The Shocking Truth About Hillary's October Surprise

OP- The truth? lol. Pure conjecture for haters only...

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^

You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

I hope she's ready for Assange's 'October Surprise'...

Yes. That's coming too!

Yes but the Propaganda MSM will ignore it, just like they ignore everything that's damaging to Hillary and Obama.

But , it's not so easy to ignore Julian Assange's news.

Wasserman Schultz resigned amid the past leaked email scandal....and many others did too! :2up:

Go Julian!

Go Julian! Go Putin! Go Trump!

OP- The truth? lol. Pure conjecture for haters only...

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^
You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Obama is even to stupid to understand the difference between "loving this guy" and saying "he's a strong leader" and cooperate with him. And this loser is telling the people "Trump is unfit to be a president"!

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

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OP- The truth? lol. Pure conjecture for haters only...

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^

You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Yup, Putin is a great guy. You Trumpers love thugs.

Better start a crusade against Islam. Booosh showed that works great. Attack people that have nothing to do with it.
Very good analysis by Paul Watson, about what Hillary Clinton might try to pull before the elections. :thup:

I honestly hope she and her helpers and sycophants don't do it. That's all.

Published on Sep 21, 2016

You can never put anything past the Clintons
I hope she's ready for Assange's 'October Surprise'...

Yes. That's coming too!

Yes but the Propaganda MSM will ignore it, just like they ignore everything that's damaging to Hillary and Obama.

But , it's not so easy to ignore Julian Assange's news.

Wasserman Schultz resigned amid the past leaked email scandal....and many others did too! :2up:

Go Julian!

Go Julian! Go Putin! Go Trump!

OP- The truth? lol. Pure conjecture for haters only...

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^
You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions

Yup, corrupt, violent, brainwashed oligarchies are great...Like Trump might do to us.
OP- The truth? lol. Pure conjecture for haters only...

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^

You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Yup, Putin is a great guy. You Trumpers love thugs.

Better start a crusade against Islam. Booosh showed that works great. Attack people that have nothing to do with it.

"You Trumpers love thugs."

Yes it's a pity that Putin isn't black then you Leftists would worship at his feet.

You've never had an original thought in your pea-brain, you're a typical Kool-Aid Drinking Leftist Troll.
I hope she's ready for Assange's 'October Surprise'...

Yes. That's coming too!

Yes but the Propaganda MSM will ignore it, just like they ignore everything that's damaging to Hillary and Obama.

But , it's not so easy to ignore Julian Assange's news.

Wasserman Schultz resigned amid the past leaked email scandal....and many others did too! :2up:

Go Julian!

Go Julian! Go Putin! Go Trump!

OP- The truth? lol. Pure conjecture for haters only...

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^
You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Obama is even to stupid to understand the difference between "loving this guy" and saying "he's a strong leader" and cooperate with him. And this loser is telling the people "Trump is unfit to be a president"!

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions

It's to be expected that the Leftist Hillarybots with their collective mental age of 8 years-old cannot respond correctly, so as usual they've resorted to doing what they do and that's Trolling and posting Off Topic not related to the OP Topic.
Yes. That's coming too!

Yes but the Propaganda MSM will ignore it, just like they ignore everything that's damaging to Hillary and Obama.

But , it's not so easy to ignore Julian Assange's news.

Wasserman Schultz resigned amid the past leaked email scandal....and many others did too! :2up:

Go Julian!

Go Julian! Go Putin! Go Trump!

OP- The truth? lol. Pure conjecture for haters only...

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^
You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Obama is even to stupid to understand the difference between "loving this guy" and saying "he's a strong leader" and cooperate with him. And this loser is telling the people "Trump is unfit to be a president"!

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions

It's to be expected that the Leftist Hillarybots with their collective mental age of 8 years-old cannot respond correctly, so as usual they've resorted to doing what they do and that's Trolling and posting Off Topic not related to the OP Topic.

Leftists are learning from their "leaders". Obama, Hillary and others are trolling too: they have never said a word of truth (may be once: when Hillary told what she really was thinking about Trump supporters, calling them deplorables.)
OP- The truth? lol. Pure conjecture for haters only...

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^

You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Yup, Putin is a great guy. You Trumpers love thugs.

Better start a crusade against Islam. Booosh showed that works great. Attack people that have nothing to do with it.

"You Trumpers love thugs."

Yes it's a pity that Putin isn't black then you Leftists would worship at his feet.

You've never had an original thought in your pea-brain, you're a typical Kool-Aid Drinking Leftist Troll.
Racist Russia wouldn't allow that lol...or the racist GOP. Snapped back to race didn't you. Laughable argument.
Yes but the Propaganda MSM will ignore it, just like they ignore everything that's damaging to Hillary and Obama.

But , it's not so easy to ignore Julian Assange's news.

Wasserman Schultz resigned amid the past leaked email scandal....and many others did too! :2up:

Go Julian!

Go Julian! Go Putin! Go Trump!

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^
You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Obama is even to stupid to understand the difference between "loving this guy" and saying "he's a strong leader" and cooperate with him. And this loser is telling the people "Trump is unfit to be a president"!

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions

It's to be expected that the Leftist Hillarybots with their collective mental age of 8 years-old cannot respond correctly, so as usual they've resorted to doing what they do and that's Trolling and posting Off Topic not related to the OP Topic.

Leftists are learning from their "leaders". Obama, Hillary and others are trolling too: they have never said a word of truth (may be once: when Hillary told what she really was thinking about Trump supporters, calling them deplorables.)
Many are. For their hate, greed and ignorance.
Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^

You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Yup, Putin is a great guy. You Trumpers love thugs.

Better start a crusade against Islam. Booosh showed that works great. Attack people that have nothing to do with it.

"You Trumpers love thugs."

Yes it's a pity that Putin isn't black then you Leftists would worship at his feet.

You've never had an original thought in your pea-brain, you're a typical Kool-Aid Drinking Leftist Troll.
Racist Russia wouldn't allow that lol...or the racist GOP. Snapped back to race didn't you. Laughable argument.

"Racist Russia"


Yes but the Propaganda MSM will ignore it, just like they ignore everything that's damaging to Hillary and Obama.

But , it's not so easy to ignore Julian Assange's news.

Wasserman Schultz resigned amid the past leaked email scandal....and many others did too! :2up:

Go Julian!

Go Julian! Go Putin! Go Trump!

Lookie, lookie.....another one there ^^^
You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Obama is even to stupid to understand the difference between "loving this guy" and saying "he's a strong leader" and cooperate with him. And this loser is telling the people "Trump is unfit to be a president"!

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions

It's to be expected that the Leftist Hillarybots with their collective mental age of 8 years-old cannot respond correctly, so as usual they've resorted to doing what they do and that's Trolling and posting Off Topic not related to the OP Topic.

Leftists are learning from their "leaders". Obama, Hillary and others are trolling too: they have never said a word of truth (may be once: when Hillary told what she really was thinking about Trump supporters, calling them deplorables.)

Hilarious from nonstop lying GOP. "Obama had total control for 2 years>his policies cause inequality, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
Poor Hitlery... she looks absolutely HAGGARD... and she sounds like she's coming completely unhinged... and those poor little progtards that think this lying, corrupt, sick old shyster is the best person to be president... my goodness... just more evidence that liberalism is a mental illness... you can almost smell the desperation...

Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

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