The shooter's parents are to blame


May 14, 2011
Yes...even the mother that got killed by her crazy son are to blame for this bullshit.

The 3 weapons were registered in HER NAME. How the hell did her insane son have access to her guns? It's called a gun safe that she only knows the combo....then this could've been stopped.

Both his parents and his older brother knew he was a nutjob going back to his school years where he was on psyche drugs and couldn't stay in school. He was diagnosed with mental problems, so the parents and his older brother should've done a better job getting him locked up and keeping weapons away from him.

Reality is the mother would be going to jail today if her son didn't kill her, because she was responsible for letting him get access to those weapons. The father better not have any fingerprints on those weapons or else the police will charge him too.
You're a deranged nut, but you are probably right about the parents being to blame.
I think it is a safe assumption to say that most parents, even if they know that their kid is maybe a little off, would not even imagine that their kid would murder them and then go murder a bunch of kindergarden kids and their teachers with their handgun. Maybe she had them locked in a cabinet or something and he broke it, who knows, but the only person guilty of a crime is the murderer himself. The mother would not even get close to going to jail for this if she were still alive. She did nothing illegal.
No Lakota, I know we usually agree on things, but this is a symptom of a fucked up system, framing the argument like the op does take all accountability away from the system and puts it solely on the individual. Also this op is a fucking nut. Look at his other posts.
You are one of the most disgusting human beings who has ever existed.

No Family
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Yes...even the mother that got killed by her crazy son are to blame for this bullshit.

The 3 weapons were registered in HER NAME. How the hell did her insane son have access to her guns? It's called a gun safe that she only knows the combo....then this could've been stopped.

Both his parents and his older brother knew he was a nutjob going back to his school years where he was on psyche drugs and couldn't stay in school. He was diagnosed with mental problems, so the parents and his older brother should've done a better job getting him locked up and keeping weapons away from him.

Reality is the mother would be going to jail today if her son didn't kill her, because she was responsible for letting him get access to those weapons. The father better not have any fingerprints on those weapons or else the police will charge him too.

they divorced back in 09, so i doubt it.
No Lakota, I know we usually agree on things, but this is a symptom of a fucked up system, framing the argument like the op does take all accountability away from the system and puts it solely on the individual. Also this op is a fucking nut. Look at his other posts.

Agreed. However, the parents only contributed to this "fucked up system" by not keeping access to their firearms away from their mentally unstable son...
Yes...even the mother that got killed by her crazy son are to blame for this bullshit.

The 3 weapons were registered in HER NAME. How the hell did her insane son have access to her guns? It's called a gun safe that she only knows the combo....then this could've been stopped.

Both his parents and his older brother knew he was a nutjob going back to his school years where he was on psyche drugs and couldn't stay in school. He was diagnosed with mental problems, so the parents and his older brother should've done a better job getting him locked up and keeping weapons away from him.

Reality is the mother would be going to jail today if her son didn't kill her, because she was responsible for letting him get access to those weapons. The father better not have any fingerprints on those weapons or else the police will charge him too.

Now where is the evidence that this kid was diagnosed as having a mental illness. I would also suggest, if it were a right wing militia nut parent, you'd be echoing his innocence all over the place.

You're one simple boob.
Of course, the scumbag is at the top for being behind this shit but his parents not keeping weapons away from his crazy ass are at #2 on the blame list.....not the guns themselves like these fucking liberals claim 24/7.

Or we can blame the one who pulled the trigger...
The shooter is burning in hell where he deserves to be right now, but his mother and possibly his father fucked up big time having weapons around their crazy kid. If you have a mental case for a kid, I don't think buying a couple weapons for your home is smart unless they are locked up away from the crazy kid.

I have a feeling the mother bought those guns in her name for her help him snap out of his bi-polar/autistic world.
You wouldn't say shit to my face, but hide behind a keyboard.
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The shooter is burning in hell where he deserves to be right now, but his mother and possibly his father fucked up big time having weapons around their crazy kid. If you have a mental case for a kid, I don't think buying a couple weapons for your home is smart unless they are locked up away from the crazy kid.

I have a feeling the mother bought those guns in her name for her help him snap out of his bi-polar/autistic world.
No Family
Go to hell you pile of shit.

My lone alive parent has nothing to do with your fucked up world.

The shooter is burning in hell where he deserves to be right now, but his mother and possibly his father fucked up big time having weapons around their crazy kid. If you have a mental case for a kid, I don't think buying a couple weapons for your home is smart unless they are locked up away from the crazy kid.

I have a feeling the mother bought those guns in her name for her help him snap out of his bi-polar/autistic world.

You are a mental case. The fact that your parents allow you around a computer is disturbing.
No Family
The focus of this story will now look at the school security in general, the mental/medical records of the shooter, the owner(s) of the weapons and how a crazy person got his hands on the weapons.

The shooter's family better have good lawyers because the police are coming.
Of course, the scumbag is at the top for being behind this shit but his parents not keeping weapons away from his crazy ass are at #2 on the blame list.....not the guns themselves like these fucking liberals claim 24/7.

Or we can blame the one who pulled the trigger...

Jesse James carried three six shooters when he was gunning down farmers in Lawrence, Kansas. I doubt he even got close to what this man did.

You're a simple fuck.

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