The Sound of Whining Wingnuts

Think it's bad now? Wait until the Senate is controlled by Republicans......:rofl:

Can you say "lame duck"?


Is that your official prediction? :eusa_think:

I think the GOP will pick up at least 6 seats in the Senate in November.


At the rate Obama is tripping over Fundamentals of Politics 101, I'd say you're a pessimist.

Another measure of what impact the standings of Obama might have on the midterms is the extent to which voters say their decisions are meant to be a vote for or against the sitting president.

At this point in 2014, 26% of voters see their vote as one against Obama while 16% say their vote is meant to support him.

Obama job ratings higher than Bush, but pale next to Bill Clinton | Pew Research Center
Jesus christ this board is full of whining righties. Put up or shut up. Email Boehner and tell him to put his money where his mouth is, or rather his law suit where his pie hole is, and sue Obama or else STFU.

Thad Cochran didn't sit around and whine when he saw that slime bag McDaniel creeping up on him. He sat down and started calling Dems and minorities and probably made a great case: If they are on any kind of federal assistance, McDaniel was going to take it away from them, so get to the polls and vote for me. Bada-bing. Worked.

David Brat didn't sit around and whine when he went after Cantor's seat. He saw that Cantor was too busy trying to catch the camera's eye inside the Beltway and started doing stand up in Culpepper.

So there you go, your role models. Do something. The sound of your whining on here is hurting my cyber-ears.

The irony here is the biggest whiny wingnut of all, started this thread.
Jesus christ this board is full of whining righties. Put up or shut up. Email Boehner and tell him to put his money where his mouth is, or rather his law suit where his pie hole is, and sue Obama or else STFU.

Thad Cochran didn't sit around and whine when he saw that slime bag McDaniel creeping up on him. He sat down and started calling Dems and minorities and probably made a great case: If they are on any kind of federal assistance, McDaniel was going to take it away from them, so get to the polls and vote for me. Bada-bing. Worked.

David Brat didn't sit around and whine when he went after Cantor's seat. He saw that Cantor was too busy trying to catch the camera's eye inside the Beltway and started doing stand up in Culpepper.

So there you go, your role models. Do something. The sound of your whining on here is hurting my cyber-ears.


Reading your post sounds like you are a whining wingnut.

What a fucking hypocrite.
Republicans are supposed to bend over and take it...that's Demspeak for compromise
but Democrats aren't willing to bend at all.

False premises, distortions and lies, right wingers ONLY ammo today

yes...when we hear false premises, distortions and lies from the administration...we see it as ammo.

Thanks for your support asshole.
Yeah, because IF the GOP controlled the Senate TOO, it would change Obama's policies, lol

Not like the GOP House has worked with him *Shaking head*

We did not send them there to work with him.

True, the GOP has undermined EVERYTHING since Jan 2009....

Think it's bad now? Wait until the Senate is controlled by Republicans......:rofl:

Can you say "lame duck"?


Yeah, because IF the GOP controlled the Senate TOO, it would change Obama's policies, lol

Not like the GOP House has worked with him *Shaking head*

Nothing will force obama to change his policies. He will always do what is most harmful to Americans.
Yeah, because IF the GOP controlled the Senate TOO, it would change Obama's policies, lol

Not like the GOP House has worked with him *Shaking head*

We did not send them there to work with him.

True, the GOP has undermined EVERYTHING since Jan 2009....

you are surprised that the GOP is doing what their constituents asked for?


That's the way it is supposed to be.

But how would you know? Your reps are not at all concerned about the President forcing them to vote for a law (the ACA) based on lies. Your reps don't care about the IRS and how they can do whatever they want to the American People.

You expect your reps to sit back and let nature take its course.

We don't. And so....they don't.
We did not send them there to work with him.

How about all the bills that the House passed and sent to the Senate that
Harry either tossed or buried...

you mean the one's w/ all the provisions limiting or repealing the ACA. THOSE bills? :rolleyes:


the bill was passed based on the following promises...

1) It will be deficit neutral.....PROVEN TO BE A LIE
2) No one will lose a policy they want to keep.......PROVEN TO BE A LIE
3) Rates will go down for those not getting a subsidy by 2500.....PROVEN TO BE A LIE

I wonder why YOUR reps didn't want to try to repeal it. It was based on a host of lies.

I guess they don't give a fuck about you.
Jesus christ this board is full of whining righties. Put up or shut up. Email Boehner and tell him to put his money where his mouth is, or rather his law suit where his pie hole is, and sue Obama or else STFU.

Thad Cochran didn't sit around and whine when he saw that slime bag McDaniel creeping up on him. He sat down and started calling Dems and minorities and probably made a great case: If they are on any kind of federal assistance, McDaniel was going to take it away from them, so get to the polls and vote for me. Bada-bing. Worked.

David Brat didn't sit around and whine when he went after Cantor's seat. He saw that Cantor was too busy trying to catch the camera's eye inside the Beltway and started doing stand up in Culpepper.

So there you go, your role models. Do something. The sound of your whining on here is hurting my cyber-ears.

The irony here is the biggest whiny wingnut of all, started this thread.

Again, you can't provide any instance in which action has been taken to follow all the blather from the right about Obama. So when you can't attack the message....
Jesus christ this board is full of whining righties. Put up or shut up. Email Boehner and tell him to put his money where his mouth is, or rather his law suit where his pie hole is, and sue Obama or else STFU.

Thad Cochran didn't sit around and whine when he saw that slime bag McDaniel creeping up on him. He sat down and started calling Dems and minorities and probably made a great case: If they are on any kind of federal assistance, McDaniel was going to take it away from them, so get to the polls and vote for me. Bada-bing. Worked.

David Brat didn't sit around and whine when he went after Cantor's seat. He saw that Cantor was too busy trying to catch the camera's eye inside the Beltway and started doing stand up in Culpepper.

So there you go, your role models. Do something. The sound of your whining on here is hurting my cyber-ears.

The irony here is the biggest whiny wingnut of all, started this thread.

Again, you can't provide any instance in which action has been taken to follow all the blather from the right about Obama. So when you can't attack the message....


Did you NOT hear that the SCOTUS overturned Obamas "recess appointments"?

DO you not see strange stuff leaking out on a daily basis regarding the IRS thanks to the GOP?

Did you not see the GOP take back the house in 2012?

Do you not see the polls that show the GOP has a good chance of taking back the senate in 2014?

Not doing anything?

Seems you are not paying attention.

Now...go back to your childish whining about...well....those that whine.
The irony here is the biggest whiny wingnut of all, started this thread.

Again, you can't provide any instance in which action has been taken to follow all the blather from the right about Obama. So when you can't attack the message....


Did you NOT hear that the SCOTUS overturned Obamas "recess appointments"?

DO you not see strange stuff leaking out on a daily basis regarding the IRS thanks to the GOP?

Did you not see the GOP take back the house in 2012?

Do you not see the polls that show the GOP has a good chance of taking back the senate in 2014?

Not doing anything?

Seems you are not paying attention.

Now...go back to your childish whining about...well....those that whine.

LOL!!! So you are inferring that SCOTUS is rightwing and biased? Well, I can't argue with you there even though they are supposed to be following the law, not their opinions.

So Lois Lerner's computer crash is a "leak"? That's new. I thought I saw the Commish talking about that in the hearing.

I'm not talking about elections, toots. I'm talking about the whining going on with Boehner saying he's going sue Obama. And the constant bullshit about impeachment.

Go back and read the O/P and try to stick with it past the headline, child.
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Again, you can't provide any instance in which action has been taken to follow all the blather from the right about Obama. So when you can't attack the message....


Did you NOT hear that the SCOTUS overturned Obamas "recess appointments"?

DO you not see strange stuff leaking out on a daily basis regarding the IRS thanks to the GOP?

Did you not see the GOP take back the house in 2012?

Do you not see the polls that show the GOP has a good chance of taking back the senate in 2014?

Not doing anything?

Seems you are not paying attention.

Now...go back to your childish whining about...well....those that whine.

LOL!!! So you are inferring that SCOTUS is rightwing and biased? Well, I can't argue with you there even though they are supposed to be following the law, not their opinions.

So Lois Lerner's computer crash is a "leak"? That's new. I thought I saw the Commish talking about that in the hearing.

I'm not talking about elections, toots. I'm talking about the whining going on with Boehner saying he's going sue Obama. And the constant bullshit about impeachment.

Go back and read the O/P and try to stick with it past the headline, child.


I did not infer the scotus is rightwing.

It was GOP reps that pushed for the SCOTUS to make a ruling.

And of course you are not talking about elections...

Except when you are talking about the Cochran election and the Cantor election.

Then it is OK. ....lmao.....

No....not Lois Lerners crash.

The email found about her targeting Grassly.....even though it was not her job to do recommend it...or to even care about it. She was with another department. are a tool.

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