The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

It's clear that Texas has a violent Mexican problem.

The solution is to BUILD THE FUCKING WALL and stop letting the trash from other nations in.

We aren't building railroads or settling the west so we don't need the desperate anymore. Keep your fucking filth In your country.

No HighSchool education? No entry.
No college degree no citizenship.

Get some fucking standards for Christ's sake.

You willing to wed your daughters to one of these filthy low life's? If not then don't saddle our country with them either

So far this seems minorities are shooting people...

2 asian senior citizens
1 short black man
1 left wing, democrat party, transgender killer who targeted chidlren
1 left wing, democrat party, anti-Trump, anti-gun killer

And now a hispanic guy........
It's 2 Hispanics now the illegal alien earlier in the week.
It's clear that Texas has a violent Mexican problem.

The solution is to BUILD THE FUCKING WALL and stop letting the trash from other nations in.

We aren't building railroads or settling the west so we don't need the desperate anymore. Keep your fucking filth In your country.

No HighSchool education? No entry.
No college degree no citizenship.

Get some fucking standards for Christ's sake.

You willing to wed your daughters to one of these filthy low life's? If not then don't saddle our country with them either
But how do we get rid of filth like you?
Look, I can’t help you fell for right wing bigotry and now are caught off guard by who this guy really is. I see its upset you. Take some time.
I'm not the gunphobe lol.
You came into a thread you considered dead to troll and you failed. Now we're past 9 pages dumbass

"The suspect is a U.S. citizen"

"The suspected mass shooter who killed at least eight people at an Allen, Texas mall on Saturday frequently posted pro-white supremacist and neo-Nazi materials on social media, according to an FBI bulletin reviewed by Rolling Stone.

The FBI’s “review and triage of the subject’s social media accounts revealed hundreds of postings and images to include writings with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist rhetoric, including neo-Nazi materials and material espousing the supremacy of the white race,” the bulletin reads."

Mexican is a White supremacist.....

You can't make this shit up.

First they said he was mentally unstable but that went over like a led bullet so they switched to a new avenue 😆
His Veteran ( Military washout Status ) and other details are not gettin out ?
It's clear that Texas has a violent Mexican problem.

The solution is to BUILD THE FUCKING WALL and stop letting the trash from other nations in.

We aren't building railroads or settling the west so we don't need the desperate anymore. Keep your fucking filth In your country.

No HighSchool education? No entry.
No college degree no citizenship.

Get some fucking standards for Christ's sake.

You willing to wed your daughters to one of these filthy low life's? If not then don't saddle our country with them either
Our 187 Texas forefathers who fought and died at the Alamo on March 6, 1836 were outnumbered by about 6 thousand of Santa Satan Anna's troops who lost 3,000, which was enough for the Mexican troops to lose to General Sam Houston's Texican army's battle of San Jacinto a few weeks later on April 21, 1836. The government of Mexico seems determined to get even by allowing criminal drug cartels to collude with Joe Biden's open border to kill 100,000 young americans every year with fentanyl poison and other drugs on a purpose. I don't think the other 49 states quite understand why Texans are so adverse to having two and a half million and counting emptied-out-international-prison-convict aliens abusing two thousand miles of Rio Grande and Gulf coast crossing space. We have lots and lots of busses headed to the states Biden never punishes, since he and his colleagues are hell bent on destroying all the border states who did not vote majorities for the criminal Biden cabal associates (deep staters). *yawn* Nightie-night, :bigbed: Love, beautress

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