The Sindel-Kitana Dictatorship


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The female-warrior avatars Sindel and Kitana (from the Mortal Kombat video game franchise) represent the feminine mystique in new age 'wonderland labyrinths.'

Hollywood (USA) has been making lifestyle-rapture films about extreme ethics such as Bride Wars, Syriana, and Veronica Guerin, suggesting that 'pedestrian politics' is linked to 'Freudian culture.'

This is why there are so many 'culture-inquisition' TV programs of late such as Charlie Rose, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, and The View.

It's no wonder that the 'intellectual flavor' of America creates a special demand for 'graphic populism' dialogue (e.g., gender-politics).

Here's a Sindel-Kitana dialogue about the female politicians Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton. Sindel is Kitana's mother (in the video game storyboards), by the way...

The point of this mock gender dialogue is to ask the question, "What will the First Lady (Melania Trump) be doing in this new 'media-suspense' American culture?"

If Trump can be sarcastically considered as the 'token-capitalism' President in this age of consumerism-explosion (i.e., Wall Street), will Melania Trump be considered a 'token-populism' diplomat in this age of media-exploitation (i.e., The Jerry Springer Show)?

This is what women have to offer to the discussion about 'urbanization steroids.' Move over Don Imus...hello Oprah Winfrey! Is it any surprise that the first real modern pro-populism U.S. President (Bill Clinton) boasted a First Lady (Hillary Clinton) clinically committed to 'free-speech politics'?

I can't decide if I should watch Veronica Guerin or 2 Broke Girls.

Gender-politics makes for nice 'federalism gibberish,' no?


SINDEL: Do you think Palin and Clinton were outshined by Obama and Trump?
KITANA: I don't think they were outshined, but they were overshadowed.
SINDEL: I suppose it doesn't matter too much to us, since we're interested in gender rage.
KITANA: Yes, mother.
SINDEL: You should listen to your elders regarding new age metaphysics...
KITANA: Women have always been challenged, mother.
SINDEL: Well, recently, it's also about 'populism controversy.'
KITANA: That's because modern global traffic makes immigration a very graphic issue.
SINDEL: Do you think you understand something special about 'modern courage'?
KITANA: I know you favor Palin, because she adds flavor to the Republicans.
SINDEL: Are you convinced the Democrats are the wiser party?
KITANA: I believe Hillary Clinton has done much for the Democrats (and democracy!).
SINDEL: Both Palin and Clinton are on Facebook now...
KITANA: I love the new diner-sarcasm waitress show 2 Broke Girls.
SINDEL: Free speech on the Internet creates a contour between pornography and evangelism.
KITANA: Maybe Palin and Clinton will be remembered as 'the woman's lawyers!'


Fountain of Youth

Maybe the secret of eternal youth has something to do with gender energy, and when men talk about fantastic female characters/avatars (in video games, fantasy stories, etc., etc.) such as Kitana, the Lady of the Lake, She-Ra, Tinkerbell, Kali, Mary Magdalene, etc., etc., they start meditating about gender politics in everyday life and how it affects pedestrian imagination regarding the political appeal (of the masses) of women in office (e.g., Melania Trump?).


Trump realized his presidency was a complete failure and that he was a token capitalist elected to be President in a time when consumerism was really exploding. Everywhere, there was dissatisfaction with Wall Street, NATO, and the United Nations. Trump had foolishly diverted political and social attention away from where it needed to go --- a thorough evaluation of consumerism culture gluttonies in America and across the world, and now he felt he was waiting for a new President simply to try to solve this gargantuan problem of ethics failures and profiteerism gone rampant.

Trump decided to travel to Florida to see a Youth National Video Game Tournament (Mortal Kombat) and was enjoying the idealism and commerce/consumerism optimism in this lifestyle-culture 'club' people knew as the video-game tourney 'universe.' He saw countless kids and young teens competing in Mortal Kombat battles and using colorful warrior-avatars such as Raiden (god of lightning) and Kitana (princess of combat). Trump was so moved at the youthful energy that he decided to go searching for the fabled Fountain of Youth (which was rumored to be somewhere in Florida).

Trump came upon a strange clearing deep in the swamps of Florida and found a little pond on a summer night lit up by fireflies and realized that the body of water must indeed be the fabled and magical Fountain of Youth! As he was about to take a drink from it to see if he got younger, he noticed a strange figurine (female) swimming in the pond. The woman raised up a sword and proclaimed, "I am the Lady of the Lake." What is your curiosity/fascination, and why are you seeking eternal youth? Trump explained he had just seen an exciting youth video game tournament and wanted to find something metaphysical representative of his yearning for youthful spirit/energy.

TRUMP: Why am I fatigued by Burger King?
LADY: You seek something honest and pure (not cholesterol!).
TRUMP: Are you like Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love)?
LADY: I am the female guardian of humility in the face of unrequited love.
TRUMP: What does Burger King have to do with unrequited love?
LADY: When you're obese, you turn away the charms of a woman.
TRUMP: Fat people fall in love!
LADY: No, people in love can become fat, but fat people are preoccupied with gluttony.
TRUMP: You sound like the mysterious woman of Babylon.
LADY: I'm quite the opposite. I'm here to tell you about hope (not obsession).
TRUMP: How can you not become obsessed with 'romance' in this age of video games?
LADY: Female warrior-avatars in Mortal Kombat games (e.g., Kitana) represent imagination (not rage).
TRUMP: How can I harness the spirit of consumerism to feel better about capitalism?
LADY: Think less about Oprah Winfrey and more about Sarah Palin.
TRUMP: Geez, some say Oprah should run for President.
LADY: That's hilarious! Turn that into something wonderful.
TRUMP: You sound like the Oracle, the spirit that leads us out of Burger King cholesterol.
LADY: The only way to redeem America for consumerism gluttony is to seek real friendship.
TRUMP: You mean, "Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"
LADY: That's it! Good luck (and don't give up on the Republicans).



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