THE SPENDERS: Lawmakers Release Huge Budget -- (D) Schumer Celebrates...


My God, did he really say that? There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The man is a Communist imbecile of the highest order.

there is no communist with power in our government. try checking out what communism is.

as for austerity, you don't get to cut taxes for the 1%, spend a fortune on military contractors and then tell the rest of us there's no money for the things that are actually needed..... so the radical right can "starve government until you can drown it in a bathtub".

There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The Swamp Creatures have continued spending other peoples' money at an unsustainable rate. Like i said, if your boy Schumer is celebrating, there's something very wrong. He's a Communist imbecile. And you're a Useful Idiot for worshipping him. But hopefully Trump will do the right thing and Veto the awful mess. We'll see i guess.

Schumer isn't smart enough to be a Communist, he's that dumb. I'm not sure he's smart enough to be an imbecile either.

schumer is a Harvard grad who is about a thousand times smarter than you.

but keep pretending, little one. if it makes you feel better about yourself, it's all good.

I earn more money than Schumer snowflake, here :itsok:
Yeah sure you do :lol:
There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The Swamp Creatures have continued spending other peoples' money at an unsustainable rate. Like i said, if your boy Schumer is celebrating, there's something very wrong. He's a Communist imbecile. And you're a Useful Idiot for worshipping him. But hopefully Trump will do the right thing and Veto the awful mess. We'll see i guess.

Schumer isn't smart enough to be a Communist, he's that dumb. I'm not sure he's smart enough to be an imbecile either.

schumer is a Harvard grad who is about a thousand times smarter than you.

but keep pretending, little one. if it makes you feel better about yourself, it's all good.

I earn more money than Schumer snowflake, here :itsok:

THEN WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN DUMB -- go buy some intelligence.

Are you on the verge of another emotional outburst?

grow up
there is no communist with power in our government. try checking out what communism is.

as for austerity, you don't get to cut taxes for the 1%, spend a fortune on military contractors and then tell the rest of us there's no money for the things that are actually needed..... so the radical right can "starve government until you can drown it in a bathtub".

There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The Swamp Creatures have continued spending other peoples' money at an unsustainable rate. Like i said, if your boy Schumer is celebrating, there's something very wrong. He's a Communist imbecile. And you're a Useful Idiot for worshipping him. But hopefully Trump will do the right thing and Veto the awful mess. We'll see i guess.

Schumer isn't smart enough to be a Communist, he's that dumb. I'm not sure he's smart enough to be an imbecile either.

schumer is a Harvard grad who is about a thousand times smarter than you.

but keep pretending, little one. if it makes you feel better about yourself, it's all good.

I earn more money than Schumer snowflake, here :itsok:
Yeah sure you do :lol:

Schumer isn't smart enough to be a Communist, he's that dumb. I'm not sure he's smart enough to be an imbecile either.

schumer is a Harvard grad who is about a thousand times smarter than you.

but keep pretending, little one. if it makes you feel better about yourself, it's all good.

I earn more money than Schumer snowflake, here :itsok:

THEN WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN DUMB -- go buy some intelligence.

Are you on the verge of another emotional outburst?

grow up

^^^ says the one shouting. Here's you since Trump won in 2016 :14:

My God, did he really say that? There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The man is a Communist imbecile of the highest order.

there is no communist with power in our government. try checking out what communism is.

as for austerity, you don't get to cut taxes for the 1%, spend a fortune on military contractors and then tell the rest of us there's no money for the things that are actually needed..... so the radical right can "starve government until you can drown it in a bathtub".

There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The Swamp Creatures have continued spending other peoples' money at an unsustainable rate. Like i said, if your boy Schumer is celebrating, there's something very wrong. He's a Communist imbecile. And you're a Useful Idiot for worshipping him. But hopefully Trump will do the right thing and Veto the awful mess. We'll see i guess.

the swamp creatures are Donald and his minions.

No, it's those who agreed to this absurd irresponsible Budget. But they don't care because they know they're Political Elites. They won't have to suffer when it comes time to deal with the shocking Debt they've created. They'll just put it all on the Taxpayers. Only struggling average Americans will suffer. Their behavior could be called 'Treasonous.' Shame on em.
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There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The Swamp Creatures have continued spending other peoples' money at an unsustainable rate. Like i said, if your boy Schumer is celebrating, there's something very wrong. He's a Communist imbecile. And you're a Useful Idiot for worshipping him. But hopefully Trump will do the right thing and Veto the awful mess. We'll see i guess.

Schumer isn't smart enough to be a Communist, he's that dumb. I'm not sure he's smart enough to be an imbecile either.

schumer is a Harvard grad who is about a thousand times smarter than you.

but keep pretending, little one. if it makes you feel better about yourself, it's all good.

I earn more money than Schumer snowflake, here :itsok:
Yeah sure you do :lol:

Yes, to wipe up my tears of laughter. Thanks

My God, did he really say that? There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The man is a Communist imbecile of the highest order.

there is no communist with power in our government. try checking out what communism is.

as for austerity, you don't get to cut taxes for the 1%, spend a fortune on military contractors and then tell the rest of us there's no money for the things that are actually needed..... so the radical right can "starve government until you can drown it in a bathtub".

There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The Swamp Creatures have continued spending other peoples' money at an unsustainable rate. Like i said, if your boy Schumer is celebrating, there's something very wrong. He's a Communist imbecile. And you're a Useful Idiot for worshipping him. But hopefully Trump will do the right thing and Veto the awful mess. We'll see i guess.

Schumer isn't smart enough to be a Communist, he's that dumb. I'm not sure he's smart enough to be an imbecile either.

schumer is a Harvard grad who is about a thousand times smarter than you.

but keep pretending, little one. if it makes you feel better about yourself, it's all good.

I earn more money than Schumer snowflake, here :itsok:

not in this or any other lifetime. :cuckoo:
there is no communist with power in our government. try checking out what communism is.

as for austerity, you don't get to cut taxes for the 1%, spend a fortune on military contractors and then tell the rest of us there's no money for the things that are actually needed..... so the radical right can "starve government until you can drown it in a bathtub".

There hasn't been any 'Austerity.' The Swamp Creatures have continued spending other peoples' money at an unsustainable rate. Like i said, if your boy Schumer is celebrating, there's something very wrong. He's a Communist imbecile. And you're a Useful Idiot for worshipping him. But hopefully Trump will do the right thing and Veto the awful mess. We'll see i guess.

Schumer isn't smart enough to be a Communist, he's that dumb. I'm not sure he's smart enough to be an imbecile either.

schumer is a Harvard grad who is about a thousand times smarter than you.

but keep pretending, little one. if it makes you feel better about yourself, it's all good.

I earn more money than Schumer snowflake, here :itsok:

not in this or any other lifetime. :cuckoo:

Your wealth envy is noted.
And now, off to another Vacation. Life sure is great for America's Political Elite. :(
it's the GOP budget, dum dum.

They run everything and yet somehow they still manage to blame the democrats for all their failures.

Maybe they’re not as good at governing as they like to think they are.
it's the GOP budget, dum dum.

They run everything and yet somehow they still manage to blame the democrats for all their failures.

Maybe they’re not as good at governing as they like to think they are.

It's a Budget negotiated and agreed on by both Parties. They sold us out again. They gave us another shockingly irresponsible Budget. And now, off to another lavish Vacation. Life sure is great for America's Political Elite.

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