the sooner the GOP realizes this, the better they will be


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Your name has been duly noted.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Save it golf ball. The left wing backed rioters in the blue cites are showing exactly where the looney left wants to go.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Rural folk aren't stupid. Who just tore down a General Grant statue?
I agree it’s time for the Right to take off the lace gloves and start fighting back... politically, socially, verbally, and (if absolutely necessary) violently. If we don’t fight back NOW, there may not be a chance to in the future.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Save it golf ball. The left wing backed rioters in the blue cites are showing exactly where the looney left wants to go.
Saying "blue" cities is redundant, as there are no "red" cities. The "looney left" seems plenty ready to welcome you snowflakes rising up.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Rural folk aren't stupid. Who just tore down a General Grant statue?
I grew up in a rural community. There’s stupid folk everywhere.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.

Let us speak freely, one paleoconservative to another. NO ONE wants to be the guy who kicks off the next crusade only to shortly thereafter realize he's the sole schmuck out there trying to liberate the streets by himself. That's the most likely scenario. You see, while radical leftists are out their forming mobs and rioting like its their religion and they're following some dark god's call (because it is their religion), American conservatives are still dipping their collective toes in the cold, cold waters of "maybe we ought to do something". What often happens to so-called rightwing freedom militias who surround statues or conservative businesses to defend them from leftist lunatics? The police arrest them. What happens to leftist sociopaths who riot, loot, rape and pillage private and public property? Mayors, governors and cable news pie holes want to give them medals.

Thus, in order for a neo-Crusade to kick-off, we conservatives and other sane Americans who love their nation need some assurances. Support in writing from more than one patriotic politician would be a great start. Of course even if any such political animal existed in the first place he'd probably turn around and stab us in the back in order to save his own ass. So for now, and despite what some media outlets, blogs and You Tube videos claim, for the most part conservatives and other patriots seem content to sit on their asses, whine about shit on the internet from their couches and pop off a few rounds down at their local gun clubs. Whatever.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Save it golf ball. The left wing backed rioters in the blue cites are showing exactly where the looney left wants to go.
Saying "blue" cities is redundant, as there are no "red" cities. The "looney left" seems plenty ready to welcome you snowflakes rising up.
That is why most of the cites are in the they created as with some of the states like fruit and nut land California. They are wrecking crew at this time.
We're not at war. All screaming WAR does is provide an excuse for the-ends-justify-the-means behavior, and an excuse to avoid the heavy lifting of communicating with the "other side".

We really are stuck on ridiculous hyperbole in this country.

This is the kind of crap that's making things worse.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Save it golf ball. The left wing backed rioters in the blue cites are showing exactly where the looney left wants to go.
Saying "blue" cities is redundant, as there are no "red" cities. The "looney left" seems plenty ready to welcome you snowflakes rising up.
That is why most of the cites are in the they created as with some of the states like fruit and nut land California. They are wrecking crew at this time.
Your comment is garbled nonsense. All I can make out from it is you parroting your hatred of California, a place that became the 5th largest economy in the world under Democratic stewardship.
We're not at war. All screaming WAR does is provide an excuse for the-ends-justify-the-means behavior, and an excuse to avoid the heavy lifting of communicating with the "other side".

We really are stuck on ridiculous hyperbole in this country.

This is the kind of crap that's making things worse.
I would agree however the rioters and their enablers so to speak have no interest in communicating with anyone who does not agree with them 90 to 100 percent. And yes there are some on the right who can be the same way. Speaking for myself I would have no trouble setting down with those who have issues to address in an orderly fashion. Yes there are bad cops out there like the ones responsible for Floyd's death, but not every white cop is with the KKK, we are talking about a few bad eggs and some on the left believe the whole barrel so to speak is rotten.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Save it golf ball. The left wing backed rioters in the blue cites are showing exactly where the looney left wants to go.
Saying "blue" cities is redundant, as there are no "red" cities. The "looney left" seems plenty ready to welcome you snowflakes rising up.
That is why most of the cites are in the they created as with some of the states like fruit and nut land California. They are wrecking crew at this time.
Your comment is garbled nonsense. All I can make out from it is you parroting your hatred of California, a place that became the 5th largest economy in the world under Democratic stewardship.
To idiot liberals I'm sure it is, which is why you and I have zero in common and no use for each others view.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
It was scattered uneducated rural folk who kicked Britain's ass and started this nation, shitforbrains. BTW you weren't educated in school, you were brain washed and programmed but you're just too damned stupid now to know it.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Rural folk aren't stupid. Who just tore down a General Grant statue?
I grew up in a rural community. There’s stupid folk everywhere.
Right. But they're not stupid just because they're rural.
It was scattered uneducated rural folk who kicked Britain's ass and started this nation, shitforbrains. BTW you weren't educated in school, you were brain washed and programmed but you're just too damned stupid now to know it.
If you had been educated in school or by anybody, you would know how stupid your comment was. The revolution started in cities, not rural wasteland. Targets for capture in the war were cities, not rural wasteland. I'll give you that both armies had uneducated rural folk in them, of course, as this shit was 250 years ago.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Rural folk aren't stupid. Who just tore down a General Grant statue?
I grew up in a rural community. There’s stupid folk everywhere.

I currently live in one. Can confirm.

this has been building for years and we have seen it in the streets of the blue cities. Some parts of this piece are over the top, but the general idea is correct.
Uprisings by scattered, uneducated rural folk rarely end well. Good luck, snowflake.
Save it golf ball. The left wing backed rioters in the blue cites are showing exactly where the looney left wants to go.
Saying "blue" cities is redundant, as there are no "red" cities. The "looney left" seems plenty ready to welcome you snowflakes rising up.
That is why most of the cites are in the they created as with some of the states like fruit and nut land California. They are wrecking crew at this time.
Your comment is garbled nonsense. All I can make out from it is you parroting your hatred of California, a place that became the 5th largest economy in the world under Democratic stewardship.
To idiot liberals I'm sure it is, which is why you and I have zero in common and no use for each others view.
I don't think dialogue is possible with your type. That's why I make fun of your barely literate typing and point out that the state you hate is the most successful in the nation. Oh, and that it subsidizes your rural wasteland.

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