The Sick and the Twisted

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This short message is from my favorite Christian author & online Minister, Michael Boldea Jr. Once again, he does not waste time but goes straight to the heart of the matter exposing the inconvenient truth of what is happening in America. This time the message is about the recent Islamic terrorist attack in California and how America managed to turn the blame on the victims and Christianity rather than to confront the real problem.

Hand of Help Ministries

Anyone who didn’t see this coming wasn’t looking hard enough. In fact, they likely were not looking at all, because they were too busy trying to promote gender fluidity, interspecies amore, or some other freakish thing that as little as a decade ago would have rightly been called ill. The bubble has burst. We can no longer say it cannot happen here, we can no longer say it will never occur on our own soil, because whether you like it or not, the fact of the matter is that a husband and wife pair of Islamic adherents snatched the souls of some fourteen individuals without a second’s worth of thought or hesitation.

As I said, this was no surprise. It was bound to happen, more is on the way, and thirteen will seem like a paltry number compared to the plans and aspirations some of these people have. Just because we bear them no ill will it does not mean they reciprocate in kind, and this is one of those uncomfortable truths we, as a nation, must get our minds around. Individuals such as the couple making headlines recently did not come to America to assimilate, they did not come for a better life, and they did not come for a better future for their children. For such individuals there is no other purpose, there is no other aspiration, there is no other goal towards which to strive than to destroy the perceived enemies of Islam, wash the world in blood, and make it ready for the coming of the Mahdi.
Hand of Help Ministries

Throughout all this unfolding, the most sick and twisted thing of all is not the fact that these two individuals chose to shoot up a social services center largely made up of people with disabilities. The most sick and twisted thing of all is the narrative that is being spun in the wake of this tragedy. Only in the Land of Oz that this nation has become can you blame the victims, and not be dragged into the street, tarred, feathered, and shunned from everyday society. Only in the Land of Oz this nation has become can someone attempt to find justification for two people going on a killing spree, and indiscriminately ending lives.

There are actually so called reporters doing their utmost to try and equate a man who was a Messianic Jew and was subsequently killed in the attack, with the attackers themselves, broad brushing them with the same brush, pretty much calling them two sides of the same coin. All this because one of the men who died in the attack was a Christian and Christians are by their very nature offensive and as such they instigated the attack by their very being.

Have we truly gone mad? Is the most humane thing that can happen to us at this point for someone to put us out of misery?

More and more I am left speechless by the utter stupidity of some people. If someone is walking home from the grocery store and gets hit by a car while they're on the sidewalk do you blame them for being there at that particular moment, or for choosing that particular sidewalk to walk down? Perhaps they were wearing a color offensive to the driver. Perhaps they didn't wave back when the driver waved at them from inside the car.

How do you justify one individual killing another with premeditation never mind fourteen individuals and counting?

Although I’ve said it before, just in case the nosebleed section didn’t get it, there is no moral equivalency between Christianity and Islam! There is no moral equivalency between the Christian man who was gunned down by rabid zealots, and the rabid zealots themselves.

No matter how you slice it, and how much spin gets put on it, there is a marked difference between“Thou shall not kill”, and “Kill the infidel.”

Is the hatred for Christ and Christianity so blinding that people are willing to give mass murderers a pass just so they could condemn believers? Is the hatred for Christ and Christianity so all-consuming that men are willing to align themselves with a death cult just so they could get the upper hand?
While I’m at it, I think this would be an opportune time to call to account every sniveling, spineless, duplicitous, wishy washy preacher who has been promoting Chrislam, and hold their feet to the fire.

Sorry kids, one of these things is not like the other, and if we don’t embrace this reality it will be our own undoing.

You can read more by Michael Boldea Jr. on link above...........
Actually there is one place besides the land of Oz (America) that blames the victims of terrorist attacks. That land is Israel and it is a sick and twisted media and society that started the trend of blaming the victims of terror attacks. It began when they decided it was easier to agree with a lie rather than to stand up for the truth. The truth is as Michael Boldea points out, There is no moral equivalency between Christianity and Islam.

Though some may claim the Bible advocates murder - the actions of Christians throughout the world prove this to be a lie. There are no Christian jihadists, no Christian suicide bombers, no Christian terrorist attacks, no Christian terrorist groups. No, this violence the world is being targeted with is coming from Islam. Not Christianity.

Make a note of it.
Some of you appear to have a very short memory.
I appreciate you taking the time to set the parameters of the batshit crazy. It is a service to the rest of us that often goes unrewarded.
I appreciate you taking the time to set the parameters of the batshit crazy. It is a service to the rest of us that often goes unrewarded.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. - Socrates
I think we're beyond identifying the problem. Our president is opening the door for terrorism in this country and we are going to see a lot more of these attacks and they're going to get more and more violent and destructive. And when we start fighting back, our president will keep the only promise he's made and that is to "stand with the muslims". This is a religious war that's being waged against us in our own country and our own president is driving it. Don't be fooled by his rhetoric and don't give up your guns.
Americans have 2nd amendment rights. They won't surrender those rights under any circumstances.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. - Socrates
If anything I would have libelled you, but truth is a complete defence.
You would have? Do you even know the definition of truth? I find no evidence that would suggest that you do, cnm. I have news for you. Ignorance is not bliss. It's downright deadly. If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? You need to seek Him with all of your heart and receive Him today. If you die without Christ? You'll be in hell for all eternity. Hell has no exits. You had better spend your energy on seeking the kingdom of Heaven rather than libel, slander and nonsense. It's only hastening the day of your own destruction.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.
Americans have 2nd amendment rights. They won't surrender those rights under any circumstances.

I don't know if you're kidding or not, but those rights have been surrendered a bunch of times. NFA of 1934, GCA of 1968, parts of the FOPA of 1986 (specifically the parts of 922(o)), if you live in NYC or Chicago or DC, in court rulings aplenty, the fact that we have to have permits in the first place and that the permits are "May Issue", and so on. I don't agree with that crap at all, any of it, but there it is and if the gun grabbers managed to get their way I can guarantee that a whole bunch of gun owners will go along with the program rather than risk their lives.

And that's really sad.
Americans have 2nd amendment rights. They won't surrender those rights under any circumstances.

I don't know if you're kidding or not, but those rights have been surrendered a bunch of times. NFA of 1934, GCA of 1968, parts of the FOPA of 1986 (specifically the parts of 922(o)), if you live in NYC or Chicago or DC, in court rulings aplenty, the fact that we have to have permits in the first place and that the permits are "May Issue", and so on. I don't agree with that crap at all, any of it, but there it is and if the gun grabbers managed to get their way I can guarantee that a whole bunch of gun owners will go along with the program rather than risk their lives.

And that's really sad.
I wasn't aware of any of that, Steven. Thanks for the history lesson.

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