The sources of Trump's wiretap claim are revealed today by the Washington Post

hunarcy, post: 16762166
A) Irrelevant to his post

B) Until it's investigated, your statement is an unsupported claim.

C) Your opinion carries no weight.

D) Was that illegal

E) Ah, so it's all part of an evil conspiracy?

F) Nonsense

G) More claims with no proof

You worked really hard to avoid this issue of "whole stink about Flynn based on wire taps "that occured at Trump towers" because if you don't, you have to admit that Trump has a point.

A) Flying the irrevelant flag is surrender. Why not dispute my point. Flynn lied. That is settled. It is relevant b cause it is a fact. Trump has not expressed anything based upon facts regarding Obama and wiretaps.

B) No one has proven that Obama is lying when he says he did not authorize a wiretap on Trump. There is no evidence. Trump accused Obama without any basis other than madman Mark Levin's conspiracy theory about the deep state and other ridiculous hate based nonsense. If Levin is Trump's news source we are all in deep shit.

C) I stand by my opinions. Comey testified to Congress and it is more and more obvious that Comey is convinced that Trump lied about Obama.

If you were interested in being reasonable and informed you would see the case piling up that Trump lied Saturday morning and has yet to provide one shred of evidence for his reckless attack against Obama.

It was not immediately clear what specifically he told the lawmakers. Comey was seen leaving the United States Capitol on Thursday afternoon and declined to answer NBC's question about whether there was ever a legal wiretap at Trump Tower.

Trump on Saturday accused former President Barack Obama of tapping his phones "during the very sacred election process." He compared it to President Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal.

Since then, though, Trump aides have not pointed to any specific evidence to back his claim. Comey reportedly asked the Justice Department to publicly reject the assertion, while the chairmen of both the House and Senate intelligence committees have said they have not seen evidence to support it.

Separately Wednesday, two senators asked the Department of Justice and FBI for any warrant applications or court orders they have related to Trump's accusation. The senators, Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, which has oversight of the Justice Department's criminal division.

FBI Director Comey meets with senators on matters related to Trump Tower: NBC, citing source

D) I didn't say Carter Page's trip to Moscow. was illegal. It's a problem for Trump because he has been maintaining his campaign staff had no contact with Russians. But Trump's staff authorized such a trip.

E) Its not a conspiracy. It's a fact that Trump's campaign lied about having no involvement in the pro-Russian plank in the GOP platform at the convention in Cleveland.

F) Do you believe Rex Tillerson is not a friend of Putin? Do you think gutting the State Dept by 33% is good for America and bad for Russia. If it is nonsense, try to explain yourself.

G) see (F). I don't need proof for a valid argument. What you need is an opposing argument, which as of now you do not appear capable of making.

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