
Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
got your attention:

Watch for shooting stars tonight — the biggest meteor shower of the year will reach its peak, and unusually dark skies could make it an especially good show.

The annual Perseid meteor shower happens every August when Earth passes through debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. When the tiny chunks of rock crash through the Earth's atmosphere and burn up, they leave trails of light that we see as meteors. The Perseids produce more visible meteors than any other annual meteor shower.

This year, the Perseids peak early Thursday morning, and the best time to watch is between midnight and dawn.

And while last year's peak was washed out by a supermoon— one of the biggest full moons of the year — nature is making up for it this year with a new moon.

Perseids 2015 Biggest meteor shower of the year peaks tonight - Yahoo News Canada

they are saying 100 an hour by 4 should be worth staying up for
got your attention:

Watch for shooting stars tonight — the biggest meteor shower of the year will reach its peak, and unusually dark skies could make it an especially good show.

The annual Perseid meteor shower happens every August when Earth passes through debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. When the tiny chunks of rock crash through the Earth's atmosphere and burn up, they leave trails of light that we see as meteors. The Perseids produce more visible meteors than any other annual meteor shower.

This year, the Perseids peak early Thursday morning, and the best time to watch is between midnight and dawn.

And while last year's peak was washed out by a supermoon— one of the biggest full moons of the year — nature is making up for it this year with a new moon.

Perseids 2015 Biggest meteor shower of the year peaks tonight - Yahoo News Canada

they are saying 100 an hour by 4 should be worth staying up for
Used to lay outside in sleeping bags with our daughter when they we have so many housed around that leave lights on at night, not really a good view anymore.
yea i am gonna talk the hubby....ya know the one eyed blonde fucker.....into going up on the parkway i know a perfect place
I spent perhaps 20 minutes or so eyes cast skyward last night.
I saw three shooting stars.

But I also saw something I can't identify.
My roof soffit lit up in yellow / orange light. There might have been an event out of my field of view, so bright it lit up the sky.

Not sure.

I'll have another look tonight.
I spent perhaps 20 minutes or so eyes cast skyward last night.
I saw three shooting stars.

But I also saw something I can't identify.
My roof soffit lit up in yellow / orange light. There might have been an event out of my field of view, so bright it lit up the sky.

Not sure.

I'll have another look tonight.
I saw a few at 1 AM CDT in Ft Worth this morning.
got your attention:

Watch for shooting stars tonight — the biggest meteor shower of the year will reach its peak, and unusually dark skies could make it an especially good show.

The annual Perseid meteor shower happens every August when Earth passes through debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. When the tiny chunks of rock crash through the Earth's atmosphere and burn up, they leave trails of light that we see as meteors. The Perseids produce more visible meteors than any other annual meteor shower.

This year, the Perseids peak early Thursday morning, and the best time to watch is between midnight and dawn.

And while last year's peak was washed out by a supermoon— one of the biggest full moons of the year — nature is making up for it this year with a new moon.

Perseids 2015 Biggest meteor shower of the year peaks tonight - Yahoo News Canada

they are saying 100 an hour by 4 should be worth staying up for

Beautiful title, Bones. :thup:

Thanks for the heads-up, pun intended.

A guy in Wales shot this Tuesday morning:


The centrepiece would appear to be St. Cwyfan's Church, sitting on its tiny island (it was a peninsula in the 12th century when it was built).

This image is from, where one can also listen to the meteor reflections.
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got your attention:

Watch for shooting stars tonight — the biggest meteor shower of the year will reach its peak, and unusually dark skies could make it an especially good show.

The annual Perseid meteor shower happens every August when Earth passes through debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. When the tiny chunks of rock crash through the Earth's atmosphere and burn up, they leave trails of light that we see as meteors. The Perseids produce more visible meteors than any other annual meteor shower.

This year, the Perseids peak early Thursday morning, and the best time to watch is between midnight and dawn.

And while last year's peak was washed out by a supermoon— one of the biggest full moons of the year — nature is making up for it this year with a new moon.

Perseids 2015 Biggest meteor shower of the year peaks tonight - Yahoo News Canada

they are saying 100 an hour by 4 should be worth staying up for

We planned our night around this several days ago only to have the munchkin come down with strep throat, looks like I'll be enjoying it alone. Still kinda stoked though.....I really hope it's not just a buncha hype.
ahh does the muchkin with whatever they take for it...bundle up and go.....

She says she is still going to come out and try to enjoy a little of it, I just doubt she will last long. Fortunately, we are far enough from the city and have enough space to watch from my back yard so it's not like we're really going anywhere.
she is willing to give it a go....go for it...maybe go out and see if its happening before you drag her out...make memories damn son will tell you about me accusing him of faking it...and making him do chores..then he collapses with a run away fever...perhaps parenting is not my forte'
H #6

A few sky-watching tips:

a) Some meteors are too faint to see with the unaided eye.
But if you have a good, well focused set of binoculars, around 12X or so, you might try looking skyward with them.
It's a tradeoff. It enables the eye to see fainter streaks of light you might otherwise miss
it accomplishes this by narrowing your field of view.
Still, worth a shot. I've tried it both ways.

b) There's a narrow time window just after full dark, where the sun is below your horizon, but objects in orbit are still in brilliant sunlight.
On a clear night, have a look up, as soon as it becomes fully dark.

To help distinguish them from aircraft:
some aircraft can be heard. Satellites are silent.
Some aircraft have flashing nav. beacons. Satellites don't blink / flash.
Some aircrafts turn while you observe them. Satellites rarely ever turn.
And a biggun, like the ISS is nearly as bright as Venus, and I've seen my shadow by the light of Venus.

There may be an Internet site where you can input a zip code, and it will tell you a time and date when the ISS will pass overhead.
If the weather cooperates, you're in there.
got your attention:

Watch for shooting stars tonight — the biggest meteor shower of the year will reach its peak, and unusually dark skies could make it an especially good show.

The annual Perseid meteor shower happens every August when Earth passes through debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. When the tiny chunks of rock crash through the Earth's atmosphere and burn up, they leave trails of light that we see as meteors. The Perseids produce more visible meteors than any other annual meteor shower.

This year, the Perseids peak early Thursday morning, and the best time to watch is between midnight and dawn.

And while last year's peak was washed out by a supermoon— one of the biggest full moons of the year — nature is making up for it this year with a new moon.

Perseids 2015 Biggest meteor shower of the year peaks tonight - Yahoo News Canada

they are saying 100 an hour by 4 should be worth staying up for
I woke up at 3am and started watching at around 3:30am through 3:40 am and in those 10 minutes looking Northeastly, I saw 7 shooting stars! It was absolutely awesome!

I was a little perturbed because my neighbor across the way.... had his front porch light on, (not really his fault, it is a solar front porch light) but it was still very dark skies and the stars and skies were clear, with no moon in my sight so the show was spectacular! I am hoping to see it again tonight, if the meteor shower will still be around???
I saw 3 last night, and 4 tonight.
There were also several aircraft, two confirmed with audio.
And I may have seen two satellites as well.

I may check again around midnight.
I am getting ready to go outside now just to give the sky a good skimming over to see if I see any, but 3:30 am was just awesome, so this could be when it is the best viewing.... this morning I just looked out and up from my front window with it opened... right now, I am getting ready to go outside and just sit in a lawn chair...the only thing scaring me is Black Bear...we have one particular bear that has been a real pest lately.....pretty as can be though...the most beautiful animal I have ever seen with the most endearing eyes, (that are probably saying 'the better to see you when I eat you, with...") I have bear spray I can bring with me and of course my ninja 'watch cat' who thinks she is a dog, a doberman... :eek:

We really dont have much light pollution way up here in Maine, and the direction I was suppose to look was straight out in to the ocean, so no city r town neighbor's porch light irritated me, but it's not like he's even 100 ft away, more like 75 to 100 yards away...

But I thought I saw a satellite as well early this morning when watching the sky...that... or a UFO :D ...but it stayed in one particular area and it's lights kept dimming in and out... kind of a triangular shape or paragon shape....
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I saw 3 last night, and 4 tonight.
There were also several aircraft, two confirmed with audio.
And I may have seen two satellites as well.

I may check again around midnight.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "two confirmed with audio"?

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