The Shortest Distance Between Gaza and Ferguson

Some people object to accepting authority....

You should have stopped there. The moment you decide not to accept authority you must expect there to be unpleasant repercussions. I fully expect my life will end at the hands of LEOs when they come for my firearms. I understand that and accept it.
You're expecting a repeal of the Second Amendment?
Ferguson is not Gaza...yet!
"The police violence in Ferguson and the attendant images have inspired comparisons with Israel’s assault on Gaza. The parallels between Israeli and U.S. militarized policies are not far-fetched.

"A cursory investigation shows that Israel maintains an extensive network of relations with U.S. law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal levels.

It is no coincidence that the Ferguson and St. Louis County police forces were trained in Israel in recent years.

"These connections are so important that the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee touts their success and the Jewish Virtual Library lists police training as a separate category of U.S.-Israel relations.

"The CRI, a private counterterrorism-training outfit run by a former Israeli special forces member, promises training in 'combat experience in dealing with terrorism, crime and guerrilla warfare.'

"Over the years, thousands of U.S. personnel at all levels of law enforcement and hundreds of senior managers, from local police chiefs to FBI detectives, have taken counterterrorism training in Israel or attended conferences sponsored by the Israeli government, security-minded conservative think tanks and even the Anti-Defamation League with little to no scrutiny for their role in the militarization of our police forces.

Ferguson is not Gaza … yet | Al Jazeera America
I suspect the OP is a paid shill for Hamas.
Wrong again.
I don't shill for the "War on Terror" either.

"Rather than comparing Ferguson to Israel’s heavy-handed conduct in Gaza and the West Bank, Americans should instead examine their own country’s history of militarized policing. In the aftermath of 9/11, the U.S. military-industrial complex has done pretty well on its own to capitalize on the so-called war on terrorism.

"As the American Civil Liberties Union described in a 2012 report and again this June, these synergies are part of the dangerous precedents that brought “the war [on terrorism] home.”

Militarized policing

"In fact, the roots of the police violence seen in Ferguson go well beyond the Israel-Palestinian conflict. They lie in Vietnam, inner-cities and the farmlands of California's Central Valley.

"The militarization of police and the concomitant view that treats minority communities as enemies needing to be pacified rather than citizens to be served professionally began in the 1960s with the confluence of four factors.

Pacified any local minority communities lately?

Ferguson is not Gaza … yet | Al Jazeera America

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