The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

Still wrong! As stated a felon can't legally buy a gun so if one tried anyway, there would be no background check. Just shut up and sit down.
Currently, Texans can obtain guns through private sales and gun shows to avoid federal background check requirements. Firearms used for mass shootings and many other gun deaths were purchased through these private sales. Seventy-eight percent of Texas voters support strengthening background checks, recognizing that we must do more to keep guns out of the hands of individuals with dangerous histories. This measure could have prevented the mobile mass shooting in Midland-Odessa.

  • Texas has NO state requirement for comprehensive background checks when purchasing a firearm. Therefore, persons prohibited from owning firearms due to a history of violence or severe mental illness can easily obtain a gun - on the internet, at a gun show, and from private sellers.
  • In 2019, a man fatally shot seven people and wounded 25 others in Midland-Odessa. The shooter failed a criminal background check when trying to purchase a gun, yet loopholes enabled him to obtain the AR-style weapon used in his deadly attack from an unlicensed seller who wasn’t required to run a background check.
  • Experts estimate that one in five guns are purchased in Texas without a background check, through private sales.
I am because we have a dishonest media and government that has left me no choice.

Witnesses say the shooter didn't look like a person from our community.

The government and media could do what they always do when the shooter is perceived as a rightie and release the info
You have a choice. You can continue buying into every conspiracy theory you hear, and continue fearing and mistrusting every person or organization that doesn't push those conspiracy theories, or you can return to sanity, and realize it can't possibly be as bad as you have been led to believe. It's your choice to make.
I guess this answers the question why the FBI all was shows up.....Well that's one way to keep everyone on the same page as they orchestrate the "official" story....It's been that way for a spell too.

You have a choice. You can continue buying into every conspiracy theory you hear, and continue fearing and mistrusting every person or organization that doesn't push those conspiracy theories, or you can return to sanity, and realize it can't possibly be as bad as you have been led to believe. It's your choice to make.
We should fear and distrust the media and our government.
An aware population is the only defense against absolute rule.

If you choose to be a lemming that is certainly your choice. Some claim ignorance is bliss so have at it.
50% of violent crimes are perpetrated by a 3% demographic of the population. Yet you never address that demographic.
Addressing that demographic would be politically incorrect.
Oh BTW.....The mall is a gun free zone....A 30-06 zone in TX parlance.

I guess this answers the question why the FBI all was shows up.....Well that's one way to keep everyone on the same page as they orchestrate the "official" story....It's been that way for a spell too.

I also wondered why the FBI shows up at local shootings that the local police or Sheriff's dept can manage. Now we know why.
Just like the Manifesto basic information is being withheld from the public in the Texas mall shooting.

If the shooter in either situation was white/right leaning the information would be released before the bodies were collected.

Why do we tolerate this dishonesty from our government and media?
What narrative wasn't fit. He was male...................again.
Still wrong! As stated a felon can't legally buy a gun so if one tried anyway, there would be no background check. Just shut up and sit down.
Your FOS.
Under federal law, all convicted felons are permanently prohibited from owning firearms. This means that while Texas law allows you to own a gun after a felony conviction if you meet specific criteria, you could still technically be arrested and charged with a federal crime.Mar 8, 2023

"Texas law allows you to own a gun after a felony conviction".
The pattern is clearly set. The mainstream “news” wants badly to report one of several things about mass shootings:

a) Guns are evil.
b) A Christian went on a rampage.
c) An NRA member murdered several innocent people with a gun.
d) A straight person killed some gays or trannies or minorities.
e) A white nationalist, patriotic Constitutionalist committed a mass shooting.
f) A Republican from a “red state” committed a major atrocity.

What they desperately do NOT want to report:

a) A shooter was “woke” or left-leaning.
b) The killer was a Democrat (basically the same as above).
c) The murderer was black or Hispanic or Muslim or Asian.
d) The mass shooter was a trannie or some other confused lunatic.

They can't even hide their bias anymore. We know their blueprint and it's getting pretty old.
Another male with a gun.
Sorry. I'm just not that much of a coward.
Given your body of "work" here I'd venture a guess that you are, at the very least, someone who I'd not want to have my back when the chips were down.

Barring knowing the person first hand a man's mettle is often judged either adequate or inadequate by the words that come out of his mouth or in your case your keyboard.

I may be mistaken of course but I'm just calling balls and strikes as I see them.

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