The Shocking Truth About Hillary's October Surprise

But , it's not so easy to ignore Julian Assange's news.

Wasserman Schultz resigned amid the past leaked email scandal....and many others did too! :2up:

Go Julian!

Go Julian! Go Putin! Go Trump!

You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Obama is even to stupid to understand the difference between "loving this guy" and saying "he's a strong leader" and cooperate with him. And this loser is telling the people "Trump is unfit to be a president"!

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions

It's to be expected that the Leftist Hillarybots with their collective mental age of 8 years-old cannot respond correctly, so as usual they've resorted to doing what they do and that's Trolling and posting Off Topic not related to the OP Topic.

Leftists are learning from their "leaders". Obama, Hillary and others are trolling too: they have never said a word of truth (may be once: when Hillary told what she really was thinking about Trump supporters, calling them deplorables.)
Many are. For their hate, greed and ignorance.

Most of the hate and ignorance is coming from the Leftist Hillarybots.

You know what idiotic fear mongering is, hater dupe? I doubt it.

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Yup, Putin is a great guy. You Trumpers love thugs.

Better start a crusade against Islam. Booosh showed that works great. Attack people that have nothing to do with it.

"You Trumpers love thugs."

Yes it's a pity that Putin isn't black then you Leftists would worship at his feet.

You've never had an original thought in your pea-brain, you're a typical Kool-Aid Drinking Leftist Troll.
Racist Russia wouldn't allow that lol...or the racist GOP. Snapped back to race didn't you. Laughable argument.

"Racist Russia"

View attachment 90671
Just trying to tell you about the real world, ignoramus. Does sound like a paradise for many GOPers...
Racism in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Racism in Russia appears mainly in the form of negative attitudes and actions by some Russianstowards people who they do not consider white. Traditionally ...
Public sentiments and politics · ‎Racism by targeted group · ‎Association football
How bad is the racism problem in Russia? - Quora
Bad it would appear: Recent years have seen a marked increase in xenophobia, racism, and violence against non-Slavs within the Russian Federation.
Cody Boutilier - Racism Runs Deep in Russia - | National Review
National Review
Feb 1, 2014 - Brezhnev-era internationalist cant aside, Russia is a deeply racist country that holds minorities in open contempt — not quite the equivalent of ...
Go Julian! Go Putin! Go Trump!

The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Obama is even to stupid to understand the difference between "loving this guy" and saying "he's a strong leader" and cooperate with him. And this loser is telling the people "Trump is unfit to be a president"!

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions

It's to be expected that the Leftist Hillarybots with their collective mental age of 8 years-old cannot respond correctly, so as usual they've resorted to doing what they do and that's Trolling and posting Off Topic not related to the OP Topic.

Leftists are learning from their "leaders". Obama, Hillary and others are trolling too: they have never said a word of truth (may be once: when Hillary told what she really was thinking about Trump supporters, calling them deplorables.)
Many are. For their hate, greed and ignorance.

Most of the hate and ignorance is coming from the Leftist Hillarybots.


Nice propaganda spam, dupe. I thought we were pussies...get your story straight for once...
They did to Sanders, I fully expect more of that type of behavior.
No evidence of that, just hacked e-mails of staffers BSing, dupe.
You believe in that murderous bitch you are the dupe.
Murderous? lol .
Benghazi, Foster etc
LOL idiot. Bengazi is not murder by Hillary lol no matter how you look at it- And it was almost undoubtedly the video that triggered it like all the other attacks at the time. There were FIVE investigations of Foster, one by Starr, and the all found absolutely no possibility of that, dupe. Read something, Rush.
The fear mongering is the propaganda that's been spewed for nearly two years that Russia and Vladimir Putin are the greatest threats the world faces, whilst at the same time telling people that ISIS aren't that much of a threat and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism and are tolerant and peaceful.

Yup, Putin is a great guy. You Trumpers love thugs.

Better start a crusade against Islam. Booosh showed that works great. Attack people that have nothing to do with it.

"You Trumpers love thugs."

Yes it's a pity that Putin isn't black then you Leftists would worship at his feet.

You've never had an original thought in your pea-brain, you're a typical Kool-Aid Drinking Leftist Troll.
Racist Russia wouldn't allow that lol...or the racist GOP. Snapped back to race didn't you. Laughable argument.

"Racist Russia"

View attachment 90671
Just trying to tell you about the real world, ignoramus. Does sound like a paradise for many GOPers...
Racism in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Racism in Russia appears mainly in the form of negative attitudes and actions by some Russianstowards people who they do not consider white. Traditionally ...
Public sentiments and politics · ‎Racism by targeted group · ‎Association football
How bad is the racism problem in Russia? - Quora
Bad it would appear: Recent years have seen a marked increase in xenophobia, racism, and violence against non-Slavs within the Russian Federation.
Cody Boutilier - Racism Runs Deep in Russia - | National Review
National Review
Feb 1, 2014 - Brezhnev-era internationalist cant aside, Russia is a deeply racist country that holds minorities in open contempt — not quite the equivalent of ...

Yes it's um racist not to want MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of not your own Ethnic people in your nation, it's um racist to want to put your own people first, it's um racist not to want your nation destroyed, it's um racist to protect your nations borders.

Yes we know Leftist Kool-Aid Drinker.

Our response as ever is this :lalala:

Obama has been already 'warming up' Hillary's supporters with his stupid declarations about "Republicans are supposed to dislike Russia".
Sep. 13, Obama accusing Trump: ”.. who just last week went on Russian TV to talk down our military and to create favor with Vladimir Putin. He loves this guy.
Think what happened to Republican Party: they used to oppose Russia and now their nominee is praising a guy, saying that he’s a strong leader”

Obama is even to stupid to understand the difference between "loving this guy" and saying "he's a strong leader" and cooperate with him. And this loser is telling the people "Trump is unfit to be a president"!

Putin last week: regarding the use of Russia and the President of Russia in the US presidential campaign, I really hope that it is a result of Russia’s growing influence and importance. However, I believe that it is mainly related to attempts to manipulate public opinion inside the country. We see an attempt to recreate an image of the so-called “evil empire” and instill fear in ordinary people. This is very sad because I do find such a crude attempt counterproductive.

Answers to media questions

It's to be expected that the Leftist Hillarybots with their collective mental age of 8 years-old cannot respond correctly, so as usual they've resorted to doing what they do and that's Trolling and posting Off Topic not related to the OP Topic.

Leftists are learning from their "leaders". Obama, Hillary and others are trolling too: they have never said a word of truth (may be once: when Hillary told what she really was thinking about Trump supporters, calling them deplorables.)
Many are. For their hate, greed and ignorance.

Most of the hate and ignorance is coming from the Leftist Hillarybots.


Nice propaganda spam, dupe. I thought we were pussies...get your story straight for once...

Says the Leftist Hillarybot who's posted nothing but Hillary HQ Propaganda Memo Points.
Yup, Putin is a great guy. You Trumpers love thugs.

Better start a crusade against Islam. Booosh showed that works great. Attack people that have nothing to do with it.

"You Trumpers love thugs."

Yes it's a pity that Putin isn't black then you Leftists would worship at his feet.

You've never had an original thought in your pea-brain, you're a typical Kool-Aid Drinking Leftist Troll.
Racist Russia wouldn't allow that lol...or the racist GOP. Snapped back to race didn't you. Laughable argument.

"Racist Russia"

View attachment 90671
Just trying to tell you about the real world, ignoramus. Does sound like a paradise for many GOPers...
Racism in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Racism in Russia appears mainly in the form of negative attitudes and actions by some Russianstowards people who they do not consider white. Traditionally ...
Public sentiments and politics · ‎Racism by targeted group · ‎Association football
How bad is the racism problem in Russia? - Quora
Bad it would appear: Recent years have seen a marked increase in xenophobia, racism, and violence against non-Slavs within the Russian Federation.
Cody Boutilier - Racism Runs Deep in Russia - | National Review
National Review
Feb 1, 2014 - Brezhnev-era internationalist cant aside, Russia is a deeply racist country that holds minorities in open contempt — not quite the equivalent of ...

Yes it's um racist not to want MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of not your own Ethnic people in your nation, it's um racist to want to put your own people first, it's um racist not to want your nation destroyed, it's um racist to protect your nations borders.

Yes we know Leftist Kool-Aid Drinker.

Our response as ever is this :lalala:

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ LOL. Millions? You're right off the wall. Mexicans? Why won't the GOP allow a good SS ID card? Your masters LOVE the cheap labor and baffle you with bs.
It's to be expected that the Leftist Hillarybots with their collective mental age of 8 years-old cannot respond correctly, so as usual they've resorted to doing what they do and that's Trolling and posting Off Topic not related to the OP Topic.

Leftists are learning from their "leaders". Obama, Hillary and others are trolling too: they have never said a word of truth (may be once: when Hillary told what she really was thinking about Trump supporters, calling them deplorables.)
Many are. For their hate, greed and ignorance.

Most of the hate and ignorance is coming from the Leftist Hillarybots.

Nice propaganda spam, dupe. I thought we were pussies...get your story straight for once...

Says the Leftist Hillarybot who's posted nothing but Hillary HQ Propaganda Memo Points.
It's called reality, dupe.
They did to Sanders, I fully expect more of that type of behavior.
No evidence of that, just hacked e-mails of staffers BSing, dupe.
You believe in that murderous bitch you are the dupe.
Murderous? lol .
Benghazi, Foster etc
LOL idiot. Bengazi is not murder by Hillary lol no matter how you look at it- And it was almost undoubtedly the video that triggered it like all the other attacks at the time. There were FIVE investigations of Foster, one by Starr, and the all found absolutely no possibility of that, dupe. Read something, Rush.

Franco thanks for continuing to boost my brilliant ratings, even the funny adds to my brilliant ratings.

I would funny your posts to boost your ratings, but darling your ratings are VERY LOW I'd just be wasting my time, but each post you make illustrates why you're so unpopular and have such very low ratings.

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from NY 26th FINALLY DEM!
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Leftists are learning from their "leaders". Obama, Hillary and others are trolling too: they have never said a word of truth (may be once: when Hillary told what she really was thinking about Trump supporters, calling them deplorables.)
Many are. For their hate, greed and ignorance.

Most of the hate and ignorance is coming from the Leftist Hillarybots.

Nice propaganda spam, dupe. I thought we were pussies...get your story straight for once...

Says the Leftist Hillarybot who's posted nothing but Hillary HQ Propaganda Memo Points.
It's called reality, dupe.

Whatever Sugar Pants :rolleyes-41:
"You Trumpers love thugs."

Yes it's a pity that Putin isn't black then you Leftists would worship at his feet.

You've never had an original thought in your pea-brain, you're a typical Kool-Aid Drinking Leftist Troll.
Racist Russia wouldn't allow that lol...or the racist GOP. Snapped back to race didn't you. Laughable argument.

"Racist Russia"

View attachment 90671
Just trying to tell you about the real world, ignoramus. Does sound like a paradise for many GOPers...
Racism in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Racism in Russia appears mainly in the form of negative attitudes and actions by some Russianstowards people who they do not consider white. Traditionally ...
Public sentiments and politics · ‎Racism by targeted group · ‎Association football
How bad is the racism problem in Russia? - Quora
Bad it would appear: Recent years have seen a marked increase in xenophobia, racism, and violence against non-Slavs within the Russian Federation.
Cody Boutilier - Racism Runs Deep in Russia - | National Review
National Review
Feb 1, 2014 - Brezhnev-era internationalist cant aside, Russia is a deeply racist country that holds minorities in open contempt — not quite the equivalent of ...

Yes it's um racist not to want MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of not your own Ethnic people in your nation, it's um racist to want to put your own people first, it's um racist not to want your nation destroyed, it's um racist to protect your nations borders.

Yes we know Leftist Kool-Aid Drinker.

Our response as ever is this :lalala:

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ LOL. Millions? You're right off the wall. Mexicans? Why won't the GOP allow a good SS ID card? Your masters LOVE the cheap labor and baffle you with bs.

Sorry you Leftists think ID Cards are racist, that's why you freak whenever blacks are told they should show their ID before voting.
The depths of how far the left will go, to justify their Trump paranoia knows no bounds. Political left is greatest danger to our civil liberties and freedoms. Very dangerous people.
They did to Sanders, I fully expect more of that type of behavior.
No evidence of that, just hacked e-mails of staffers BSing, dupe.
You believe in that murderous bitch you are the dupe.
Murderous? lol .
Benghazi, Foster etc
LOL idiot. Bengazi is not murder by Hillary lol no matter how you look at it- And it was almost undoubtedly the video that triggered it like all the other attacks at the time. There were FIVE investigations of Foster, one by Starr, and the all found absolutely no possibility of that, dupe. Read something, Rush.
stupid person, stupid post
I'm shocked....shocked I say

Rape, murder, shooting up a school, starting a war with Putin...nothing is beyond the evil Clinton's

Must be true...the guy who said it has a British accent

OP is nuts
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