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The Solution to the Mideast

The solution to the mid east violence is SEPARATION of people in conflict. Of course---that is not easy. Sunnis are murdering shiites. At the very least---the first step would be a complete separation between SUDANESE CHRISTIANS and SUDANESE MUSLIMS-----ie a PARTITION OF SUDAN. The next would be a COMPLETE SEPARTION BETWEEN MUSLIMS AND JEWS in the area formerly called "palestine" Next ----a country of refuge for Lebanese, Egyptian, Turkish, Syrian, Jordanian, Iraq etc etc christians. Once all have places of their own and they do not intermingle------------some level of peace can be attained. complete separation of muslims and hindus should be accomplished in southeast asia too.


let the CANAANIZATION OF THE MID EAST BEGIN, right racist? Hey, I bet the natives will LOVE a Gift to Hagee nation carved from their borders just like they did in Israel!

I agree with you Sarge.

The terrorist IDF and terrorist nation of Israel need to be eliminated.

Then the problem will be solved!!!

You are most surely the STUPIDEST FUCK on this board.

Answer me my questions you coward.

Does Allah support the MURDER of women and CHILDREN? Does Allah support the murder of non combatants? Does Allah support the use of his Holy sites as munitions dumps, training facilities for terrorists, that kill women and children, and combat points to fight from while committing terrorist acts?

One mans terrorist may be anothers freedom fighter.

I say let em all blow themselves to kindom come and let thier imaginary gods sort it out.
Ex Marine, I like that, which years did you serve. Have you been with the 1st CEB?

Anyhow you are right without giving any details. The Moslems act out of the belief everything is Allah's will. So if we kill them all than that was Allah's will. As long as they can cling to thier belief, as long as we appease them, there will always be a problem.

Seperating them is about the stupidist suggestion, was that a serious post. It was certainly posted in ignorance. There are so many people you would have to seperate beyond the ones people know simply because they heard the names on TV, Sunnis, Shias, Kurds, Pan-Arabs, Whabbis, Christians and Jews, the list goes on, you would than have to seperate the tribes within the sects of the sub-sects. A moronic suggestion.

There is only one thing to do, put our foot down. State that these are the countries, you live in them peacefully or suffer the consequences of the law. Any government not allowing all the people to live peacefully in thier nation will be eliminated, period.

Forget about Israel, the legit nation, there is no such thing as a Palestinian, a Palestinian is simply an
Arab. Refering to Arabs in Palestine as Palestinians is a new concept, before 1948 if you stated a Palestinian you were speaking strictly of a Jew.
right after we go ahead and take out the wailing wall, dude! Oh, and build a parking lot over your precious plans for the next temple of solomon!

sound good?

fine with me----once that big black turd in mecca is gone------and the ugly yellow pimple in Jerusalem is smashed-----the existence or non existence of that little wall will be no issue at all.

ONE: 'Ye shall have no other gods before Me.'.... except for Israel, and her ye shall worship as unto a golden calf.

TWO: 'Ye shall not make for thyselves a graven image'... unless that image is golden, and then ye may fashion as many as ye please, if a third portion of thy labor be set aside for Israel.

THREE: 'Ye shall not take the name of Israel in vain.'.. If ye do, thy armpits shall be infested with fleas.

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' ... unless Israel needs to invade a neighbor, then ye may soil it.

FIVE: 'Honor thy mother Israel.' ... Thy Father chose to remain in Khazaria, therefore ye shall forget him.

SIX: 'Thou shall not murder... Jews'. Thou shalt murder Muslims and Christians, especially Palestinian children. And whenever possible, suffer the Goy to do the killing for thee.

SEVEN: 'Thou shall not commit adultery... with another Jew'. Adultery committed with the GOY is permissible.

EIGHT: 'Thou shall not steal.... from other Jews'. Thou shalt plunder as much as ye can carry from the GOY, especially Americans.

NINE: 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor...if that neighbor is a Jew'. It is permissible to bear false witness against the GOY. And always remember the Kol Nidre prayer that thy ass may be covered.

TEN: 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass'....Unless that ass belongs to a hot-looking blonde shiksa, then all is permissible.

ONE: 'Ye shall have no other gods before Me.'.... except for Israel, and her ye shall worship as a golden calf.

TWO: 'Ye shall not make for thyselves a graven image'... unless that image is golden, and then ye may fashion as many as ye please, if a third portion of thy labor be set aside for Israel.

THREE: 'Ye shall not take the name of Israel in vain.'.. If ye do, thy armpits shall be infested with fleas.

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' ... unless Israel needs to invade a neighbor, then ye may soil it.

FIVE: 'Honor thy mother Israel.' ... Thy Father chose to remain in Khazaria, therefore ye shall forget him.

SIX: 'Thou shall not murder... Jews'. Thou shalt murder Muslims and Christians, especially Palestinian children. And whenever possible, suffer the Goy to do the killing for thee.

SEVEN: 'Thou shall not commit adultery... with another Jew'. Adultery committed with the GOY is permissible.

EIGHT: 'Thou shall not steal.... from other Jews'. Thou shalt plunder as much as ye can carry from the GOY, especially Americans.

NINE: 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor...if that neighbor is a Jew'. It is permissible to bear false witness against the GOY. And always remember the Kol Nidre prayer that thy ass may be covered.

TEN: 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass'....Unless that ass belongs to a hot-looking blonde shiksa, then all is permissible.

ONE: 'Ye shall have no other gods before Me.'.... except for Israel, and her ye shall worship as a golden calf.

TWO: 'Ye shall not make for thyselves a graven image'... unless that image is golden, and then ye may fashion as many as ye please, if a third portion of thy labor be set aside for Israel.

THREE: 'Ye shall not take the name of Israel in vain.'.. If ye do, thy armpits shall be infested with fleas.

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' ... unless Israel needs to invade a neighbor, then ye may soil it.

FIVE: 'Honor thy mother Israel.' ... Thy Father chose to remain in Khazaria, therefore ye shall forget him.

SIX: 'Thou shall not murder... Jews'. Thou shalt murder Muslims and Christians, especially Palestinian children. And whenever possible, suffer the Goy to do the killing for thee.

SEVEN: 'Thou shall not commit adultery... with another Jew'. Adultery committed with the GOY is permissible.

EIGHT: 'Thou shall not steal.... from other Jews'. Thou shalt plunder as much as ye can carry from the GOY, especially Americans.

NINE: 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor...if that neighbor is a Jew'. It is permissible to bear false witness against the GOY. And always remember the Kol Nidre prayer that thy ass may be covered.

TEN: 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass'....Unless that ass belongs to a hot-looking blonde shiksa, then all is permissible.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA lance, you anti-semite little bitch, we are watching you!!!1

ONE: 'Ye shall have no other gods before Me.'.... except for Israel, and her ye shall worship as a golden calf.

TWO: 'Ye shall not make for thyselves a graven image'... unless that image is golden, and then ye may fashion as many as ye please, if a third portion of thy labor be set aside for Israel.

THREE: 'Ye shall not take the name of Israel in vain.'.. If ye do, thy armpits shall be infested with fleas.

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' ... unless Israel needs to invade a neighbor, then ye may soil it.

FIVE: 'Honor thy mother Israel.' ... Thy Father chose to remain in Khazaria, therefore ye shall forget him.

SIX: 'Thou shall not murder... Jews'. Thou shalt murder Muslims and Christians, especially Palestinian children. And whenever possible, suffer the Goy to do the killing for thee.

SEVEN: 'Thou shall not commit adultery... with another Jew'. Adultery committed with the GOY is permissible.

EIGHT: 'Thou shall not steal.... from other Jews'. Thou shalt plunder as much as ye can carry from the GOY, especially Americans.

NINE: 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor...if that neighbor is a Jew'. It is permissible to bear false witness against the GOY. And always remember the Kol Nidre prayer that thy ass may be covered.

TEN: 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass'....Unless that ass belongs to a hot-looking blonde shiksa, then all is permissible.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA lance, you anti-semite little bitch, we are watching you!!!1

And I am watching you.
How did Israel get created, I mean, its seems so bad, how did the people support them.
Christians and Jews around the world need to collectively 'man-up' and admit the politically incorrect and declare war on Islam. Until that is admitted and hard lines drawn in the sand so to speak, the real battle can't be fought.

Seems like you got the hots for a religious war. Do remember, knowledge can be use for good or evil. Unfortunately evil does not know itself! :(

ONE: 'Ye shall have no other gods before Me.'.... except for Israel, and her ye shall worship as a golden calf.

TWO: 'Ye shall not make for thyselves a graven image'... unless that image is golden, and then ye may fashion as many as ye please, if a third portion of thy labor be set aside for Israel.

THREE: 'Ye shall not take the name of Israel in vain.'.. If ye do, thy armpits shall be infested with fleas.

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' ... unless Israel needs to invade a neighbor, then ye may soil it.

FIVE: 'Honor thy mother Israel.' ... Thy Father chose to remain in Khazaria, therefore ye shall forget him.

SIX: 'Thou shall not murder... Jews'. Thou shalt murder Muslims and Christians, especially Palestinian children. And whenever possible, suffer the Goy to do the killing for thee.

SEVEN: 'Thou shall not commit adultery... with another Jew'. Adultery committed with the GOY is permissible.

EIGHT: 'Thou shall not steal.... from other Jews'. Thou shalt plunder as much as ye can carry from the GOY, especially Americans.

NINE: 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor...if that neighbor is a Jew'. It is permissible to bear false witness against the GOY. And always remember the Kol Nidre prayer that thy ass may be covered.

TEN: 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass'....Unless that ass belongs to a hot-looking blonde shiksa, then all is permissible.

Your presentation is most interesting. The ten commandmants that Moses gave to the Hebrews (Jews never mentioned in the first 5 books) and not to mankind are assumed to be given to all mankind. The various practices you allude too, I too wondered how a people could abide by them and yet exterminate the various inhabitants of the holy land in antiquity. Its interesting that the Christians seem to have forgotten the two commandments given to them by the Son of Man.
Sounds like dialogue and equal rights, democracy and obeying international are too boring... then again, nobody really makes much money when people relax and discuss things.

Conflict people! Think of the economy!
I agree with you Sarge.

The terrorist IDF and terrorist nation of Israel need to be eliminated.

Then the problem will be solved!!!

Does Allah support the MURDER of women and CHILDREN? Does Allah support the murder of non combatants? Does Allah support the use of his Holy sites as munitions dumps, training facilities for terrorists, that kill women and children, and combat points to fight from while committing terrorist acts?

I'm not Muslim or an expert in the Koran, but from my limited study I'm pretty sure that the answer to your questions is No.
Kill all the terrorists. Problem solved.

This would include removing from power every Government, one at a time, that supports terrorists.

Great idea. Why didn't we think of it before.

One problem.

How do you tell who's a terrorist?

Why does retired gyom or whatever the fuck he/she/it is hate america? We supported Ossama and gave him his first big terror job in Afgahistan against the Ruskies. So the cunnygunny wants us to kill our own government?

Good grief these neo cons are stupid. Don't they know that world wide we are the biggest supporters of terrorists?
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How did Israel get created, I mean, its seems so bad, how did the people support them.

Thru the efforts of President Truman's friend Eddy Jacobson who was solicited to lobby for the Jewish state. President Truman refused to see the Zionists, but did so as a favor to his friend Eddy Jacobson. The order for the Jewish state can be seen at Truman's library. He did not know the name of the state when the recognition order was written and issued! Evidently. the secular Zionists lost out to the zealot Zionists.....
How did Israel get created, I mean, its seems so bad, how did the people support them.

Thru the efforts of President Truman's friend Eddy Jacobson who was solicited to lobby for the Jewish state. President Truman refused to see the Zionists, but did so as a favor to his friend Eddy Jacobson. The order for the Jewish state can be seen at Truman's library. He did not know the name of the state when the recognition order was written and issued! Evidently. the secular Zionists lost out to the zealot Zionists.....

1. Truman was an anti-semitic sandnigger-loving pussy!

2. There is no such thing as a secular Zionist!! You are either Zionist who believes in the Torah or you are not. What you call "zealots" are the believers who made the Zionist dream come true - otherwise we would have been a communist regime still debating whether we are entitled to have our own country!
Refering to Arabs in Palestine as Palestinians is a new concept, before 1948 if you stated a Palestinian you were speaking strictly of a Jew.


Until the inflow of European Jews post 1918, the Jewish population in Palestine was about 2% of the population.

If Arbas living in the land known as Palestine weren't called Palestinians, then using that same logic people living in the United States should not be called Americans, but rather whatever ethnic group their forefathers happened to be.

I mean I don't really care what you call the Arabs who lived in Palestine, but I seriously doubt anybody referred to Jews living in Palestine as Palestinians.

Certainly I never read such a reference in history.

If you can direct me to one, I'd like to see it.

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