The sources of Trump's wiretap claim are revealed today by the Washington Post

If PJMedia fake news says it you know it is a lie.
Actually , I'm not familiar PJMedia but they're not spitting venom so I know they're not lefty propagandists at least... :wink_2:
Your LINK is from PJMedia!!!!

A Muslim American Veteran Was Widely Smeared With a Fabricated Story About ISIS Charges
A RIGHT-WING BLOG called “Pajamas Media” published an article on November 24 claiming that Saadiq Long, a Muslim American veteran of the U.S. Air Force, was arrested in Turkey for being an ISIS operative. Written by Patrick Poole, a professional anti-Muslim activist and close associate of Frank Gaffney, the article asserted that Long “finds himself and several family members sitting in a Turkish prison — arrested earlier this month near the Turkey-Syria border as members of an ISIS cell.” Its only claimed sources were anonymous: “U.S. and Turkish officials confirmed Long’s arrest to PJ Media, saying that he was arrested along with eight others operating along the Turkish-Syrian border. So far, no U.S. media outlet has reported on his arrest.”

Long’s purported arrest as an ISIS operative was then widely cited across the internet by Fox News as well as right-wing and even non-ideological news sites. Predictably, the story was uncritically hailed by the most virulent anti-Muslim polemicists: Pam Geller, Robert Spencer, Ann Coulter, and Sam Harris. Worst of all, it was blasted as a major news story by network TV affiliates and other local media outlets in Oklahoma, where Long is from and where his family — including his sister and ailing mother — still reside.

But the story is entirely false: a fabrication. Neither Long nor his wife or daughter have been arrested on charges that he joined ISIS. He faces no criminal charges of any kind in Turkey.
When people are continually lying, it's usually because they're trying to hide something.

I didn't - did not have any communications with the russians - Jeff Sessions under oath reaponding to Al Franken, Jan 10, 2017.
Any fair minded person understands that Sessions was referring to communications when he was involved with the Trump campaign.
Obama was the one who 'arranged' the meeting between SENATOR Sessions and the Russian ambassador.
Two retired US Generals and a mid-level Gov. employee were in that meeting. You can bet the committees tasked with investigating the LIB MSM 'Russian' scandal have sworn statements from these people.
The wonderful irony is Obama was once again so fucking incompetent he couldn't get his anti-Trump scheme to work. Now he's the one who's up to his knees in his own corrupt shit.
And Loretta Lurch. She's the one who had to sign off on any FISA warrant applications. Anyone you believes she didn't tell Obama she had signed these warrant applications against the REP Presidential candidate is either mentally deficient or in denial of the facts.
I do indeed. What we do know however, is that the Russian officials were indeed monitored and that calls with Trump officials were captured as a result. There is no evidence that any other communications from the Trump officials have been captured.

It's not real.

Great assumption, now prove it.

We know the NSA captures conversations to foreign nationals in this country, and everybody in the Russian embassy would surely be a target. If we didn't have a wiretap on everything going in and out of the russian embassy, i'd say somebody wasn't doing their job.
EVERY Russian 'official' on the planet KNOWS their communications are 100% guaranteed to be intercepted by someone. They aren't stupid!
Anyone in their right mind can understand that when the Russian ambassador met with Sessions in Sessions office the meeting would 100% be recorded.
It simple fucking common sense!
What's the Russian ambassador going to say to Sessions in the presence of two retired US Generals?
Some of you idiots are thinking about this like six year olds!
WISE UP!!!!!!
I do indeed. What we do know however, is that the Russian officials were indeed monitored and that calls with Trump officials were captured as a result. There is no evidence that any other communications from the Trump officials have been captured.

It's not real.

Great assumption, now prove it.

We know the NSA captures conversations to foreign nationals in this country, and everybody in the Russian embassy would surely be a target. If we didn't have a wiretap on everything going in and out of the russian embassy, i'd say somebody wasn't doing their job.
EVERY Russian 'official' on the planet KNOWS their communications are 100% guaranteed to be intercepted by someone. They aren't stupid!
Anyone in their right mind can understand that when the Russian ambassador met with Sessions in Sessions office the meeting would 100% be recorded.
It simple fucking common sense!
What's the Russian ambassador going to say to Sessions in the presence of two retired US Generals?
Some of you idiots are thinking about this like six year olds!
WISE UP!!!!!!

Wasn't Flynn a retired general?
If PJMedia fake news says it you know it is a lie.
Actually , I'm not familiar PJMedia but they're not spitting venom so I know they're not lefty propagandists at least... :wink_2:
Your LINK is from PJMedia!!!!

A Muslim American Veteran Was Widely Smeared With a Fabricated Story About ISIS Charges
A RIGHT-WING BLOG called “Pajamas Media” published an article on November 24 claiming that Saadiq Long, a Muslim American veteran of the U.S. Air Force, was arrested in Turkey for being an ISIS operative. Written by Patrick Poole, a professional anti-Muslim activist and close associate of Frank Gaffney, the article asserted that Long “finds himself and several family members sitting in a Turkish prison — arrested earlier this month near the Turkey-Syria border as members of an ISIS cell.” Its only claimed sources were anonymous: “U.S. and Turkish officials confirmed Long’s arrest to PJ Media, saying that he was arrested along with eight others operating along the Turkish-Syrian border. So far, no U.S. media outlet has reported on his arrest.”

Long’s purported arrest as an ISIS operative was then widely cited across the internet by Fox News as well as right-wing and even non-ideological news sites. Predictably, the story was uncritically hailed by the most virulent anti-Muslim polemicists: Pam Geller, Robert Spencer, Ann Coulter, and Sam Harris. Worst of all, it was blasted as a major news story by network TV affiliates and other local media outlets in Oklahoma, where Long is from and where his family — including his sister and ailing mother — still reside.

But the story is entirely false: a fabrication. Neither Long nor his wife or daughter have been arrested on charges that he joined ISIS. He faces no criminal charges of any kind in Turkey.

Thanks, I'll read up on them with an open mind. With so many media sources specializing in lies and political propaganda I generally go for what's most believable.
I do indeed. What we do know however, is that the Russian officials were indeed monitored and that calls with Trump officials were captured as a result. There is no evidence that any other communications from the Trump officials have been captured.

It's not real.

Great assumption, now prove it.

We know the NSA captures conversations to foreign nationals in this country, and everybody in the Russian embassy would surely be a target. If we didn't have a wiretap on everything going in and out of the russian embassy, i'd say somebody wasn't doing their job.
EVERY Russian 'official' on the planet KNOWS their communications are 100% guaranteed to be intercepted by someone. They aren't stupid!
Anyone in their right mind can understand that when the Russian ambassador met with Sessions in Sessions office the meeting would 100% be recorded.
It simple fucking common sense!
What's the Russian ambassador going to say to Sessions in the presence of two retired US Generals?
Some of you idiots are thinking about this like six year olds!
WISE UP!!!!!!

Wasn't Flynn a retired general?
Yes. Flynn is trying to protect his retirement pension of a 3-star general.
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap. This was classified information, and FISA and wire taps of any sort are not supposed to be used against American Citizens, and since Flynn committed no crimes, exactly what was "The Probable Cause" for such a wire tap?

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

And then answer this: Where is Waldo?

Obama Bin Lying is an opinionated ahole. So why hasn't he come out of his bunker with Valerie Vagina Jarret and denied the wire tapping story?

And Where is Big Mouth Hillary Rotten Clinton to throw her two cents in?
Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

How about Jill "Doesn't Shave Her Armpits" Stein? She loves the spotlight, so why is she in hiding? She doesn't have an opinion on this?

Trump Tower was not wire tapped. The Russian ambassador was. When he talked with contacts in Trump Tower those conversations were naturally recorded. Just like the ambassador's conversations with other people in other places (and no, those places weren't wiretapped either) :eusa_doh:

Prove that.

You're asking me to prove a negative.

It's up to the person who claimed it was to prove the assertion. Where's Trump's proof?

On the other hand, there IS plenty of proof that the Russian ambassador was wiretapped.
Loretta Lurch had to sign off on any FISA warrant applications.
If you believe Obama didn't , with a 'wink and a nod' get his buddies in the FBI to apply for the FISA warrants against a Presidential candidate running against Hillary you're fucking delusional.
The first FISA warrant Obama put his blessings on was only to get any 'dirt' on Trump he could. When that didn't work and it started looking like Trump might have a chance Obama took his corruption to the next level.
When all the dust settles it's Obama and his secret FBI American traitors and Lurch who will be sitting in Federal courts getting their sentences read to them.
Bank on it!
I do indeed. What we do know however, is that the Russian officials were indeed monitored and that calls with Trump officials were captured as a result. There is no evidence that any other communications from the Trump officials have been captured.

It's not real.

Great assumption, now prove it.

We know the NSA captures conversations to foreign nationals in this country, and everybody in the Russian embassy would surely be a target. If we didn't have a wiretap on everything going in and out of the russian embassy, i'd say somebody wasn't doing their job.
EVERY Russian 'official' on the planet KNOWS their communications are 100% guaranteed to be intercepted by someone. They aren't stupid!
Anyone in their right mind can understand that when the Russian ambassador met with Sessions in Sessions office the meeting would 100% be recorded.
It simple fucking common sense!
What's the Russian ambassador going to say to Sessions in the presence of two retired US Generals?
Some of you idiots are thinking about this like six year olds!
WISE UP!!!!!!
If they met in Sessions office how can they claim it was only the Russians they were spying on? Did they somehow put a wire up the Russians' ass without him knowing?
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap. This was classified information, and FISA and wire taps of any sort are not supposed to be used against American Citizens, and since Flynn committed no crimes, exactly what was "The Probable Cause" for such a wire tap?

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

And then answer this: Where is Waldo?

Obama Bin Lying is an opinionated ahole. So why hasn't he come out of his bunker with Valerie Vagina Jarret and denied the wire tapping story?

And Where is Big Mouth Hillary Rotten Clinton to throw her two cents in?
Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

How about Jill "Doesn't Shave Her Armpits" Stein? She loves the spotlight, so why is she in hiding? She doesn't have an opinion on this?

Trump Tower was not wire tapped. The Russian ambassador was. When he talked with contacts in Trump Tower those conversations were naturally recorded. Just like the ambassador's conversations with other people in other places (and no, those places weren't wiretapped either) :eusa_doh:

Prove that.

You're asking me to prove a negative.

It's up to the person who claimed it was to prove the assertion. Where's Trump's proof?

On the other hand, there IS plenty of proof that the Russian ambassador was wiretapped.
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap. This was classified information, and FISA and wire taps of any sort are not supposed to be used against American Citizens, and since Flynn committed no crimes, exactly what was "The Probable Cause" for such a wire tap?

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

And then answer this: Where is Waldo?

Obama Bin Lying is an opinionated ahole. So why hasn't he come out of his bunker with Valerie Vagina Jarret and denied the wire tapping story?

And Where is Big Mouth Hillary Rotten Clinton to throw her two cents in?
Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

How about Jill "Doesn't Shave Her Armpits" Stein? She loves the spotlight, so why is she in hiding? She doesn't have an opinion on this?

Trump Tower was not wire tapped. The Russian ambassador was. When he talked with contacts in Trump Tower those conversations were naturally recorded. Just like the ambassador's conversations with other people in other places (and no, those places weren't wiretapped either) :eusa_doh:

Prove that.

You're asking me to prove a negative.

It's up to the person who claimed it was to prove the assertion. Where's Trump's proof?

On the other hand, there IS plenty of proof that the Russian ambassador was wiretapped.

You claimed as an absolute fact that there was no wiretap on Trump. Prove it.

And, if the Russian Ambassador WAS wiretapped, shouldn't the recording of an American citizen have stopped the surveillance until a FISA warrant was issued?
HaShev, post: 16738315
I don't understand how the liberal media can keep lying and claiming there is no proof, because this contradicts their whole stink about Flynn based on wire taps "that occured at Trump towers", in fact the no proof argument backfires on the whole trying to claim Russians colluded with the new administration, as all the agencies claim there is not one single evidence of such.

You seem to forget that Flynn lied to the FBI and supposedly to Pence. Then he was disgracefully fired. He should have know Russians can be legally bugged. Flynn not only lied he was stupid to think he could get away with it.-Irrelevant to his post.

Obama has denied authorizing or requesting a wire tap be put on Trump's phone. No one can prove that Obama is lying. Flynn confessed to lying. Flynn lied. Obama is not lying.-Until it's investigated, your statement is an unsupported claim.

Trump is lying about Obama as we speak. Trump is not fit to stay in office for abusing his power and tweeting that Obama committed a crime worse than watergate based on a right wing radio nut job's rant.-Your opinion carries no weight.

Trump authorized Carter Page who worked on Trump's campaign to make a trip to Moscow last summer.-Was that illegal?

Trump denied having anything to do softening the hardline plank against Russia over Ukraine in the RNC platform. Now Trump campaign officials confessed that Trump ordered it.-Ah, so it's all part of an evil conspiracy?

Now payback to Russia is coming in the form of putting Putin true friend to lead the State Department and then Putin's US Sec of State is standing quietly by while Trump proposes cutting State Department budget by 1/3rd.-Nonsense

Putin benefits with a US State Department being gutted by so much under Trump appointed Putin buddy. Rex Tillerson.-More claims with no proof

You worked really hard to avoid this issue of "whole stink about Flynn based on wire taps "that occured at Trump towers" because if you don't, you have to admit that Trump has a point.
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap. This was classified information, and FISA and wire taps of any sort are not supposed to be used against American Citizens, and since Flynn committed no crimes, exactly what was "The Probable Cause" for such a wire tap?

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

And then answer this: Where is Waldo?

Obama Bin Lying is an opinionated ahole. So why hasn't he come out of his bunker with Valerie Vagina Jarret and denied the wire tapping story?

And Where is Big Mouth Hillary Rotten Clinton to throw her two cents in?
Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

How about Jill "Doesn't Shave Her Armpits" Stein? She loves the spotlight, so why is she in hiding? She doesn't have an opinion on this?

Trump Tower was not wire tapped. The Russian ambassador was. When he talked with contacts in Trump Tower those conversations were naturally recorded. Just like the ambassador's conversations with other people in other places (and no, those places weren't wiretapped either) :eusa_doh:

Prove that.

You're asking me to prove a negative.

It's up to the person who claimed it was to prove the assertion. Where's Trump's proof?

On the other hand, there IS plenty of proof that the Russian ambassador was wiretapped.
Loretta Lurch had to sign off on any FISA warrant applications.
If you believe Obama didn't , with a 'wink and a nod' get his buddies in the FBI to apply for the FISA warrants against a Presidential candidate running against Hillary you're fucking delusional.
The first FISA warrant Obama put his blessings on was only to get any 'dirt' on Trump he could. When that didn't work and it started looking like Trump might have a chance Obama took his corruption to the next level.
When all the dust settles it's Obama and his secret FBI American traitors and Lurch who will be sitting in Federal courts getting their sentences read to them.
Bank on it!
Still waiting for Trump to go to the DOJ and get the proof that President go permission to wire tap his crooked-treasonous ASS!!!!
I do indeed. What we do know however, is that the Russian officials were indeed monitored and that calls with Trump officials were captured as a result. There is no evidence that any other communications from the Trump officials have been captured.

It's not real.

Great assumption, now prove it.

We know the NSA captures conversations to foreign nationals in this country, and everybody in the Russian embassy would surely be a target. If we didn't have a wiretap on everything going in and out of the russian embassy, i'd say somebody wasn't doing their job.
EVERY Russian 'official' on the planet KNOWS their communications are 100% guaranteed to be intercepted by someone. They aren't stupid!
Anyone in their right mind can understand that when the Russian ambassador met with Sessions in Sessions office the meeting would 100% be recorded.
It simple fucking common sense!
What's the Russian ambassador going to say to Sessions in the presence of two retired US Generals?
Some of you idiots are thinking about this like six year olds!
WISE UP!!!!!!
If they met in Sessions office how can they claim it was only the Russians they were spying on? Did they somehow put a wire up the Russians' ass without him knowing?

Who in the world is suggesting that meeting was monitored or otherwise part of any transcripts other than you?
And that explains why a FISA warrant was refused originally,
Prove there WAS a FISA warrant first!

Last November, former British MP and openly anti-Trump journalist Louise Mensch reported that the FBI had succeeded in its second request for a FISA warrant, which was later confirmed by the BBC.

Trump’s Wiretapping Claim Based on Warrants Granted to FBI
All that was confirmed was Trump's declared worthless "unnamed sources."

From the BBC:

"On 15 October, the US secret intelligence court issued a warrant to investigate two Russian banks. This news was given to me by several sources and corroborated by someone I will identify only as a senior member of the US intelligence community."

Yep, the same sources you regressives are basing your fairy tales and conspiracy theories on.
meanwhile, Jeff Sessions intentionally lied and mislead Congress, under oath...
He answered the question in the context in which it was asked, which was specifically regarding the campaign staff and surrogates. He answered truthfully. The fact that he didn't expand his answer to include contacts connected to his senate duties doesn't mean he lied in relation to what he was doing with the campaign.

The question was 'what would you do if you found out Trump affiliates were communicating with the Russians?" Sessions didn't answer what he would do, but instead went on a side rant saying "I didn't, I did not have any communications with the russians"

He asked about people on Trumps campaign, not just any affiliates, and to paraphrase his answer, he wasn't aware of anyone doing so and he hadn't done so himself.

Which turned out to be a demonstrably false answer.

Only to the demonstrably feeble minded.
If you believe Obama didn't , with a 'wink and a nod' get his buddies in the FBI to apply for the FISA warrants against a Presidential candidate running against Hillary you're fucking delusional.
And there is Wing-nut rationalization at its best! If you can IMAGINE it, then Obama did it.
Last edited:
meanwhile, Jeff Sessions intentionally lied and mislead Congress, under oath...
He answered the question in the context in which it was asked, which was specifically regarding the campaign staff and surrogates. He answered truthfully. The fact that he didn't expand his answer to include contacts connected to his senate duties doesn't mean he lied in relation to what he was doing with the campaign.

The question was 'what would you do if you found out Trump affiliates were communicating with the Russians?" Sessions didn't answer what he would do, but instead went on a side rant saying "I didn't, I did not have any communications with the russians"

He asked about people on Trumps campaign, not just any affiliates, and to paraphrase his answer, he wasn't aware of anyone doing so and he hadn't done so himself.

Which turned out to be a demonstrably false answer.

Only to the demonstrably feeble minded.

Except he did so himself.
I do indeed. What we do know however, is that the Russian officials were indeed monitored and that calls with Trump officials were captured as a result. There is no evidence that any other communications from the Trump officials have been captured.

It's not real.

Great assumption, now prove it.

We know the NSA captures conversations to foreign nationals in this country, and everybody in the Russian embassy would surely be a target. If we didn't have a wiretap on everything going in and out of the russian embassy, i'd say somebody wasn't doing their job.
EVERY Russian 'official' on the planet KNOWS their communications are 100% guaranteed to be intercepted by someone. They aren't stupid!
Anyone in their right mind can understand that when the Russian ambassador met with Sessions in Sessions office the meeting would 100% be recorded.
It simple fucking common sense!
What's the Russian ambassador going to say to Sessions in the presence of two retired US Generals?
Some of you idiots are thinking about this like six year olds!
WISE UP!!!!!!
If they met in Sessions office how can they claim it was only the Russians they were spying on? Did they somehow put a wire up the Russians' ass without him knowing?

Who in the world is suggesting that meeting was monitored or otherwise part of any transcripts other than you?
The dickhead I responded to.

Who else?
There is much more proof of the wiretap than of the Trump campaign having any contact related to the election with Russia. In fact there is definitive evidence because of the fact that more information was released about the Flynn conversations than a conversation with anyone in Russia. The content was from more than one conversation and some of it was INCOUNTRY. meaning that it was between two phone lines that were not subject to being tapped unless there was a warrant issued for something. Since there were no existing warrants, there was no way that there could be a real transcript of the parts that were NOT international. Since they inferred the transcripts were TRUE then the violation of The right to be secure in oneself is definitely violated and the felony is VALID, and requires all involved in the sharing of the information to be prosecuted for FELONY CONSPIRACY. So your shithole idea of they didn't do anything!!! is out the door, and IF the Republican congress does not take this chance to file the charges, and try and convict all involved they will lose their only chance to get rid of lying shit liberal FOREVER. WE are going to be rid of this shit by whatever means are needed. You may as well get ready if you try to get over we are going to shove you into a hole you can't climb out of and if the shit in office doesn't do it we will. Americans are tired of liberal thieving lying intimidation, and their smug idea that they are smarter when they are so stupid they are lucky to count their fingers. Liberals especially oshitma-shitbitch supporters are the stupidest most disgustingly vile creatures to ever inhabit the earth, and we should enact retroactive abortion, ask liberal dimshits if they are pro abortion and if they say yes, Give them what they like a retroactive abortion.
Can you point to the evidence of Flynn's conversations with non-Russians being wiretapped? You are adding a new layer of bullshit to this discussion. Don't make stuff up.
From my previous link...Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Barack Obama's Trump Tower Wiretap Denial Reeks of Orwellian Doublespeak

The weaponized leaks were facilitated by Obama in one of his last acts before leaving office, PJ Media's Michael Walsh reported last month, citing the New York Times:

In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.

The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.

This expansion of power has resulted in a geiser of disinformation spread by Democrat loyalists throughout the intel community. According to Carter and Solomon, "intelligence normally reserved for just a handful of intelligence leaders was spread through briefings to scores of workers, and soon leaks began appearing in news media."

Carter and Solomon's sources, for instance, "strongly disputed" the media narrative that the FBI’s intercepts of conversations in December between soon-to-to-be U.S. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were part of an ongoing Trump-focused national security investigation.

In fact, they were part of a long-established special intelligence program in which the FBI is routinely permitted to review intercepts of Russian embassy officials.

The leak of the telephone conversation between Flynn and the Russian ambassador reportedly alarmed career FBI officials because they "knew it had been gathered using the most sensitive of surveillance powers." The inspector general of the Department of Justice is now investigating the FBI and the DOJ to find out who committed this felony under the Espionage Act.
Trump is going to realize that it was Putin who wire taped him and not Obama

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