of wordpress blogger 'J.D' anyway) fired less than a week ago.

So.....beyond JD citing himself as Kamala and Jill, what evidence do you have that there is any bad blood between them?

Go ahead. I'll wait.
Go away little boy. Adults are speaking. Hey fuckwit, i was asked for articles showing PRIOR problems between the two leading to today. Looks like YOU didn’t read the posts. Go ahead. Look at them. Then apologize.

Laughing....its okay. No one expected you to be able to back up the rambling fantasy of 'J.D.' the wordpress blogger, citing himself.

Anyone else want to take a shot? Or is this just standard conservative flat earth nonsense where the 'accusation is the evidence'?
LAughing at your own illiteracy. Nobody expects a lifelong liar like you to tell the truth. Glad to see you admit you’re a flat Earther since your pathetic totally debunked accusations toward Trump were all based on the accusation being the evidence. Pointing at you and laughing some more.

And by a 'life long liar', you mean anyone who won't accept your made up fantasies as gospel truth?

It has to be so jarring for your ilk, so uncomfortable to have anyone ask, you know.....questions. To try and apply logic to the stories you make up. To ask for evidence.

Else, why would you poor souls accept 'J.D.' the wordpress blogger (citing himself, of course) as your primary source?
Did you guys miss Jill Biden's response to Kamala Harris basically calling Joe a racist at the first debate? Jill didn't take it well. She told Kamala to go fuck herself. That's hard to walk back.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Xi gave Biden his orders: you're picking the cackling laughing stock as your VP

Says Crusader, citing himself....the birther conspiracy guy, as I remember.

Look, Lantern......a baseless accusation backed by exactly jack shit.Its the right wing gold standard! Surely that's got to be just as good as 'J.D.' the wordpress blogger.
Did you guys miss Jill Biden's response to Kamala Harris basically calling Joe a racist at the first debate? Jill didn't take it well. She told Kamala to go fuck herself. That's hard to walk back.

Neither did Joe right after the debate. He got over it.

What makes you think that there is any bad blood between Jill and Kamala today? I mean, beyond your fever dreams, fantasies and incoherent fan fiction posted on worddpress blogs.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lol, there's a shitload of wishful thinking there, and no reality at all.

You kids just can't make anything stick, can you.

Its a jarring transition from their fetid little womb of conspiracy batshit where any accusation is accepted as absolute the real world where we ask all these inconvenient questions and demand more than their Jill and Kamala fan fiction.
Please, don't give them any ideas. Fan-fic is always so damn weird.
Indeed...the orange fan-fic is really weird.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lying ass bovine excrement!
]The Liberty Daily - Media Bias/Fact Check

View attachment 501454

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Liberty Daily Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, use of sources who routinely fail fact checks as well as a complete lack of transparency regarding who is behind the website.

There is absoluty nothing to substantiate this hateful and moronic bullshit. You re and irresponsabile ass!
English please. When you can’t disprove the story, attack the source. It’s been reported a few times that Jill and Kamala aren’t exactly besties.
A few times, eh? Where? When?
Fuck off troll. Your pathetic bullshit is just that.

So.....its this blogger citing himself as Kamala and Jill and......who? So far, the source of this 'war' is the ignorant ramblings of some wordpress blogger who doesn't know anyone involved, quoting himself.

That's it? Really?
Try looking at post #29. Then STFU and slink off In embarrassment.

Biden was pissed after that debate too. He got over it. What makes you think either he or Jill are still pissed Kamala?

Remember, the imaginary 'shade war' that the wordpress blogger made up is supposedly happening right now.

With your only source being 'J.D.' from a random wordpress blog, citing himself. That's all you got?

The standard of evidence in your little bubbles is wanting, Red.
Move those goalposts retard. Fuck off. didn't read the OP, did you?

Its not about a shade war in 2019 after the debate. Its about a shade war RIGHT NOW, with the latest salvo (in the imagination of wordpress blogger 'J.D' anyway) fired less than a week ago.

So.....beyond JD citing himself as Kamala and Jill, what evidence do you have that there is any bad blood between them?

Go ahead. I'll wait.
Go away little boy. Adults are speaking. Hey fuckwit, i was asked for articles showing PRIOR problems between the two leading to today. Looks like YOU didn’t read the posts. Go ahead. Look at them. Then apologize.

Laughing....its okay. No one expected you to be able to back up the rambling fantasy of 'J.D.' the wordpress blogger, citing himself.

Anyone else want to take a shot? Or is this just standard conservative flat earth nonsense where the 'accusation is the evidence'?
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lol, there's a shitload of wishful thinking there, and no reality at all.

You kids just can't make anything stick, can you.

Its a jarring transition from their fetid little womb of conspiracy batshit where any accusation is accepted as absolute the real world where we ask all these inconvenient questions and demand more than their Jill and Kamala fan fiction.
Please, don't give them any ideas. Fan-fic is always so damn weird.
Indeed...the orange fan-fic is really weird.

I imagine it would include an obscene quantity of bald eagles.
Did you guys miss Jill Biden's response to Kamala Harris basically calling Joe a racist at the first debate? Jill didn't take it well. She told Kamala to go fuck herself. That's hard to walk back.
Not that hard if both parties are adults.
True....something the trump fluffers are NOT accustomed to or comfortable with.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Lol, there's a shitload of wishful thinking there, and no reality at all.

You kids just can't make anything stick, can you.

Its a jarring transition from their fetid little womb of conspiracy batshit where any accusation is accepted as absolute the real world where we ask all these inconvenient questions and demand more than their Jill and Kamala fan fiction.
Please, don't give them any ideas. Fan-fic is always so damn weird.
Indeed...the orange fan-fic is really weird.

I imagine it would include an obscene quantity of bald eagles.
I saw this coming way back and posted about it. Now we see it as we speak......Jill biden has used some very filthy language towards Kamilla....type of language no one should use...but certainly not a first severely demeans the office....but most have seen it or heard about it.

I am sure Jill was opposed to Kamala as the v.p. the big question Now (as everyone knows Joe never goes against what Jill wants) how did kamala get the v.p. .....slot? had to be the handiwork of Joe's puppetmasters.

Xi gave Biden his orders: you're picking the cackling laughing stock as your VP

Says Crusader, citing himself....the birther conspiracy guy, as I remember.

Look, Lantern......a baseless accusation backed by exactly jack shit.Its the right wing gold standard! Surely that's got to be just as good as 'J.D.' the wordpress blogger.

Obama himself said he was "born in Kenya"


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