The Shroud of Trayvon

I forgot to add his FB.

Poor pRick is all social networked lit up today about the lying Fantasy Unicorn Land mural.

Let's see if he'll go three for three no change on SYG law, calling out the has been cheater Jesse and burning the mural.
Then I'll get over and look the other way on that whole Medicare crook thing.
Four for four. Needs to appoint the special investigator to investigate the special prosecutor he assigned.

Lotsa pressure on the old gov.
The Shroud of Trayvon

It’s this type of ignorant ridicule by the right that confirms for African-Americans that good faith dialogue with conservatives concerning race is impossible.
No what's impossible is the idiocy that goes on within the extreme liberal left/race hustling baiters ideology or thinking, in which makes the conservatives respond in ways that are just plain fun for all, and it gives them something to have fun playing with to no end, and it is very hard not to laugh when they get on a roll on some of this stuff. Sheesh! :)
The fact remains - all young African-American men in the US should carry guns at all times, and be prepared to use them.
That's all fine in theory, but in reality that would just make it more likely that they would be murdered, arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapoid American police and legal system.

What they should do is organize into state-of-the-art pressure groups and NGO's, capable of sophisticated street-theater, propaganda and making very great nuisances of themselves to the powers-that-be.

And what would really make the evil forces of the USA quake in their boots is if they formed practical alliances with other progressive groups elsewhere in the world.

Nothing will fundamentally improve until they think globally, rather than being fixated on the twisted, dark, psychotic interior of American barbarism.

What they should do is organize into state-of-the-art pressure groups and NGO's, capable of sophisticated street-theater, propaganda and making very great nuisances of themselves to the powers-that-be.

Anyone who has observed the Oscar Grant-Occupy Wall Street-Trayvon protests in Oaklandtown already knows how absolutely stupid your suggestion is.
Hey Numan,

How would you feel if some thug jumped you and based your head into the ground?
Don't expect an answer
Well, my head is already well-based and grounded in reality. · · :D

Like any American living in this barbaric society who has reached mature years, I am street-wise, aware of my surroundings and avoid those vast areas of America inhabited by thugs.

As untouchables rarely have an opportunity to cast their shadow over a high-caste Brahmin, thugs would have difficulty penetrating the superior aura which surrounds me wherever I go. I associate only with the cream-of-the-cream, in surroundings of cultured sophistication. (Yes, there are civilized people in the United States; it's just that the likes of you rarely have the privilege of meeting them)

Question: what is 2+2?

Numan: America is a joke and cesspool.

Hey Numan! What is 2+2?

Numan: 《unintelligable》 you are not qualified to answer that only the divine Unicorns such as myself can think of such a thing because America sucks and is based on nothing.

Yo! Numan what is 2+2?

Numan: you fools! You can't answer yourselves.

NUMAN! Go volunteer for an Excelsior wheelchair test.
Hey Numan,

How would you feel if some thug jumped you and based your head into the ground?
Don't expect an answer
Well, my head is already well-based and grounded in reality. · · :D

Like any American living in this barbaric society who has reached mature years, I am street-wise, aware of my surroundings and avoid those vast areas of America inhabited by thugs.

As untouchables rarely have an opportunity to cast their shadow over a high-caste Brahmin, thugs would have difficulty penetrating the superior aura which surrounds me wherever I go. I associate only with the cream-of-the-cream, in surroundings of cultured sophistication. (Yes, there are civilized people in the United States; it's just that the likes of you rarely have the privilege of meeting them)


You ever hear the phrase, don't test fate? You are walking on thin ice here. Be careful what you brag about, Karma has a way of evening things out.

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