The Shroud of Trayvon

^^^ It's not disrespect to vilify deceased criminals who were killed in the act of committing a crime. .. :cool:

What was Travon's crime? Being black and wearing a hoodie?
His race and attire wasn't criminal.

But his attacking an innocent citizen was........ :cool:

That was a Zimmerman lie. A lie can go around the world twice before the truth is known.

Wow, if Martin attacked Zimmerman than Zimmerman should sue the Martin family.
"...That was a Zimmerman lie..."

Or a Zimmerman truth?

Do we know, with certainty?

The jury did not seem to think so, nor did the eyewitnesses who came upon the scene some seconds after the altercation had begun.

I think I'll side with The Law on this one.


America pushed this into the background a couple of weeks ago...

The process of Forgetting continues apace...

There are far bigger and far more important things that require the attention of the American public...

The passage of time is already greatly impacting what little remains of the public discussion on this particular matter...

Tick... tick... tick...
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Wow, if Martin attacked Zimmerman than Zimmerman should sue the Martin family.

No money in it. The lawsuit would be against the estate of TM... probably nothing there. A suit against TM's parents based upon parental liability is usually quite limited. In my state the max you can recover from the parents for the intentional tort of their child is $5,000.00. Plus you must recall that the recovery they got from the HOA was all sent to a "foundation" which they control... thus they are probably judgment proof anyway.

Much more lucrative to sue NBC and Al Sharpton and Crump.
Wow, if Martin attacked Zimmerman than Zimmerman should sue the Martin family.

No money in it. The lawsuit would be against the estate of TM... probably nothing there. A suit against TM's parents based upon parental liability is usually quite limited. In my state the max you can recover from the parents for the intentional tort of their child is $5,000.00. Plus you must recall that the recovery they got from the HOA was all sent to a "foundation" which they control... thus they are probably judgment proof anyway.

Much more lucrative to sue NBC and Al Sharpton and Crump.

Wow, if Martin attacked Zimmerman than Zimmerman should sue the Martin family.

No money in it. The lawsuit would be against the estate of TM... probably nothing there. A suit against TM's parents based upon parental liability is usually quite limited. In my state the max you can recover from the parents for the intentional tort of their child is $5,000.00. Plus you must recall that the recovery they got from the HOA was all sent to a "foundation" which they control... thus they are probably judgment proof anyway.

Much more lucrative to sue NBC and Al Sharpton and Crump.

Won't end anything if the jury has any whites on it

The fairy tale never ends
What was Travon's crime? Being black and wearing a hoodie?
His race and attire wasn't criminal.

But his attacking an innocent citizen was........ :cool:

That was a Zimmerman lie. A lie can go around the world twice before the truth is known.

Wow, if Martin attacked Zimmerman than Zimmerman should sue the Martin family.

Ted Nugent: George Zimmerman Should Sue Trayvon Martin's Parents For Emotional Suffering

His race and attire wasn't criminal.

But his attacking an innocent citizen was........ :cool:

That was a Zimmerman lie. A lie can go around the world twice before the truth is known.

Wow, if Martin attacked Zimmerman than Zimmerman should sue the Martin family.

Ted Nugent: George Zimmerman Should Sue Trayvon Martin's Parents For Emotional Suffering


That comes after the NBC jillion dollar suit and the 4th circuit lawsuit... and we'll see what else pops up.

Fun fun.

Maybe there will even be an FBI subpeona.

Open the closet! Time to clean it out.
The fact remains - all young African-American men in the US should carry guns at all times, and be prepared to use them.
That's all fine in theory, but in reality that would just make it more likely that they would be murdered, arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapoid American police and legal system.

What they should do is organize into state-of-the-art pressure groups and NGO's, capable of sophisticated street-theater, propaganda and making very great nuisances of themselves to the powers-that-be.

And what would really make the evil forces of the USA quake in their boots is if they formed practical alliances with other progressive groups elsewhere in the world.

Nothing will fundamentally improve until they think globally, rather than being fixated on the twisted, dark, psychotic interior of American barbarism.




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