The Shroud of Trayvon

Question: what is 2+2?

Numan: America is a joke and cesspool.

Hey Numan! What is 2+2?

Numan: 《unintelligable》 you are not qualified to answer that only the divine Unicorns such as myself can think of such a thing because America sucks and is based on nothing.

Yo! Numan what is 2+2?

Numan: you fools! You can't answer yourselves.

NUMAN! Go volunteer for an Excelsior wheelchair test.

dont sweat it

numans biggest stumbling block

is under his hat
The last question on Travyon is, why was Obama such a disappointment as a role model?

Ding-ding! said the bicycle boi's bicycle bell.


You have still not posted any statement by any poster on here that adult black men and women who meet criteria to carry weapon should not be allowed to do so.

that says a lot about that guy doesnt it

Certainly does.

I don't understand someone who would deliberately promote a lie like this thread promotes. Putting up a thread based upon a lie like this one is unconscionable and has pretty much cost him any respect I had for him. You can go back to ANY gun thread on here and there is a contingent of people who consistently say that EVERYONE should be armed. They do not distinguish between young, old, black, white, well, infirm, sane, or insane. They make the blanket statement that everyone should be armed. Someone usually takes them on over the fact that not every adult is qualified nor capable of being safely armed, but I have NEVER seen that disagreement include race. This has to be one of the most dishonest and unethical threads that has ever been put up here.

I understand why he did it, its because he is a progressive. Progressives always have to resort to outright lies when the facts don't add up. When they inevitably lose their arguement, they must accuse their opposition of being guilty of an unforgivable crime --i.e racism.
What a stupid thing to say.

BUT, if both had been armed, both might be dead.

The nutters keep saying that MORE guns are the answer to everything, they want everyone shooting at each other. Why not arm black too?


Any of you racists willing to answer that honestly?

I've answered this a hundred times already. How come blacks aren't already armed ? Are they stupid ?

There really isn't anyone who doesn't know the answer to this.

If Travon had stood his ground and defended himself against the man who was following and then stalking him, he would already be on death row. "You" can pretend that's not true, but "you" know better.

Chicago blacks ...


Its not "Chicago blacks" who are armed. In ALL cities, it is gangs, including white supremacists, blacks, Hispanics and the NRA nutters, who are armed. Mr and Mrs Black American Family are not arming themselves any more or more often than Mr and Mrs All Other Colors American Family.

bleeds like a stigmata.

WTF is wrong with people who make fun of this youngster being chased, stalked and then gunned down although he had committed no crime. Yes, I know that the nutters are now pretending that he was some kind of gangster but even if that had been true, gz had no right to go after him. "You" can pretend he did but you know you are wrong.

You're right, if Trayvon would of had a gun and just turned around and shot Zimmerman he would be in prison for murder. That's because Zimmerman never attacked him.

I think Zimmerman was in the wrong to initiate the situation, but that doesn't make him guilty of murder.

Also, its dishonest to describe Martin as being "gunned down", as if he was running away. He was on top of Zimmerman, beating his skull into the pavement. You rabid liberals seem to always omit that little tidbit in your generalized statements about Trayvon the "youngster" being "gunned down".

If you can't even be honest in describing the known facts how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

But hey, just keep calling the rest of us "racist" because we take into account all the facts, not just the few you like while omiting the rest. :eusa_boohoo:
Question: what is 2+2?

Lawyer fresh out of local law school: "2+2=4"

Lawyer fresh out of Harvard Law: "In base 10 , 2+2=4; in base 4, 2+2=10, in base 3, 2+2=11; in base 2, 10+10=100

Old country lawyer: Peers over his half glasses, grabs his suspenders and inquires of testarosa: "What would you like it to be?"
Aj. -

Let's try and make it simple for you - do you think thiscase proves that all young, black American men should be armed at all times?

Most already are, and killing the shit out of each other.
^^^ It's not disrespect to vilify deceased criminals who were killed in the act of committing a crime. .. :cool:

What was Travon's crime? Being black and wearing a hoodie?
His race and attire wasn't criminal.

But his attacking an innocent citizen was........ :cool:

His behaviors prior to getting to Sanford were criminal. They just didn't press any charges against him. If they had we wouldn't be having this conversation. He would still be alive. IOU some rep, Sunni, when I can.

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