The sources of Trump's wiretap claim are revealed today by the Washington Post

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
The source of your post/claim is a left wing organization, so all else being proves nothing.
We don't need proof of obvious truthhoods. Did we know the earth was round before the space exploration? Of course we did.
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
We don't need proof of obvious truthhoods. Did we know the earth was round before the space exploration? Of course we did.
Because we already had proof before space exploration, prior to that it was believed to be flat.
We don't need proof of obvious truthhoods. Did we know the earth was round before the space exploration? Of course we did.
One of the very first clues that the Earth was round as opposed to flat, was the fact that people watching for ships coming into port, or harbor, could see the tops of the masts before any other parts of the ships.

That was a fact that could not be refuted, unlike many of the "facts" presented here.
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap. This was classified information, and FISA and wire taps of any sort are not supposed to be used against American Citizens, and since Flynn committed no crimes, exactly what was "The Probable Cause" for such a wire tap?

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

And then answer this: Where is Waldo?

Obama Bin Lying is an opinionated ahole. So why hasn't he come out of his bunker with Valerie Vagina Jarret and denied the wire tapping story?

And Where is Big Mouth Hillary Rotten Clinton to throw her two cents in?
Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

How about Jill "Doesn't Shave Her Armpits" Stein? She loves the spotlight, so why is she in hiding? She doesn't have an opinion on this?
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We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
The source of your post/claim is a left wing organization, so all else being proves nothing.

Then again Trump's had how long to name a source, and he did say newspapers shouldn't get away with not naming sources, so, maybe Trump doesn't really have a source at all, other than shitty right wing talk radio hosts.
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap.

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

No, wire tapping is not the only way to get such a transcript.
I don't understand how the liberal media can keep lying and claiming there is no proof, because this contradicts their whole stink about Flynn based on wire taps "that occured at Trump towers", in fact the no proof argument backfires on the whole trying to claim Russians colluded with the new administration, as all the agencies claim there is not one single evidence of such.
Another Excuse liberals make when confronted with facts is that sometimes civilians (which Flynn was) get caught in the cross hair (like all of a sudden liberals know what that means when convenient but not like when innocents caught at airports caught in the cross hair of weeding through the unknown risks). This argument is fallacious because it didn't happen once, he was illegally tapped at least 3 times. The caught in the middle argument goes out the window and heing a civilian means someone broke the law as well as those leaking the info, hence Comey knowing his agency is in trouble over this, is comitting further crimes in asking the Justice Dept not to investigate=cover up.
Remember Obama swore he never ever tapped a civilian which Flynn was.

For the liberals and media to claim an agency with ties to Obamas administration did the tapping of civilian Flynn but in word play say Obama technically didn't, is to admit
" A Russian" is not "The Russians" as in a diplomat is not Putin and you can't assume & tie them together especially when the intelligence community said there were no ties to any collusion.
The Liberal excuses bust their own argument which means they are admitting the investigation is bogus illegal false charges and the wire taps were illegal as was forcing cabinet members to quit by terrorist acts of the former administration and the Democratic party members and their
illegal coup attempt.
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap.

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

No, wire tapping is not the only way to get such a transcript.
You thinkin Obama used bugs?
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
The source of your post/claim is a left wing organization, so all else being proves nothing.

Then again Trump's had how long to name a source, and he did say newspapers shouldn't get away with not naming sources, so, maybe Trump doesn't really have a source at all, other than shitty right wing talk radio hosts.
You make my point...see how easy it is to draw the conclusion that an unnamed source is either a biased one or non-existent...trump is just playing by the same rules the media plays by and that is what makes it easy to justify and why he can get away with it...if they don't like it they can change the rules...until then trump is just balancing the playing field.
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
The source of your post/claim is a left wing organization, so all else being proves nothing.

Then again Trump's had how long to name a source, and he did say newspapers shouldn't get away with not naming sources, so, maybe Trump doesn't really have a source at all, other than shitty right wing talk radio hosts.
You make my point...see how easy it is to draw the conclusion that an unnamed source is either a biased one or non-existent...trump is just playing by the same rules the media plays by and that is what makes it easy to justify and why he can get away with it...if they don't like it they can change the rules...until then trump is just balancing the playing field.

Possibly. The difference is that the media is made up of private companies, the President is supposed to represent the people and run one branch of the US govt.

The other point would be that Trump comes out and says something shouldn't happen, and then does it. The media isn't doing that, they're not being hypocritical like Trump is.
We don't need proof of obvious truthhoods. Did we know the earth was round before the space exploration? Of course we did.
Because we already had proof before space exploration, prior to that it was believed to be flat.
Eratosthenes' Experiment
Eratosthenes will always be remembered for the calculation of the Earth's circumference circa 240 BC, using trigonometry and knowledge of the angle of elevation of the Sun at noon in Alexandria and Syene (now Aswan, Egypt). The calculation is based on the assumption that the Earth is spherical and that the Sun is so far away that its rays can be taken as parallel.
Eratosthenes: The Measurement of the Earth's Circumference
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
And then there's this…/intel-community-reportedly-r…/

Intel Community Reportedly Ready To Charge Most Of Trump Team With Treason
Former National Security Agency Director, John Schindler just confirmed our…

The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap. This was classified information, and FISA and wire taps of any sort are not supposed to be used against American Citizens, and since Flynn committed no crimes, exactly what was "The Probable Cause" for such a wire tap?

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

And then answer this: Where is Waldo?

Obama Bin Lying is an opinionated ahole. So why hasn't he come out of his bunker with Valerie Vagina Jarret and denied the wire tapping story?

And Where is Big Mouth Hillary Rotten Clinton to throw her two cents in?
Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

How about Jill "Doesn't Shave Her Armpits" Stein? She loves the spotlight, so why is she in hiding? She doesn't have an opinion on this?

Trump Tower was not wire tapped. The Russian ambassador was. When he talked with contacts in Trump Tower those conversations were naturally recorded. Just like the ambassador's conversations with other people in other places (and no, those places weren't wiretapped either) :eusa_doh:
1 + 1 = 2

Unless you're a Trumper.

Rational people see:

Bob's phone is wire tapped. Bob's conversation with Connie is recorded. Bob's phone is wire tapped.

Irrational People (like Trumpers, who seem to be evolving into the same species as Truthers and Birthers) see:

Bob's phone is wire tapped. Bob's conversation with Connie is recorded. Connie's phone is wire tapped.

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