The Sordid State Of Political Campaigning


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I live in Georgia. And the Senate race here is key to a Republican takeover in the Senate. However, I must call down the Republican candidate for airing an ad about Michelle Nunn. But this also reminds me of the sordid state of political campaigns all across the country.

In one of Perdue's campaign ads, he accuses Michelle Nunn and the Points of Light Foundation of funneling money to terrorists. I myself find the claim egregiously false. I know it, Perdue knows it. Sam Nunn (her father) has my respect, because he was one of those Democrats who knew what it took to make government run efficiently, according to my grandmother a former Democrat, who held him in high regard. Had the Democratic Party maintained the values of the old days, I myself would be one. However, unlike Sam, I don't know so much about his daughter though.

I must admit, the Perdue ad crossed a line. It makes me question why I should vote for him. But hey, Nunn has run some equally false ads about Perdue. Nobody is immune. Voting for me has become choosing between two evils, not two candidates.

Even still, though, I will reluctantly vote for Purdue, because the Obama Administration has exceeded authoritative bounds on numerous occasions; made even more evident by over a dozen unanimous Supreme Court rulings telling him to stand down, plus the administration's ineptitude over the Ebola crisis only cements my reasoning (and yes, I know the Bush Administration had many unanimous decisions run against them too). I don't like any of this one bit. But I am also conscious of the direction my country is headed.

But it also gets me thinking about the sordid state of politics, not only here in Georgia, but in places like Arizona. In this case, a PAC, run by former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, let off a vile ad against a Republican candidate, Martha McSally in support of Ron Barber (D-AZ). Giffords used the ad, in which Vicki, a mother and wife of a 19 year old girl and her father who were both killed by a stalker, recalled the day of the murders in order to attack McSally; basically laying the murder at her feet. "Martha McSally opposes making it harder for stalkers to get a gun" the ad says. The problem with that was that McSally was a victim of stalking herself.

I was hoping for once this would be a clean campaign. Perhaps Perdue could learn from Nathan Deal, whom I have not seen airing any particularly nasty ads about his opponent, Jason Carter to date.

I cannot stand for this behavior. I don't care who does it. To outright lie about someone in an effort to get elected is wrong. I must slam Perdue for what he did. I am an upstanding man. I will for the life of me never ever support this kind of behavior. One more slip up from him and I will not be casting a vote for a senatorial candidate this year.
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Perdue is doing exactly what Republicans always do.

Find something for you dumb yokels to be scared of, get you to vote against your own economic interests, and then screw you.

60 years ago it was McCarthy claiming we all had Communists hiding under our bed.

Today it's your boy Perdue trying to convince you there's a Jihadist in the Closet.
Perdue is doing exactly what Republicans always do.

Find something for you dumb yokels to be scared of, get you to vote against your own economic interests, and then screw you.

60 years ago it was McCarthy claiming we all had Communists hiding under our bed.

Today it's your boy Perdue trying to convince you there's a Jihadist in the Closet.
Perhaps he is correct. You live in Chicago, Illinois. I would not be criticizing anybody for where they live.
Perdue is doing exactly what Republicans always do.

Find something for you dumb yokels to be scared of, get you to vote against your own economic interests, and then screw you.

60 years ago it was McCarthy claiming we all had Communists hiding under our bed.

Today it's your boy Perdue trying to convince you there's a Jihadist in the Closet.
Perhaps he is correct. You live in Chicago, Illinois. I would not be criticizing anybody for where they live.

You mean the Jewel of the Midwest. Obviously, you don't know what you are talking about.


On the other hand, all Atlanta has is an Airport.
Perdue is doing exactly what Republicans always do.

Find something for you dumb yokels to be scared of, get you to vote against your own economic interests, and then screw you.

60 years ago it was McCarthy claiming we all had Communists hiding under our bed.

Today it's your boy Perdue trying to convince you there's a Jihadist in the Closet.
Perhaps he is correct. You live in Chicago, Illinois. I would not be criticizing anybody for where they live.

You mean the Jewel of the Midwest. Obviously, you don't know what you are talking about.


On the other hand, all Atlanta has is an Airport.
A socialist shit hole wallowing in red ink.

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