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The Solution to the Mideast

How did Israel get created, I mean, its seems so bad, how did the people support them.

Thru the efforts of President Truman's friend Eddy Jacobson who was solicited to lobby for the Jewish state. President Truman refused to see the Zionists, but did so as a favor to his friend Eddy Jacobson. The order for the Jewish state can be seen at Truman's library. He did not know the name of the state when the recognition order was written and issued! Evidently. the secular Zionists lost out to the zealot Zionists.....

1. Truman was an anti-semitic sandnigger-loving pussy!

2. There is no such thing as a secular Zionist!! You are either Zionist who believes in the Torah or you are not. What you call "zealots" are the believers who made the Zionist dream come true - otherwise we would have been a communist regime still debating whether we are entitled to have our own country!

As to #1..If Truman was an anti-Semite, how do you think the secular Zionists got him to agree to the recognition of the Jewish state without knowing the name of the state until the US released the recognition announcement 11 min after the state of "Israel" was proclaimed. I seriously doubt President Truman was waiting so he could be the first to make that proclamation. We now are to celebrate the 61st anniversary of the deception of President Truman.

Asto #2...As there are zealot Zionist so to are there zealot Muslims. It is tragic that the U.S. got involved in this blood feud that is over 2000 years old.
There is no way to stop terrorism in the middle east. Its a never ending disease. All we can continue to do is take out there leader, each time one rises to take over the terrorist groups. Its a religious war that has been fought for thousands of years. Let them fight within their own country. Who cares, as long as they don't get so powerful they can do some damage and start an actual "war". But with no leader they have no sense of direction, but to kill each other. The only time terrorist groups become powerful is when they have a leader who wants something more than just to kill the other religion. (Hitler, Saddam). Both killed people within their own country, but had a bigger goal in mind. Thus after destroying them, things slow down and we leave them alone to do it again. I guess wat im getting at is unless we take over the country completly there will always be someone that will rise to power. Hint: My signature.
There is no way to stop terrorism in the middle east. Its a never ending disease. All we can continue to do is take out there leader, each time one rises to take over the terrorist groups. Its a religious war that has been fought for thousands of years. Let them fight within their own country. Who cares, as long as they don't get so powerful they can do some damage and start an actual "war". But with no leader they have no sense of direction, but to kill each other. The only time terrorist groups become powerful is when they have a leader who wants something more than just to kill the other religion. (Hitler, Saddam). Both killed people within their own country, but had a bigger goal in mind. Thus after destroying them, things slow down and we leave them alone to do it again. I guess wat im getting at is unless we take over the country completly there will always be someone that will rise to power. Hint: My signature.

At least you admit we are in a religious war. Why so? If we honored our Constitution we would not have the albatross upon are back.

As to your signature line: "The enemy is never defeated until it is completely eliminated"
Eliminated? "One can ponder if Hitler had the right idea......:cuckoo:
I agree with your first statement. But your second statement gets me.
Hitler had the right attitude, but the wrong idea. Hitler had what it took to get power and get people to follow is ideas. Once he was in power he had the will to completely destroy the "enemy". But wat enemy did he have? Jews, euoropeans, ppl he didnt like? Thats not an enemy. Wat im talking about is, in 1991 we had a chance to put saddam out of power. but we didn't. So he came back and caused another war. In WWI we had a chance to put germany to an end. but instead we didnt, we jus let them rebuild. and that caused the start of WWII. So wat im saying is if we keep letting history repeat itself, how will we ever put an end to these pointless wars?
I agree with your first statement. But your second statement gets me.

If you agree to my first statement do you also agree concerning honoring the U.S. Constitution?

Hitler had the right attitude, but the wrong idea. Hitler had what it took to get power and get people to follow is ideas. Once he was in power he had the will to completely destroy the "enemy". But wat enemy did he have? Jews, euoropeans, ppl he didnt like? That's not an enemy.

Hitler did not wish to wage war with the French or the English. They did not want to give Hitler a freehand in the east. The war evolved from the 'phony war' into the real thing.

Wat im talking about is, in 1991 we had a chance to put saddam out of power. but we didn't. So he came back and caused another war.

Pray tell, how did Saddam start the second war?

In WWI we had a chance to put germany to an end. but instead we didnt, we jus let them rebuild. and that caused the start of WWII. So wat im saying is if we keep letting history repeat itself, how will we ever put an end to these pointless wars?

The harsh treatment given Germany and the participation of the Zionists against Germany during the war were the seeds for WW II. Consider: If there was no Balfour Declaration there would have been no Mein Kamfp! Incidentally, why was this declaration made?

At the end of WW II the enemy nations were treated more kindly than Germany after WW I. See, we do learn from history.
There is no way to stop terrorism in the middle east. Its a never ending disease. All we can continue to do is take out there leader, each time one rises to take over the terrorist groups. Its a religious war that has been fought for thousands of years. Let them fight within their own country. Who cares, as long as they don't get so powerful they can do some damage and start an actual "war". But with no leader they have no sense of direction, but to kill each other. The only time terrorist groups become powerful is when they have a leader who wants something more than just to kill the other religion. (Hitler, Saddam). Both killed people within their own country, but had a bigger goal in mind. Thus after destroying them, things slow down and we leave them alone to do it again. I guess wat im getting at is unless we take over the country completly there will always be someone that will rise to power. Hint: My signature.

Bull. The people in the middle east want the same things we want. Happiness, safety, jobs, security, respect.

Last week I saw a PBS special on the Watts riots. LA was booming for 30 years with jobs from GM, Chrysler & Ford. The jobs dried up and thats when the place turned into a shit hole.

The GOP have no solutions. They only create more problems for us, and they make money off of it. Its called disaster capitalism.

We have a plan for Afganistan. An English company made a deal with the trible leaders. Grow and sell Pomagranites instead of drugs. The tribal elders kicked out the taliban.

And you have no idea how poor these people are. Did you know Afganistan's air is horrible because they don't have wood to burn to stay warm? So they heat their homes with PLASTIC!!!

If we don't help them, they'll go back to selling drugs and go back to needing the taliban.

Just like if you lost everything, you might resort to stealing or selling drugs. You don't know until you are there. Human nature says you will do anything to survive. Self preservation!!!
I agree with your first statement. But your second statement gets me.
Hitler had the right attitude, but the wrong idea. Hitler had what it took to get power and get people to follow is ideas. Once he was in power he had the will to completely destroy the "enemy". But wat enemy did he have? Jews, euoropeans, ppl he didnt like? Thats not an enemy. Wat im talking about is, in 1991 we had a chance to put saddam out of power. but we didn't. So he came back and caused another war. In WWI we had a chance to put germany to an end. but instead we didnt, we jus let them rebuild. and that caused the start of WWII. So wat im saying is if we keep letting history repeat itself, how will we ever put an end to these pointless wars?

Saddam started the second war? :lol:

You have been conned!!! I heard Saddam wanted to give himself up and stop the invasion.

And we know that Bush & Co planned the invasion before he even stole the florida election. At least that is what his biographer said. He said his dad blew all the political capital he earned when he didn't invade Bagdad and he would not make the same mistake if he were a war president.

He just made 1000 other mistakes, and profitted from every one of them. At your expense!!!

Sure Saddam said he had WMD's. He was a bluffing liar!!! A Meglomaniac.

Our intelligence is better than that.
I agree with your first statement. But your second statement gets me.
Hitler had the right attitude, but the wrong idea. Hitler had what it took to get power and get people to follow is ideas. Once he was in power he had the will to completely destroy the "enemy". But wat enemy did he have? Jews, euoropeans, ppl he didnt like? Thats not an enemy. Wat im talking about is, in 1991 we had a chance to put saddam out of power. but we didn't. So he came back and caused another war. In WWI we had a chance to put germany to an end. but instead we didnt, we jus let them rebuild. and that caused the start of WWII. So wat im saying is if we keep letting history repeat itself, how will we ever put an end to these pointless wars?

Saddam started the second war? :lol:

You have been conned!!! I heard Saddam wanted to give himself up and stop the invasion.

And we know that Bush & Co planned the invasion before he even stole the florida election. At least that is what his biographer said. He said his dad blew all the political capital he earned when he didn't invade Bagdad and he would not make the same mistake if he were a war president.

He just made 1000 other mistakes, and profitted from every one of them. At your expense!!!

Sure Saddam said he had WMD's. He was a bluffing liar!!! A Meglomaniac.

Our intelligence is better than that.

Your just looking at what Saddam has said and what the media portrays the war to be. Your not trying to understand what Saddam was thinking or his reasons behind anything. Of course Saddam is gonna lie when he is interviewed and in his speeches.

Saddam started the second war when the first one began. If he had never invaded Kuwait we wouldn't be dealing with this whole situation. After the first war ended, we should have seized Saddam and put him out of power forever. Then we should have made Iraq a democracy. All the while our economy would have been booming...instead of trying to fight this war when our economy is close to deppression.

Saddam knew what he was doing all along. He knew by starting the first war it would lead to other wars. He knows that an evil person with power is never defeated the first time. He knew we would come back. That republicans wouldn't be satisfied with what happend in Desert Storm. This time we came back. threw our economy in the dumpsters, spent trillions of dollars on his country, and terrorism is still alive and fighting in Iraq.

See...Saddam didn't care that he was going to die. He just wanted the destruction of America like all other extremist muslims. Except he saw the bigger picture. That destroying us didn't mean killing all of us. But, rather taking our money away. That was the key. He figured if he could draw enough attention to his country and start a war we would waste money that didn't need to be spent. And now that he is dead. We are still pouring money every day into his country and Americans are losing jobs every day. Turmoil throughout our country.

The only reason he lied about WMD's is because Kuwait didn't work. He started the second war
There is no way to stop terrorism in the middle east. Its a never ending disease. All we can continue to do is take out there leader, each time one rises to take over the terrorist groups. Its a religious war that has been fought for thousands of years. Let them fight within their own country. Who cares, as long as they don't get so powerful they can do some damage and start an actual "war". But with no leader they have no sense of direction, but to kill each other. The only time terrorist groups become powerful is when they have a leader who wants something more than just to kill the other religion. (Hitler, Saddam). Both killed people within their own country, but had a bigger goal in mind. Thus after destroying them, things slow down and we leave them alone to do it again. I guess wat im getting at is unless we take over the country completly there will always be someone that will rise to power. Hint: My signature.

Bull. The people in the middle east want the same things we want. Happiness, safety, jobs, security, respect.

I totally agree with this. The ?% that aren't muslim extremists. I feel like the regular citizens who just want peace and to be happy don't care about killing Americans.

It's too bad that the ?% that do are the leaders of terrorist groups throughout the Middle east. And could easily over through the governments. Or atleast the governments we aren't aiding. So give me a solution to eliminate all of the terrorist groups in the middle east. And then you will give me a true answer
Kill all the terrorists. Problem solved.

This would include removing from power every Government, one at a time, that supports terrorists.

I disagree. Killing terrorists only creates more terrorists in the long run. For every terrorist you killed, dozens more will regenerate from within the misery and take their place. With that said, your solution to the Mideast problem is unrealistic.

:lol: They breed like rats!!!! There is no cures for the likes of terrorist. Some folks don't know this, but if you step on a female cockroach, before they die, they drop their eggs and BOOM!!! another population of roaches(Terrorists) are born.We need to back out and leave them to their own problems.As long as we are there,we will continue the chaos.
The only way we will ever see peace in this world is when all the violent factions that make up the Christian, Moslem, and Jewish faiths finally kill each other off. The sad part about that scenario is that it while they are in the process of doing so they will cause untold suffering to those that simply want to be left in peace.
Most of those terrorist are not fighting religious wars... that is a useful recruiting tool to be sure, but often it involves political reasons - ones which have little to do with any religion. The fighting Gaza is a prime example.

According to the Hamas Covenant, that's not what Hamas thinks.

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

The Hamas Covenant was written by one person as a recruiting tool for the first intifada. It was never accepted by the movement as a valid instrument. Israel uses it more than Hamas.
I agree with you Sarge.

The terrorist IDF and terrorist nation of Israel need to be eliminated.

Then the problem will be solved!!!

You are most surely the STUPIDEST FUCK on this board.

Answer me my questions you coward.

Does Allah support the MURDER of women and CHILDREN? Does Allah support the murder of non combatants? Does Allah support the use of his Holy sites as munitions dumps, training facilities for terrorists, that kill women and children, and combat points to fight from while committing terrorist acts?

The standard terrorist propaganda says that it is the Muslims who attack Christians and Jews. However, in Palestine it is the Jews who attack Christians and Muslims.

Something seems to be incorrect here.
I agree with you Sarge.

The terrorist IDF and terrorist nation of Israel need to be eliminated.

Then the problem will be solved!!!

You are most surely the STUPIDEST FUCK on this board.

Answer me my questions you coward.

Does Allah support the MURDER of women and CHILDREN? Does Allah support the murder of non combatants? Does Allah support the use of his Holy sites as munitions dumps, training facilities for terrorists, that kill women and children, and combat points to fight from while committing terrorist acts?

The standard terrorist propaganda says that it is the Muslims who attack Christians and Jews. However, in Palestine it is the Jews who attack Christians and Muslims.

Something seems to be incorrect here.

Dummy, Israel is the only country in the Arab Muslim Middle East where Christians have complete freedom.

You have no idea what you are talking about, moron.

99% of the Middle East is Muslim because Islamos have persecuted and massacred Christians out of the region, where Christianity originated.
You seriously need to open a history book. You're an embarrassment.
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You are most surely the STUPIDEST FUCK on this board.

Answer me my questions you coward.

Does Allah support the MURDER of women and CHILDREN? Does Allah support the murder of non combatants? Does Allah support the use of his Holy sites as munitions dumps, training facilities for terrorists, that kill women and children, and combat points to fight from while committing terrorist acts?

The standard terrorist propaganda says that it is the Muslims who attack Christians and Jews. However, in Palestine it is the Jews who attack Christians and Muslims.

Something seems to be incorrect here.

Dummy, Israel is the only country in the Arab Muslim Middle East where Christians have complete freedom.

You have no idea what you are talking about, moron.

99% of the Middle East is Muslim because Islamos have persecuted and massacred Christians out of the region, where Christianity originated.
You seriously need to open a history book. You're an embarrassment.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QHzuYcuIQY&feature=related]YouTube - Christians in Palestine[/ame]
The standard terrorist propaganda says that it is the Muslims who attack Christians and Jews. However, in Palestine it is the Jews who attack Christians and Muslims.

Something seems to be incorrect here.

Dummy, Israel is the only country in the Arab Muslim Middle East where Christians have complete freedom.

You have no idea what you are talking about, moron.

99% of the Middle East is Muslim because Islamos have persecuted and massacred Christians out of the region, where Christianity originated.
You seriously need to open a history book. You're an embarrassment.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QHzuYcuIQY&feature=related]YouTube - Christians in Palestine[/ame]

Dude, you're an ignorant moron. The Middle East originally was Christian and Jewish. Now, it's nearly 100% Muslim.

Do the math, dumbass. I continue to show what a fool you are.

Persecution of Christians By Muslims
Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestinians Attack Church
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Dummy, Israel is the only country in the Arab Muslim Middle East where Christians have complete freedom.

You have no idea what you are talking about, moron.

99% of the Middle East is Muslim because Islamos have persecuted and massacred Christians out of the region, where Christianity originated.
You seriously need to open a history book. You're an embarrassment.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QHzuYcuIQY&feature=related]YouTube - Christians in Palestine[/ame]

Dude, you're an ignorant moron. The Middle East originally was Christian and Jewish. Now, it's nearly 100% Muslim.

Do the math, dumbass. I continue to show what a fool you are.

Persecution of Christians By Muslims
Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestinians Attack Church
PALESTINE Gaza priest slams barbaric attack against Sisters of the Rosary - Asia News

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's nice but I don't see Palestine listed here.

A group of unknown people attacked, burnt and looted the nuns’ building.

Father Manuel is reluctant to talk about persecution. Instead, he said that “our relations with the Muslims are not only good, they are excellent. I don’t think what happened came from a direct order from Hamas or Fatah. In the past when the Church had difficulties, they came to our defence—for example, when there were demonstrations against the Muhammad cartoons or after the Pope’s speech in Regensburg.”

As proof he said that “just this morning at least a hundred people, both Christian and Muslim, came to see me. Even Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas phoned me from Ramallah to express friendship and his strong condemnation.”

“The whole Gaza community is close to us. Two Hamas minister came to visit the convent and the school run by the sisters and promised to repair all the damage. Some religious sheikhs also came today. Whoever did it was armed. The doors of the convent were knocked open with mortars. It shows how barbaric they and their attempt to make troubles between Christians and Muslims are.”

In Gaza there are five sisters of the Rosary; three run the school (a kindergarten and an elementary school) of about 500 pupils.

“It is a service that the families appreciate very much,” said Father Manuel. “In our parish we also have a school for 1,200 pupils of every background. Even local fundamentalists send their children to our school which is considered the best in the area,” he added.

PALESTINE Gaza priest slams barbaric attack against Sisters of the Rosary - Asia News

This has false flag written all over it.

Dude, you're an ignorant moron. The Middle East originally was Christian and Jewish. Now, it's nearly 100% Muslim.

Do the math, dumbass. I continue to show what a fool you are.

Persecution of Christians By Muslims
Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestinians Attack Church
PALESTINE Gaza priest slams barbaric attack against Sisters of the Rosary - Asia News

Persecution of Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's nice but I don't see Palestine listed here.

A group of unknown people attacked, burnt and looted the nuns’ building.

Father Manuel is reluctant to talk about persecution. Instead, he said that “our relations with the Muslims are not only good, they are excellent. I don’t think what happened came from a direct order from Hamas or Fatah. In the past when the Church had difficulties, they came to our defence—for example, when there were demonstrations against the Muhammad cartoons or after the Pope’s speech in Regensburg.”

As proof he said that “just this morning at least a hundred people, both Christian and Muslim, came to see me. Even Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas phoned me from Ramallah to express friendship and his strong condemnation.”

“The whole Gaza community is close to us. Two Hamas minister came to visit the convent and the school run by the sisters and promised to repair all the damage. Some religious sheikhs also came today. Whoever did it was armed. The doors of the convent were knocked open with mortars. It shows how barbaric they and their attempt to make troubles between Christians and Muslims are.”

In Gaza there are five sisters of the Rosary; three run the school (a kindergarten and an elementary school) of about 500 pupils.

“It is a service that the families appreciate very much,” said Father Manuel. “In our parish we also have a school for 1,200 pupils of every background. Even local fundamentalists send their children to our school which is considered the best in the area,” he added.

PALESTINE Gaza priest slams barbaric attack against Sisters of the Rosary - Asia News

This has false flag written all over it.

Dummy, who the fuck lives in Gaza? Palestinian trash.

You are so stupid.

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