The signs are clear: Republicans want to start another civil war.



Republicans know they can't fairly win over government. They know Americans would never support a "Christian Taliban". They know minorities are "out breeding" them. This is why they've moved their operations to the states. Out of the glare of Washington DC and the national news media.

This huge push for all kinds of weapons, including machine guns.

It's why they are training state militias.

They know they don't have the numbers and are practicing voter suppression. If Obama loses, it's probably due to their voter suppression policies.

They are against education. Fascist, Communist, and Muslim Theocracies always go after education and the educated first. They know educated people would never support them.

The attacks on workers rights and the post office. Some states do all their voting through the mail. Those states are Democrat.

The repeated attempts to changed the constitution.

The massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. It's hard to fight without money.

Insisting only Republicans are "real" Americans.
Do you really believe all of this kind of shit or are you just trying to stir the pot? If you believe this crap, you need some serious help.
Do you really believe all of this kind of shit or are you just trying to stir the pot? If you believe this crap, you need some serious help.

I put it into conspiracy. I don't believe they want a civil war, but the things I listed are true. What will happen is a lot of right wingers screaming, "oh another stupid thread" but they won't deny anything. As if they could.

War on science, education, minorities, civil rights and so on. If you pursue policies that amount to these things, then does matter if you admit whether or not you believe in them?
Do you really believe all of this kind of shit or are you just trying to stir the pot? If you believe this crap, you need some serious help.

I put it into conspiracy. I don't believe they want a civil war, but the things I listed are true. What will happen is a lot of right wingers screaming, "oh another stupid thread" but they won't deny anything. As if they could.

War on science, education, minorities, civil rights and so on. If you pursue policies that amount to these things, then does matter if you admit whether or not you believe in them?

Thanks for admitting that you're such a little Sarah Bernhardt.:lol:
republicans know they can't fairly win over government. They know americans would never support a "christian taliban". They know minorities are "out breeding" them. This is why they've moved their operations to the states. Out of the glare of washington dc and the national news media.

This huge push for all kinds of weapons, including machine guns.

It's why they are training state militias.

They know they don't have the numbers and are practicing voter suppression. If obama loses, it's probably due to their voter suppression policies.

They are against education. Fascist, communist, and muslim theocracies always go after education and the educated first. They know educated people would never support them.

The attacks on workers rights and the post office. Some states do all their voting through the mail. Those states are democrat.

The repeated attempts to changed the constitution.

The massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. It's hard to fight without money.

Insisting only republicans are "real" americans.
cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!
Do you really believe all of this kind of shit or are you just trying to stir the pot? If you believe this crap, you need some serious help.

I put it into conspiracy. I don't believe they want a civil war, but the things I listed are true. What will happen is a lot of right wingers screaming, "oh another stupid thread" but they won't deny anything. As if they could.

War on science, education, minorities, civil rights and so on. If you pursue policies that amount to these things, then does matter if you admit whether or not you believe in them?

Thanks for admitting that you're such a little Sarah Bernhardt.:lol:

At least I don't think they do. All the talk about secession. About killing the president.

Let me tell you, this voter suppression thing they are doing and the war on the middle class is going to backfire. All it takes is a couple of lost elections because of Republican shenanigans and Republicans pushing this radical far right agenda. A couple of more young blacks being gunned down, more cuts to education, more attacks on workers, and there will be a tipping point. It could be what they want to do to Medicare or Social Security. They've stepped over the line in several states. Won't take much for it to go national.
I hate both parties. Yet there are still people that blindly hate one party and blindly support the other. I don't get it. Both parties are populated by lawyers. Yup, those same bottom feeders that most true Americans hate. There is a reason there are a lot of lawyer jokes. Scum sucking predators that will sell their own children for a buck. THAT is what's wrong with this country. Get the lawyers out of Washington, D.C. All of them, Democrats and Republicans alike.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
I put it into conspiracy. I don't believe they want a civil war, but the things I listed are true. What will happen is a lot of right wingers screaming, "oh another stupid thread" but they won't deny anything. As if they could.

War on science, education, minorities, civil rights and so on. If you pursue policies that amount to these things, then does matter if you admit whether or not you believe in them?

Thanks for admitting that you're such a little Sarah Bernhardt.:lol:

At least I don't think they do. All the talk about secession. About killing the president.

Let me tell you, this voter suppression thing they are doing and the war on the middle class is going to backfire. All it takes is a couple of lost elections because of Republican shenanigans and Republicans pushing this radical far right agenda. A couple of more young blacks being gunned down, more cuts to education, more attacks on workers, and there will be a tipping point. It could be what they want to do to Medicare or Social Security. They've stepped over the line in several states. Won't take much for it to go national.

I know you like to exaggerate for a purpose, but it just damages your credibility.
rdean has officially gone off the deep end.

Or did I miss it when it happened prior?
Cut rdean some slack here. He was forced to eat dog meat as a child. Most parents only used broccoli.
Do you really believe all of this kind of shit or are you just trying to stir the pot? If you believe this crap, you need some serious help.

What, you think America is forever? LOL, you know very little about human nature. Wait though, you'll all have a chance to learn. :badgrin:
Do you really believe all of this kind of shit or are you just trying to stir the pot? If you believe this crap, you need some serious help.

I put it into conspiracy. I don't believe they want a civil war, but the things I listed are true. What will happen is a lot of right wingers screaming, "oh another stupid thread" but they won't deny anything. As if they could.

War on science, education, minorities, civil rights and so on. If you pursue policies that amount to these things, then does matter if you admit whether or not you believe in them?
Republicans know they can't fairly win over government. They know Americans would never support a "Christian Taliban". They know minorities are "out breeding" them. This is why they've moved their operations to the states. Out of the glare of Washington DC and the national news media.

This huge push for all kinds of weapons, including machine guns.

It's why they are training state militias.

They know they don't have the numbers and are practicing voter suppression. If Obama loses, it's probably due to their voter suppression policies.

They are against education. Fascist, Communist, and Muslim Theocracies always go after education and the educated first. They know educated people would never support them.

The attacks on workers rights and the post office. Some states do all their voting through the mail. Those states are Democrat.

The repeated attempts to changed the constitution.

The massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. It's hard to fight without money.

Insisting only Republicans are "real" Americans.

this is the sort of bottomfeeder trolling that brings politics down, plus i said/wrote "obama's (pelosi reid's) ends justify the means, and is leading us to civil war".... three years ago. for different reason of course.

nice try howard.
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Why are they training state militias?
Because Bush signed a law, taking away the states right to call into action their own national guards after hurricane Katrina.
Our Gov. can no long call on the national guard to help with control on our boarder.
This is why AZ. now has civilian militia to help control our boarders from the drug wars.
It is in full compliance with our state and fed constitution.
rdean, Dem's have been in control of our education system for over 45 years. All they have done is to continually add more and more money and have never fixed the problems.
Our kids are not being educated because of the Dem's, not the repubs.
Repubs want all of our kids to be educated.
Why do you think so many parents want the voucher system of which Dem's are so against?
Why do you think so many parents are home schooling, sending their kids to private schools and poor mothers are fighting to get those vouchers for their kids education?
This one is the Dem's fault not the Repubs rdean.
if a civil war does come, it will be a cross wrapped in the stars and bars.
if a civil war does come, it will be a cross wrapped in the stars and bars.
If a civil war does come, it will be a bloodbath of carnage and destruction unlike anything ever committed by humans on Earth before resulting in 90% dead within a month and America burnt to the ground. Afterwards the Chinese will move in and take over whatever is left (hey, we owe them a lot of slave labor, plus interest). Don't expect any military attempt to stop any of it, they'll be busy protecting vulnerable dangerous things like reactors and labs and refineries and military bases, until even they disband and disappear with their families. Oh it's going to be a hell of a lot of excitement.

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