The state of both races and who is really ahead more


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Trump 30.5% 755/2,472

Cruz 18.9% 466/2,472

Of the delegates so far

If they were in the democratic race with 4,765 delegates compared to the republican 2,472, but without the super delegates. I am using only the “hard delegates”. Election 2016 - Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions

Ted Cruz would have 898 delegates

while Donald Trump would have 1,453 delegates

This is a difference of 555 delegates

The difference is 299 delegates between Clinton and Bernie for comparison using the democratic primary hard delegate math.

The republican race is 64% over and is slightly later then the democratic race. Consider that 893 delegates remain out of 2,472 =64% already given. Whereas the democratic race is around 58% of the delegates handed out...6% more of the delegates and you will soon see that Bernie is far closer to Hillary then Ted Cruz is to Trump! This 6% is important because it makes it even slightly harder for Cruz to catch up to Trump.

Now into the democratic math
Hillary controls about 25.5% of her parties delegates
Bernie sanders controls about 18.2% of his parties delegates

What would this look like in the republican primary?

Hillary would have 630 delegates
Bernie would have 449.9 or rounded up to 450 delegates.

For a difference of 630-450=180 delegates difference between the two. So around slightly less then ~2/3rds of the difference between Donald Trump and Ted cruz(289).

Bernie and Cruz are going to win all the low populated, low delegate states of the mountain states and the west. Trump will likely win most of the east and northeast with far more delegates like Clinton will.

The difference is Trump is ahead by far more then Clinton is! Clintons one advantage is super delegates...Of course. lets ignore that for this thought experiment.

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