The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

If the same bullet has a higher velocity on impact than one fired from a pistol it can transfer more energy, leading to increased fatality. A higher velocity can be obtained from a longer barrel, common in rifles.
Right! It'll kill you deader!

You morons are hilarious.

Literally ANY BULLET from ANY GUN can kill you if it hits a vital organ or artery.
And a bullet with more energy does not have to impact as close to a vital organ to be fatal as a bullet with less energy.

Have another drink.
You're delusional. I can't imagine living life with such a ridiculous phobia.

You people are entertaining to watch cry though
There are literally pistols that would explode the melons these leftist retards have on their shoulders masquerading as heads. But that scary long gun makes them quiver

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