The South’s true face of hate: racialist alternative history

Yea, White people are so evil, implicitly wanting to live with their own and away from collectively unintelligent, impulsive and dysfunctional black communities. Honestly save the sob story most people don't care and are tired of being browbeaten for it.
That's you and 13 others, Steinlight.
Only 13 people, than why are you so hysterical about it? First you say the South is full of hate. Now it is 13 people? Your cognitive dissonance on this one is amusing.
Blacks are the ones that go around killing twice as many whites per year. Who exactly is the hateful ones???

I realize you race baiters on the left don't understand shit about data and the reality they portray.
Jake probably thinks blacks have a right to murder and rape people. The guy is seriously fucked up in the head. Most of the black communities problem is in the mirror.

Matthew, for an educated person you sound simply stupid.
Blacks KILLED 440 whites to 190 for white on black.

Whites are 5 times the population.

Now who's the hater? Who the hell is knocking who out??

Grow up and learn to think critically.
Yea, White people are so evil, implicitly wanting to live with their own and away from collectively unintelligent, impulsive and dysfunctional black communities. Honestly save the sob story most people don't care and are tired of being browbeaten for it.
That's you and 13 others, Steinlight.
Only 13 people, than why are you so hysterical about it? First you say the South is full of hate. Now it is 13 people? Your cognitive dissonance on this one is amusing.
No, only 13 people like you who are so hateful and dysfunctional. That leaves millions who are still screwed up.
Blacks KILLED 440 whites to 190 for white on black.

Whites are 5 times the population.

Now who's the hater? Who the hell is knocking who out??

Grow up and learn to think critically.
Thank you for agreeing their is a real problem in BOTH societies. Racialism is found on left and right.
Yea, White people are so evil, implicitly wanting to live with their own and away from collectively unintelligent, impulsive and dysfunctional black communities. Honestly save the sob story most people don't care and are tired of being browbeaten for it.
That's you and 13 others, Steinlight.
Only 13 people, than why are you so hysterical about it? First you say the South is full of hate. Now it is 13 people? Your cognitive dissonance on this one is amusing.
No, only 13 people like you who are so hateful and dysfunctional. That leaves millions who are still screwed up.
You are just projecting. You are not only hateful of people that don't buy into your reality denying egalitarian dogmatism, you so despise them so much you wish to impose multicultural social dysfunction upon them.

The fact is you are a shrill hysterical faggot that oozes hate for normal people that just want to live their lives in peace. The only thing I hate is your whiny and pathetic attitude in general.
The KKK was started by Democrats and they still continue to be Democrats. No self respecting Dem would join the anti slavery Republican Party.
You have to LOVE the STOLEN VALOR HERO, and his RANTS against supposed fellow Republican's with this kind of BULLSHIT, and, if you notice, he QUOTES that bastion OF CommiecRAT apologizers, as his source. Unfortunately you have to have a thinking brain to know that the SOUTH is more RACE FRIENDLY than the North is, but don't let little things like that get in the way of a RACIST, and BIGOTS rant, against the party HE IS SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT. The man has to be a PAID POSTER from the DNC, or perhaps one of Soros's SHADOW GROUPS. He's no better than Sharpton and Jackson are as PAID INTIMADATORS, and race hustlers. Think I'm wrong, check out some of his posts and threads, make up your own minds, it really is astonishing....Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of him to put in this cartoon! Perhaps he'll become know as the white Louis Farrakhan???

Fakey jakey strikes again with libturd talking points.

You really think that ALL RWs and ALL Conservatives are racist slime buckets?

If you have traveled through the South as I have one cannot help but see the rampant racism that still exists there.

They don't even try to hide it when you get out in the boonies. They, the whites, are still butt hurt about the civil war outcome and that compounds the hanging on to the old ways.
Fakey jakey strikes again with libturd talking points.

You really think that ALL RWs and ALL Conservatives are racist slime buckets?

If you have traveled through the South as I have one cannot help but see the rampant racism that still exists there.

They don't even try to hide it when you get out in the boonies. They, the whites, are still butt hurt about the civil war outcome and that compounds the hanging on to the old ways.

Did you see all them DARKIES bodies, hanging from trees, and their heads on the picket fences also? They make GREAT SCARECROW strawmen, and the little white kids can use their slingshots with marbles, to put out the EYES on those black heads...... You sir, are one of the worst liars, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were a member of Al's, NETWORK, or Louis's MOSQUE!!!!
Yo, simple question? Al Sharpton, one of the Obama sidekicks is the "American Idol" of racism, yes, he is a Progressive Democrat Liar!
[... Snip... m that still exists there.

They don't even try to hide it when you get out in the boonies. They, the whites, are still butt hurt about the civil war outcome and that compounds the hanging on to the old ways.
That's horseshit. I saw whites treating blacks in the most respectful way in the heart of Alabama. You want examples of racism? Look to Boston Mass.
Now I wonder where there is MORE black crime perpetrated...the South, or the North?.... No need to answer, most know the answer, but you think even white Northern liberals aren't SLIGHTLY alarmed when they see a THUG-LIKE looking young black walking towards them, in Manhattan? The KNOCK OUT game, a favorite SPORT here, is a reminder.

The most racist parts of America are by far the big cities of the Northeast and West Coast. Not even a debate.
What reasons do those racists in the South have to lie about their racism, when they openly show it in their posts here?
I spoke to someone down there recently, and it's obvious.

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