The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

Your FOS.
Under federal law, all convicted felons are permanently prohibited from owning firearms. This means that while Texas law allows you to own a gun after a felony conviction if you meet specific criteria, you could still technically be arrested and charged with a federal crime.Mar 8, 2023

"Texas law allows you to own a gun after a felony conviction".
The Marxists Democrats allow FELONS to vote after they do their time. Why only the vote, because wouldnt those voting want to vote all their rights back, and why shouldnt they if they did their time?
Just like the Manifesto basic information is being withheld from the public in the Texas mall shooting.

If the shooter in either situation was white/right leaning the information would be released before the bodies were collected.

Why do we tolerate this dishonesty from our government and media?
I remember when that degenerate shot up that school. Within hours the whole world knew it was a white creature, although it took many additional hours to confirm it was yet another degenerate queer gone further off the rails.
Lame.. you're jumping to conclusions.

I posted in another thread the feds and local police were looking for a translator as they talked to the killers family....

The hopes and prayers of the anti-gun fascists to their god, government, may not be coming true......they desperately want the guy to be a Trump supporter and not another leftist killer....
They probably are suppressing the information to keep copycat occurrences from occurring. Giving a killer lots of press is not good.
Oh check this shit out.....The dems will be masturbating furiously.

Yeah, I mean a Hispanic shooting white people (and other flavors) sure sounds like white supremacy to me. :laughing0301:

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I posted in another thread the feds and local police were looking for a translator as they talked to the killers family....

The hopes and prayers of the anti-gun fascists to their god, government, may not be coming true......they desperately want the guy to be a Trump supporter and not another leftist killer....

Everyone in Texas speaks Spanish. Do you suppose he's Hungarian? They'd probably need a translator.
Just like the Manifesto basic information is being withheld from the public in the Texas mall shooting.

If the shooter in either situation was white/right leaning the information would be released before the bodies were collected.

Why do we tolerate this dishonesty from our government and media?

Why is everything a conspiracy with you clowns? Why do you need the manifesto? Can you not wait 24 hours for them to deal with the scene, the families, and the evidence and not release everything they know before the body is closed?

The whole city and the police department are completely traumatized but some idiot is screaming because he hasn't seen the manifesto.
I am because we have a dishonest media and government that has left me no choice.

Witnesses say the shooter didn't look like a person from our community.

The government and media could do what they always do when the shooter is perceived as a rightie and release the info

You are because you're a fucking loon without the sense God gave a goose.
Why is everything a conspiracy with you clowns? Why do you need the manifesto? Can you not wait 24 hours for them to deal with the scene, the families, and the evidence and not release everything they know before the body is closed?

The whole city and the police department are completely traumatized but some idiot is screaming because he hasn't seen the manifesto.

Its been longer than 24 hours on the left wing, democrat party transgender killers attack....they are hiding the manifesto....
Uh oh.............Authorities are finding some very interesting stuff on the mall shooter's social media.
Like the Proud Boy leader insurrectionist?


So far this seems minorities are shooting people...

2 asian senior citizens
1 short black man
1 left wing, democrat party, transgender killer who targeted chidlren
1 left wing, democrat party, anti-Trump, anti-gun killer

And now a hispanic guy........

So far this seems minorities are shooting people...

2 asian senior citizens
1 short black man
1 left wing, democrat party, transgender killer who targeted chidlren
1 left wing, democrat party, anti-Trump, anti-gun killer

And now a hispanic guy........
Males with guns.
Given your body of "work" here I'd venture a guess that you are, at the very least, someone who I'd not want to have my back when the chips were down.

Barring knowing the person first hand a man's mettle is often judged either adequate or inadequate by the words that come out of his mouth or in your case your keyboard.

I may be mistaken of course but I'm just calling balls and strikes as I see them.
I'm sure you think your opinion has some meaning.

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