The source of our universe is Conscious!

"Some years ago I began to entertain the thought that a universe that to be needs to be known, to that end has taken on a design that breeds and fosters life; so that life might eventually, here and there, evolve scientists who could cast back upon the history that produced them, and could begin to understand it. That, through their knowing, the universe could achieve increasingly the reality of becoming known, of coming to know itself."
A moment of profound circular reasoned, self-fulfilled prophesy spills forth from its bleary, sub-conscious malaise into a state of wild, fun-crazed, conscious sentience.. and there was much rejoicing.. by likeminded dingbats..
A moment of profound circular reasoned, self-fulfilled prophesy spills forth from its bleary, sub-conscious malaise into a state of wild, fun-crazed, conscious sentience.. and there was much rejoicing.. by likeminded dingbats..
Are you always a complete douche?
Funny, how reciprocal that sentiment works, Mr. YOU SUCK YA JACKASS!
The self-awareness here is truly astronomical at times.
The universe is made up of mind stuff.

It's not a coincidence that the universe popped into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence. Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality - that the stuff of which physical reality is composed is mind-stuff. It is the constant presence of Mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life, and so eventually evolves creatures that know and create and imbued His creation with His attributes.
One for the atheists. Nobel prize winner in medicine.


Life on earth came from outer space, which is filled with the building blocks of life.

What's scientifically impossible is an invisible superbeing poofing everything into being.
Life on earth came from outer space, which is filled with the building blocks of life.

What's scientifically impossible is an invisible superbeing poofing everything into being.
You are wrong. Atheists and their scientists are usually wrong. What's scientifically impossible is there are no proteins in space which is what the human body needs to build itself.
Funny, how reciprocal that sentiment works, Mr. YOU SUCK YA JACKASS!
The self-awareness here is truly astronomical at times.
I save my trolling for the basement threads.
What's your excuse?
Folks put out a thought and you have done nothing but mock.
How self aware is that?
You are wrong. Atheists and their scientists are usually wrong. What's scientifically impossible is there are no proteins in space which is what the human body needs to build itself.
So what proof do YOU have that we were put here by a god?
So what proof do YOU have that we were put here by a god?
The Bible. There's no other way spacetime, universe, Earth, everything in it, and complexity could be here.

Science backs up the Bible as you can't get life from non-life.
The Bible. There's no other way spacetime, universe, Earth, everything in it, and complexity could be here.

Science backs up the Bible as you can't get life from non-life.
LOL! You're crazy brah. The Bible is fiction.
1) Consciousness(es) exists in our universe!
2) Consciousness, along with everything else in our universe, arises from the source of our universe!
3) Consciousness exists in the source of our universe!
4) The source of our universe is Conscious!

plural, hopefully your not another christian ... waiting to be saved is the surest way to get burnt.
1) Consciousness exists in our universe!
2) Consciousness, along with everything else in our universe, arises from the source of our universe!
3) Consciousness exists in the source of our universe!
4) The source of our universe is Conscious!
Read carefully from the scriptures, Paul addressing all the smart philosophers of his day in Greece on Mars Hill at the "Acropolis" ......the Parthenon and presented to them that they (the philosophers) in their ignorance worshiped one distinctly different statue plaque addressed to the UNKNOWN GOD. Paul declared that they by accident were paying tribute to the actual God of the Universe.

"...........God who made the world and everything in it, since He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands, nor is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, Since He gives life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and boundaries of their dwellings. SO THAT THEY SEEK THE LORD, IN THE HOPE THAT THEY MIGHT GROPE FOR HIM AND FIND HIM, THOUGH HE IS NOT FAR FROM EACH OF US; FOR IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING............" -- Acts 17:24-28

Explained with no ambiguity whatsoever. This single passage explains God's greatness.......His omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience. We exist and have our very existence WITHIN GOD.......God is a spirit, God is the Universe, we live and move and have our being IN HIM........Being within God...i.e. the entire universe and all thats contained therein is KNOWN to God just as you know every part of your being, just how your intelligence is greater than any single part of the whole.......just as your intelligence guides and directs the entire body under the authority of that intelligence..........THIS IS THE GOD OF CREATION..........HE IS ETERNAL AND PREEXISTED EVEN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE IN SPIRIT.

He allows us to live by the will of His divine GRACE. We are without control........control is an illusion, the best we can do is just as Paul described...........Grope for God in the HOPES that we might one day finally realize that WE HAVE OUR BEING WITHIN HIM as our spirit is directed back to the God of our existence upon physical death, we are no more than a signal conducted along a universal nervous system that stims from the very thoughts of God and brought into existence by HIS WORD.

Christianity is not nor has it ever been about physicality.......its always been a SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE that gives hope in a world that has an expiration date. We are born knowing there is an eternal spirit that controls our being, we seek from the time of birth crying ABBA (Father) attempting to find that purpose to our life..........we are connected, perhaps even in ignorance to the UNIVERSE. The universe does not surround us..........we are engulfed within the universe.
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No. That’s called pantheism.

The physical, biological and moral laws of nature are evidence of God.
Maybe all our souls are all part of a "god" energy and we decided to make the universe to have something to do.

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