The sources of Trump's wiretap claim are revealed today by the Washington Post

Then again Trump's had how long to name a source, and he did say newspapers shouldn't get away with not naming sources, so, maybe Trump doesn't really have a source at all, other than shitty right wing talk radio hosts.

This is from January 20th New York Times. Now the New York Times is, apparently saying, this article was not true.


Okay... and?
Liberals are certain of the following.....

- Russians hacked the DNC
- Russians did NOT hack Hillary's email server
- Donald Trump was not wiretapped despite FISA.

Is everyone keeping up with the Liberal narrative?

I'm liberal and I'm not CERTAIN. I'll wait until the evidence is there to be certain or not.
I don't understand how the liberal media can keep lying and claiming there is no proof, because this contradicts their whole stink about Flynn based on wire taps "that occured at Trump towers", in fact the no proof argument backfires on the whole trying to claim Russians colluded with the new administration, as all the agencies claim there is not one single evidence of such.
Another Excuse liberals make when confronted with facts is that sometimes civilians (which Flynn was) get caught in the cross hair (like all of a sudden liberals know what that means when convenient but not like when innocents caught at airports caught in the cross hair of weeding through the unknown risks). This argument is fallacious because it didn't happen once, he was illegally tapped at least 3 times. The caught in the middle argument goes out the window and heing a civilian means someone broke the law as well as those leaking the info, hence Comey knowing his agency is in trouble over this, is comitting further crimes in asking the Justice Dept not to investigate=cover up.
Remember Obama swore he never ever tapped a civilian which Flynn was.

For the liberals and media to claim an agency with ties to Obamas administration did the tapping of civilian Flynn but in word play say Obama technically didn't, is to admit
" A Russian" is not "The Russians" as in a diplomat is not Putin and you can't assume & tie them together especially when the intelligence community said there were no ties to any collusion.
The Liberal excuses bust their own argument which means they are admitting the investigation is bogus illegal false charges and the wire taps were illegal as was forcing cabinet members to quit by terrorist acts of the former administration and the Democratic party members and their
illegal coup attempt.
Honestly, they could have bugged Flynn's personal phone, the tv in his room, his wife's phone, the toaster. All sorts of possibilities.
Once again; Gen . Flynn’ s phone was wiretapped while he was in Trump Tower where the transcript shows his conversation that's where he was. Anyway if they bugged anywhere a civilian, which Flynn was, then that is illegal and Obama lied cause there's at least 12 civilians who have come forth outting his lie. Everybody knows the former administration abused their power just ask anyone who spoke out against him who got crazy IRS audits.
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap. This was classified information, and FISA and wire taps of any sort are not supposed to be used against American Citizens, and since Flynn committed no crimes, exactly what was "The Probable Cause" for such a wire tap?

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

And then answer this: Where is Waldo?

Obama Bin Lying is an opinionated ahole. So why hasn't he come out of his bunker with Valerie Vagina Jarret and denied the wire tapping story?

And Where is Big Mouth Hillary Rotten Clinton to throw her two cents in?
Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

How about Jill "Doesn't Shave Her Armpits" Stein? She loves the spotlight, so why is she in hiding? She doesn't have an opinion on this?
Which phone call are you talking about?
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap.
Suppose it was the Russian's phone that was tapped?
Your argument just went boom! :Boom2::blowup:
There was 3 taps on Flynn not 1.
Now how could they listen to all the people they were targeting at a place they don't work? Transcript I'm guessing would have to disclose in and out calls which is why perhaps the News reported Flynns discussion from Trump Tower or did he mention it at his hearing? But we'll find out soon enough how Gingrich knows that fact.
Notice how regressives refuse to answer direct questions!

Conservatives refuse to accept the direct answers they're given. You were told a thousand times Flynns conversation was wiretaped from the Russian side.

And you keep ignoring the fact that when an American is recorded in any such wiretap, the record must be compounded and not be used. Instead it was illegally leaked for political purposes.

You also don't seem to be aware that Clapper has stated there was no authorized FISA request to tap any of the Trump staff. Which means it was done illegally.
Clapper also repeatedly said all the agencies couldn't find not one single piece of evidence of collusion with the Russians.
Even after Obama tried to entrap Flynn and set him up they still failed which means add false charges to the list, so if there was a tap due to false charges someones in added trouble for ordering them for abuse of power & alterior motives to spy on opponents during election. Maybe that's why the media personalities are saying they are scared, perhaps they fear collusion charges or misshandling or illegally obtaining classified info & leaking charges??
In fact they could fear civil kaw suits as well for making false charges and defamation knowing CLAPPER and FBI has stated no evidence exists of Russian collusion yet the media lie and declare it anyway willingly and knowingly making false charges.
(This is what they are claiming Trump is doing even calling it insane, therefore they are deflecting their tin foil hat logic onto their opponent inadvertantly admitting their Russian ties conspiracy is insane, making false charges is insane they said it themselves. So how can the FCC give broadcast licenses to people who admit their news is insane and they make others insane through repeating their insanity?
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1 + 1 = 2

Unless you're a Trumper.

Rational people see:

Bob's phone is wire tapped. Bob's conversation with Connie is recorded. Bob's phone is wire tapped.

Irrational People (like Trumpers, who seem to be evolving into the same species as Truthers and Birthers) see:

Bob's phone is wire tapped. Bob's conversation with Connie is recorded. Connie's phone is wire tapped.

It's a felony to disclose Connie's role in the conversation you Fascist Fuck
Of course Trump Tower is tapped.

Snowflakes don't mind spying on citizens as long as it's Nigerian Jesus doing the spying.

Obama left a nice spying infrastructure for Trump to use and abuse.

Thanks Obama.
Notice how regressives refuse to answer direct questions!

Conservatives refuse to accept the direct answers they're given. You were told a thousand times Flynns conversation was wiretaped from the Russian side.

Very true--when they were talking to the Russians they were being wiretapped.

It's pretty evident that intelligence knew what was going on.

Notice how regressives refuse to answer direct questions!

Conservatives refuse to accept the direct answers they're given. You were told a thousand times Flynns conversation was wiretaped from the Russian side.

Do you understand that is illegal, without a specific warrant for Flynn? A warrant for a foreign national does not automatically cover US Citizens. Plus Flynn was not the only one recorded.
The Phone call occurred in Trump Tower.
The Washington Post was given a Transcript of it.
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap. This was classified information, and FISA and wire taps of any sort are not supposed to be used against American Citizens, and since Flynn committed no crimes, exactly what was "The Probable Cause" for such a wire tap?

So is Clapper lying when he said there was no Wire Tapping at Trump Tower?
He already lied to congress once: Eric Snowden Proved that.

Or was he lying when he said there is no Collusion between the Trump team and Russia?

Please answer the questions.

And then answer this: Where is Waldo?

Obama Bin Lying is an opinionated ahole. So why hasn't he come out of his bunker with Valerie Vagina Jarret and denied the wire tapping story?

And Where is Big Mouth Hillary Rotten Clinton to throw her two cents in?
Clinton: ‘Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump - The Washington Post

How about Jill "Doesn't Shave Her Armpits" Stein? She loves the spotlight, so why is she in hiding? She doesn't have an opinion on this?
That Act was a Felony because the only way anyone was able to gain a transcript of such a call was through a Wire Tap.

Which of course, was on the other end of the call.

Why are you being so obtuse on this issue?
Is it deliberate?
Of course Trump Tower is tapped.

Snowflakes don't mind spying on citizens as long as it's Nigerian Jesus doing the spying.

Obama left a nice spying infrastructure for Trump to use and abuse.

Thanks Obama.

Don't blame Obama for this, you were the dumbass's that nominated and then elected a commi traitor to sit in the oval office.

Did it EVER occur to you that this shit wouldn't have happened to ANY other more qualified, competent GOP CANDIDATE?

This is on You, not Barack Obama

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia


Then again Trump's had how long to name a source, and he did say newspapers shouldn't get away with not naming sources, so, maybe Trump doesn't really have a source at all, other than shitty right wing talk radio hosts.

This is from January 20th New York Times. Now the New York Times is, apparently saying, this article was not true.

Nope, only pathological liars on the Right are saying that the NY Times is saying the article is not true.

Like all professional liars, the Right leaves out the key part of the NY times article by showing only the front page and not linking to the full article and knowing the front page only shows enough to deliberately deceive. Nowhere in the NY Times article does it say Tramp Tower or Tramp was wiretapped, but it does sat this:

"The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-elect’s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."

That's right, the article clearly says the wiretaps were in Russia and Ukraine, not Tramp's Tower.
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims

Really? I guess the MSM forgot the front page news of the NY Times on Jan 20, 2017

View attachment 115927

Note the second column from the left. So where did they get wiretap data if there were no wiretaps? If you read the story, the dear leader was briefed on the data.

Link the article and post the part that confirms your position.
Petulant former President Obama did not call the FBI and tell them to wiretap Donald Trump and his staff. He raised heck about the polls of Trump closing the gap and that if Trump won, his legacy (Obama's) would be down the tubes. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!

From there, any of his advisers would have picked up the ball to get their messiah anything HE wanted by whatever means necessary.
Pure DittoTard fabrication.

We all knew that the communications of Russian officials were monitored and that there were transcripts of Trump's people speaking to them over a year ago.

This is no revelation or even pertinent.
This is high level surveillance/ top secret Intel we're talking about here. Who leaked it and how did civilian Robby Mook know about it?

We all knew that the communications of Russian officials were monitored and that there were transcripts of Trump's people speaking to them over a year ago.

This is no revelation or even pertinent.
This is high level surveillance/ top secret Intel we're talking about here. Who leaked it and how did civilian Robby Mook know about it?

Leaked what?

As far as I know, there are no transcripts that have been released to the public.
The only thing leaked was a confirmation that this occurred.

The Mook comment came well after it was public knowledge.
Once again; Gen . Flynn’ s phone was wiretapped while he was in Trump Tower where the transcript shows his conversation that's where he was. Anyway if they bugged anywhere a civilian, which Flynn was, then that is illegal and Obama lied cause there's at least 12 civilians who have come forth outting his lie. Everybody knows the former administration abused their power just ask anyone who spoke out against him who got crazy IRS audits.

The top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

However, alongside those provisions, the Fisa court-approved policies allow the NSA to:

• Keep data that could potentially contain details of US persons for up to five years;

• Retain and make use of "inadvertently acquired" domestic communications if they contain usable intelligence, information on criminal activity, threat of harm to people or property, are encrypted, or are believed to contain any information relevant to cybersecurity;

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