The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

Nice to know failzero cant win an argument so he has to make up quotes that he fraudulently attributes to me.
That's what outed you, John, Jane, Pete, pretend dyke....or whatever your latest monicker is tonight

By the way....a Hispanic shot and killed people...not a white anything

Now gfy
So you don't deny that you're pretending to be a woman on here.

A right wing neo-fascist Hispanic US Citizen killed people.
Nice to know failzero cant win an argument so he has to make up quotes that he fraudulently attributes to me.
you did not have Marists around you your whole life so it was not attributed to you ,my reply just butted up to your twaddle
The paid Left Globlalist Media is there for deny and hide the truth..... and to say that it's all a conspiracy....that's what these people are paid for.....


NEVER ...NEVER trust the fake news media.....if you want the truth find it elsewhere....

this here my friends....

you did not have Marists around you your whole life so it was not attributed to you ,my reply just butted up to your twaddle
Yet you cant say what a Marxist is. Do you normally go around calling people names that you dont know what they mean?
The paid Left Globlalist Media is there for deny and hide the truth..... and to say that it's all a conspiracy....that's what these people are paid for.....


NEVER ...NEVER trust the fake news media.....if you want the truth find it elsewhere....

this here my friends....

So what does your news source catturd2 on twitter have to say about all this?

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