The single most important phrase in economics is....

yep 3 years long over, but the effects will be felt for another decade.

you talk as if the liberals were introducing a BBA during the Bush years? The biggest entitlement was the Prescription Drug Bill. Liberals wanted more spending on it than Republicans, for example.

100% of the energy for the BBA has always been Republican since Jefferson; especially so in the Tea Party Era. See why we are positive a liberal will have a low IQ?
The Republicans are just as pro big government as the Democrats. Actions speak louder than words--stop falling for empty rhetoric. The sooner you defenders of liberty realize that the better.
We used to prime the pump by lowering the interest rate. However that has been near zero for a decade so that option was already used up keeping the bush economy artificially pumped up.
yep 3 years long over, but the effects will be felt for another decade.

you talk as if the liberals were introducing a BBA during the Bush years? The biggest entitlement was the Prescription Drug Bill. Liberals wanted more spending on it than Republicans, for example.

100% of the energy for the BBA has always been Republican since Jefferson; especially so in the Tea Party Era. See why we are positive a liberal will have a low IQ?

Actually dems wanted to be able to bargain for drug prices, the republicans wanted to spend more by not allowing price bargaining.
Any economy based mostly on debt is not a stable platform.
And I am talking about all varieties of debt, not just national debt.
"All varieties of debt" have been falling for years even while the federal public debt's been soaring. The argument here is simply the American people telling the hired help in Washington to shape up or find other work.
And how many jobs would have been created had the money to fund the stimulus not been taxed away from the private sector?

Zero. Or anyway, the money "taxed away from the private sector" is money that wasn't being invested due to a lack of consumer demand, and there was no reason to expect it to be invested.

Oh, by the way: "prime the pump" is not a phrase in economics, important or unimportant. Brutus showing his usual sophisticated erudition. ;)
"The single most important phrase in economics is"....

You can't SPEND your way to prosperity.
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The Republicans are just as pro big government as the Democrats. Actions speak louder than words--stop falling for empty rhetoric. The sooner you defenders of liberty realize that the better.

One has to be perfectly stupid not to know that Republicans since Jefferson have been for cutting taxes in order to cut government. Its been in all the papers!
One has to be perfectly stupid not to know that Republicans since Jefferson have been for cutting taxes in order to cut government. Its been in all the papers!

One has to be perfectly stupid, no, BEYOND stupid, INCREDIBLY stupid, not to know that the Republican Party was founded in 1854, that Thomas Jefferson died in 1826, that the phrase "Republicans since Jefferson" refers to nothing, and that the DEMOCRATIC-Republican party, to which Jefferson belonged, and the REPUBLICAN party, to which Lincoln belonged, are completely distinct political entities. (In fact, Jefferson's D-Rs were the ancestors of today's Democratic Party, not the GOP.)
One has to be perfectly stupid, no, BEYOND stupid, INCREDIBLY stupid, not to know that the Republican Party was founded in 1854,

I guess the Congression Record was wrong then??? See why we are positive a liberal will have a low IQ??

5th Congress (1797-1799)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


6th Congress (1799-1801)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


7th Congress (1801-1803)

Majority Party: Republican (17 seats)

Minority Party: Federalist (15 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Vacant: 2

Total Seats: 34
All right, Brutus, you've just convinced me you're a troll. Nobody could sincerely be that stupid.

We're done.
All right, Brutus, you've just convinced me you're a troll. Nobody could sincerely be that stupid.

We're done.

we're done because the Congressional Record is right? Why not try to learn something. Do you want to look like a liberal fool all your life?
we're done because the Congressional Record is right?

We're done because in that CR the term "Republican" is short for "Democratic-Republican," and because you are pretending to be so incredibly STUPID that you actually believe this party is the same one as the Republican Party which was founded in 1854 and whose first president was Abraham Lincoln.

You do not honestly believe that. You are not honestly that stupid. NOBODY is that stupid, you are just pretending to be. You are a troll. (Actually, if I had to guess, you're also a liberal, pretending to be a very stupid conservative in order to make conservatives look bad. Real conservatives are often stupid, yes, but they're not THAT stupid.)
"prime the pump" is perhaps the key phrase in all of economics. When you prime a water pump you get it started with a little water and then it runs on its own.

But, when the liberal primes the economy with federal spending it merely creates a bubble not related to or attached to the broader economy and so is not able to pull the broader economy along.

Worse, the bubble bursts causing a depression in the bubble area leaving it worse off than before, plus, the taxation necessary to finance the bubble further recesses the broader economy that was taxed to finance the bubble.

Now we can understand the futility of Keynesian "prime the pump" economics and the futility of using Obama's stimulus bubble to fix the housing bubble.

Ideally we want minimal taxation and Keynesian interference so the free market will organize the economy in the most efficient way possible.

The most important phrase and concept in economics is "The Invisible Hand."

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