The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

The shooting took place in Texas. Texas is about as red a state as you can get.
Texas law enforcement controls the information release. I noticed yesterday that they waited a few hours before they released the number of dead.
Seriously, do you people just sit around and wait to shout "a darkie did it!!!!"??
Unlike you lot that instantly claim a white male conservative did it?
He is correct, it's the law of the land since around 2013 for shootings like yesterday's....I was not aware of it either till this morning....It's in one of my earlier posts.

Here toy go.

Texas is also one of the states hardest hit by Biden's failed border policy (or lack, thereof). There are also several blue towns and cities in Texas. The shooting took place near Dallas, which is solidly blue.
Dallas is blue. Collin County, where Allen is located is solid red.
He was a gang banger.

This is where all the lefty twats exit.
Another male with a gun....fitting the profile again and again and again and again and again..............and the next one in the next few days will also fit the profile. Bank on it.
The next shooter will be a lefty loonie? We agree once again.

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