The simple way to instantly fix health care!!!

If you don't see a difference you're to stupid to argue with.

so Taylor Swift deserves more money than a health care CEO??? Why?? A liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism and not know that CEO's save money. If not stockholders would not hire them

So you want the Market to work in Healthcare but not the entertainment can't make this shit up.
People are not forced to attend films or listen to music, but they are for healthcare if they want to live.
people are forced to buy food and capitalism makes it very cheap while Stalin starved 60 million to death!!

You might have 6 supermarkets and 1 hospital in a small city and its surrounding environs.

and as a typical liberal you want magical govt to tax us in order to build a state of the art hospital wherever a city town village or camp site happens to be located?????

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