The State of California is one step closer to bending over and grabbing their ankles to pay reparations

You have idea who they are nor how long they were slaves. Whites were slaves here also and worse they were worked to death on government projects in lieu of black slaves because if they slave died the slave owner had to be compensated.
I am tired of the slavery apologist talking points. Come up with something new, OK? You guys regurgitate the same stuff over and over again.
My advice: Read a few history books that focus on colonial and antebellum history of the USA. Any good book from these eras will examine slavery and indentured servitude.
I am tired of the slavery apologist talking points. Come up with something new, OK? You guys regurgitate the same stuff over and over again.
My advice: Read a few history books that focus on colonial and antebellum history of the USA. Any good book from these eras will examine slavery and indentured servitude.
Name the slave selling tribes in W. Africa. The ones who snatched you anestors and sold them, can you? I can. Try something new.
Name the slave selling tribes in W. Africa. The ones who snatched you anestors and sold them, can you? I can. Try something new.
Name the moral Europeans who engaged in the TransAtlantic slave trade. That won't take very much time because NONE of them were moral. Try again. :auiqs.jpg:
I had ancestors enslaved. The Irish...

Write me a check pronto

After that write checks to the Chinese

Then to every British subject that were sent here under the guise of punishment resulting in years of servitude.

You Fckn clowns don't have a fckn clue

I know how you can get a $2.00 check. Ask your Johns to pay by check instead of in cash. In the meantime, miss me with the enslaved Irish, (who were never slaves in the USA) Chinese (who were treated horribly by Whites) British subjects (the English mistreated their own people). You lazy folks never come up with any new material, you always spout the same idiot talking points.
Get out of your trailer home and go to the library. Read. Learn. You will be better able to debate if you have more knowledge at your disposal. Just saying. Bye. :bye1:
Name the moral Europeans who engaged in the TransAtlantic slave trade. That won't take very much time because NONE of them were moral. Try again. :auiqs.jpg:
What about the black african slave snatchers, moral? Oh and your friends sold blacks to Arabs for 1,000 years before the USA was even a country. The reason there is no trace of them is because the Arabs cut your balls off, literally. Feel better now.
That would be nice, but apparently you have to be a long time resident before you qualify.
Well perhaps the bad guys all need to leave those racist red states now and go to California so they can qualify as long term residents and rape pillage and burn.
I know how you can get a $2.00 check. Ask your Johns to pay by check instead of in cash. In the meantime, miss me with the enslaved Irish, (who were never slaves in the USA) Chinese (who were treated horribly by Whites) British subjects (the English mistreated their own people). You lazy folks never come up with any new material, you always spout the same idiot talking points.
Get out of your trailer home and go to the library. Read. Learn. You will be better able to debate if you have more knowledge at your disposal. Just saying. Bye. :bye1:
Wrong if you consider the colonial era. Receipts. Irish slaves were also sent to the Caribbean and worked on the same plantations as blacks.
You get a good look at the racist in this country. They didn't protest when NA rec'd them, when Eskimos rec'd them, when Japanese Americans rec'd them, when Jewish folks rec'd them, but the hatred runs so deep for black folks they can't even acknowledge them injustices that were done to black folks. You hear bullshit like we should be glad we were born here, I would love for some of this racist trash to live through slavery, Jim Crow, racism and discrimination and then come back and tell us how much they enjoyed it.
This is a 2024 election year gambit.

The dems are reviving the student debt issue again as well.

They'll drag these issues through next November- and neither group will see a dime.
You get a good look at the racist in this country. They didn't protest when NA rec'd them, when Eskimos rec'd them, when Japanese Americans rec'd them, when Jewish folks rec'd them, but the hatred runs so deep for black folks they can't even acknowledge them injustices that were done to black folks. You hear bullshit like we should be glad we were born here, I would love for some of this racist trash to live through slavery, Jim Crow, racism and discrimination and then come back and tell us how much they enjoyed it.
You didn't. You lived through affirmative action, quotas and set asides.

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