The Splendour and Agony of Bodies, of Cities


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2023
There is partisan opinion on the web (check for delaney term) that current chaotic conditions in our cities can be attributed to a political party.

No, I disagree, all cities are machines. These machines are conveniently located on trade routes for a reason.

The oil of a city is trade. money. profit.

Do I really need to spell out the intrinsic capitalist free market nature of a city? We don't have to make a big deal about our "capitalism." We live in that machine as well.

As money is the oil of a city, ideology is sand in the gears. We must live together. Here.I can disagree with you without hating you.

Profits are protected by laws, ordinaces, zoning , regulations, permits, inspections and an enforcement mechanism. This is not "Socialist" is it?

Reference :

1. Plunkett of Tammany Hall (Operating Manual of the Machine)
2. Fritz Lang "Metropolis"
3. Genesis 11
4. Marshall McLuhan "The Medium is the Massage."

"Some day the People of Louisiana will have Good Government, and they ain't gonna like it" Earl Long

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