The Statistical Reality of the Corona thing (at least where I live)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The statistics of the pandemic (as reported by our beloved Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) reveal how oddly inflammatory the coverage is, as well as how stupid or compromised our "Leaders" are.

Allegheny County has a population of about 1.2 million. Of Allegheny County's 3,557 "cases" there have been exactly ZERO deaths of anyone under 20 years old. I'm not sure exactly what that percentage is, but it's pretty close to NOTHING. Please remind me why the schools were all closed, and apparently will be closed for the foreseeable future.

The total deaths of people UNDER 60 is twelve (12). We don't know how many of those 12 were medically "compromised" (certainly a couple were), but still, according to my gazintafier, 12/3557=three tenths of one percent of the reported "cases." And that's over several months. Now take another look at that statistic. Those twelve unfortunate people do not represent three tenths of one percent of THE COUNTY POPULATION; those twelve people constitute 0.3% of THOSE WHO WERE INFECTED. When looking at the county's population of people under 60 years old (approx. 1 Million), the twelve dead people constitute about .001% of the population. Would you rationally give up most of the things you enjoy doing because they result in a 12-in-a-million chance of getting sick and dying?

When you send your kid to school, there is ALWAYS the chance that s/he will bring home some sickness that s/he picked up from classmates. If you add one more possible sickness that NEVER KILLS kids, would you keep you kid home because of it? You would be a paranoid idiot if you did.

At the other end of the statistical tale, 81% of all of the deaths were people over 70, most WELL over 70.

So if our Leaders (he wrote, sarcastically) were rational, and had this information in hand, none of the "hunker down" guidelines would be directed at ANYONE under 60 years old. They would be issuing guidelines for old bastards like me and telling normal healthy adults and children to go about their business and try not to sneeze on Granny.

And if we get a gazillion "new cases" every day, and they are all healthy people under 60 years old, it wouldn't mean a God-damned thing. Which is why it drives me crazy to see these headlines every morning about all the new "cases." That information is nearly meaningless.
The statistics of the pandemic (as reported by our beloved Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) reveal how oddly inflammatory the coverage is, as well as how stupid or compromised our "Leaders" are.

Allegheny County has a population of about 1.2 million. Of Allegheny County's 3,557 "cases" there have been exactly ZERO deaths of anyone under 20 years old. I'm not sure exactly what that percentage is, but it's pretty close to NOTHING. Please remind me why the schools were all closed, and apparently will be closed for the foreseeable future.

The total deaths of people UNDER 60 is twelve (12). We don't know how many of those 12 were medically "compromised" (certainly a couple were), but still, according to my gazintafier, 12/3557=three tenths of one percent of the reported "cases." And that's over several months. Now take another look at that statistic. Those twelve unfortunate people do not represent three tenths of one percent of THE COUNTY POPULATION; those twelve people constitute 0.3% of THOSE WHO WERE INFECTED. When looking at the county's population of people under 60 years old (approx. 1 Million), the twelve dead people constitute about .001% of the population. Would you rationally give up most of the things you enjoy doing because they result in a 12-in-a-million chance of getting sick and dying?

When you send your kid to school, there is ALWAYS the chance that s/he will bring home some sickness that s/he picked up from classmates. If you add one more possible sickness that NEVER KILLS kids, would you keep you kid home because of it? You would be a paranoid idiot if you did.

At the other end of the statistical tale, 81% of all of the deaths were people over 70, most WELL over 70.

So if our Leaders (he wrote, sarcastically) were rational, and had this information in hand, none of the "hunker down" guidelines would be directed at ANYONE under 60 years old. They would be issuing guidelines for old bastards like me and telling normal healthy adults and children to go about their business and try not to sneeze on Granny.

And if we get a gazillion "new cases" every day, and they are all healthy people under 60 years old, it wouldn't mean a God-damned thing. Which is why it drives me crazy to see these headlines every morning about all the new "cases." That information is nearly meaningless.
And if we get a gazillion "new cases" every day, and they are all healthy people under 60 years old, it wouldn't mean a God-damned thing. Which is why it drives me crazy to see these headlines every morning about all the new "cases." That information is nearly meaningless.
I'm going to just reply to this paragraph. Your math is faulty to but that's less important.

People over 50 are hospitalized at a disturbing rate. Even 2.5 percent in the normal adult age group is nothing to sneeze at. For perspective your 1000000 people under 60 in your county, if infections rates aren't controlled have a potential for 25000 hospitalizations. Do you think the hospitals in your county can take 25000 patients a significant percentage of which need ICU beds and ventilators or even half that number? And I'm not taking into account the elderly for whom the situation is more grim. Coronavirus: Allegheny County's ICU Bed, Ventilator Numbers

Also you say you are older. Can I ask how many people you see weekly in the group that is being exposed under no lockdown. Your children, and grand children for instance if you have them?
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Communist democrats are going to keep using this against Trump as long as they believe it will work.
The worst statistical reality is that nearly one hundred percent of Americans have no comprehension of the horrific potential of exponential growth.
The worst statistical reality is that nearly one hundred percent of Americans have no comprehension of the horrific potential of exponential growth.
Did you get a hypnotist to help you write that?....Because it has a lot of words, yet means exactly nothing.
The statistics of the pandemic (as reported by our beloved Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) reveal how oddly inflammatory the coverage is, as well as how stupid or compromised our "Leaders" are.

Allegheny County has a population of about 1.2 million. Of Allegheny County's 3,557 "cases" there have been exactly ZERO deaths of anyone under 20 years old. I'm not sure exactly what that percentage is, but it's pretty close to NOTHING. Please remind me why the schools were all closed, and apparently will be closed for the foreseeable future.

The total deaths of people UNDER 60 is twelve (12). We don't know how many of those 12 were medically "compromised" (certainly a couple were), but still, according to my gazintafier, 12/3557=three tenths of one percent of the reported "cases." And that's over several months. Now take another look at that statistic. Those twelve unfortunate people do not represent three tenths of one percent of THE COUNTY POPULATION; those twelve people constitute 0.3% of THOSE WHO WERE INFECTED. When looking at the county's population of people under 60 years old (approx. 1 Million), the twelve dead people constitute about .001% of the population. Would you rationally give up most of the things you enjoy doing because they result in a 12-in-a-million chance of getting sick and dying?

When you send your kid to school, there is ALWAYS the chance that s/he will bring home some sickness that s/he picked up from classmates. If you add one more possible sickness that NEVER KILLS kids, would you keep you kid home because of it? You would be a paranoid idiot if you did.

At the other end of the statistical tale, 81% of all of the deaths were people over 70, most WELL over 70.

So if our Leaders (he wrote, sarcastically) were rational, and had this information in hand, none of the "hunker down" guidelines would be directed at ANYONE under 60 years old. They would be issuing guidelines for old bastards like me and telling normal healthy adults and children to go about their business and try not to sneeze on Granny.

And if we get a gazillion "new cases" every day, and they are all healthy people under 60 years old, it wouldn't mean a God-damned thing. Which is why it drives me crazy to see these headlines every morning about all the new "cases." That information is nearly meaningless.
The desired outcome is that the peasants submit to and obey their betters, under the presumption that the technocracy is omniscient.

Unfortunately, it appears to be working.
The worst statistical reality is that nearly one hundred percent of Americans have no comprehension of the horrific potential of exponential growth.
The ones upset are the ones that don't want to be bothered with anyone's ability to die from a virus that we need to defeat if possible. This is a war but it is a war of inconvenience it would seem to the hard hearts that want to be the tough guys, until they get sick and die.
The statistics of the pandemic (as reported by our beloved Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) reveal how oddly inflammatory the coverage is, as well as how stupid or compromised our "Leaders" are.

Allegheny County has a population of about 1.2 million. Of Allegheny County's 3,557 "cases" there have been exactly ZERO deaths of anyone under 20 years old. I'm not sure exactly what that percentage is, but it's pretty close to NOTHING. Please remind me why the schools were all closed, and apparently will be closed for the foreseeable future.

The total deaths of people UNDER 60 is twelve (12). We don't know how many of those 12 were medically "compromised" (certainly a couple were), but still, according to my gazintafier, 12/3557=three tenths of one percent of the reported "cases." And that's over several months. Now take another look at that statistic. Those twelve unfortunate people do not represent three tenths of one percent of THE COUNTY POPULATION; those twelve people constitute 0.3% of THOSE WHO WERE INFECTED. When looking at the county's population of people under 60 years old (approx. 1 Million), the twelve dead people constitute about .001% of the population. Would you rationally give up most of the things you enjoy doing because they result in a 12-in-a-million chance of getting sick and dying?

When you send your kid to school, there is ALWAYS the chance that s/he will bring home some sickness that s/he picked up from classmates. If you add one more possible sickness that NEVER KILLS kids, would you keep you kid home because of it? You would be a paranoid idiot if you did.

At the other end of the statistical tale, 81% of all of the deaths were people over 70, most WELL over 70.

So if our Leaders (he wrote, sarcastically) were rational, and had this information in hand, none of the "hunker down" guidelines would be directed at ANYONE under 60 years old. They would be issuing guidelines for old bastards like me and telling normal healthy adults and children to go about their business and try not to sneeze on Granny.

And if we get a gazillion "new cases" every day, and they are all healthy people under 60 years old, it wouldn't mean a God-damned thing. Which is why it drives me crazy to see these headlines every morning about all the new "cases." That information is nearly meaningless.
The desired outcome is that the peasants submit to and obey their betters, under the presumption that the technocracy is omniscient.

Unfortunately, it appears to be working.
It has been working for several hundred years in the USA...
Healthy adults under 60 have nothing to worry about. Period.

Locking up millennials and children is a social atrocity. One must now start to look at the motivations behind these decrees. Will they all go away after the election?
The worst statistical reality is that nearly one hundred percent of Americans have no comprehension of the horrific potential of exponential growth.
The ones upset are the ones that don't want to be bothered with anyone's ability to die from a virus that we need to defeat if possible. This is a war but it is a war of inconvenience it would seem to the hard hearts that want to be the tough guys, until they get sick and die.
The death rates are down, dueling jackasses.

The best news it that fewer and fewer people are buying into your deliberate scaremongering with every passing day.
Healthy adults under 60 have nothing to worry about. Period.

Locking up millennials and children is a social atrocity. One must now start to look at the motivations behind these decrees. Will they all go away after the election?
You evidently are blind to the reality of the virus or to the need for humans to heed precautions because you want to be the one that runs naked over the red-hot coals to show what a stud that exist in your presence...

You know who you sound like?


Yet that single seat that is a tragedy is your own, you don't care about a single person outside your own interest.
The worst statistical reality is that nearly one hundred percent of Americans have no comprehension of the horrific potential of exponential growth.
The ones upset are the ones that don't want to be bothered with anyone's ability to die from a virus that we need to defeat if possible. This is a war but it is a war of inconvenience it would seem to the hard hearts that want to be the tough guys, until they get sick and die.
The death rates are down, dueling jackasses.

The best news it that fewer and fewer people are buying into your deliberate scaremongering with every passing day.
Can you lis just a little more to make yourself look more ridiculous?
Of course the death rates are declining because of methods learned in keeping people alive..
The statistics of the pandemic (as reported by our beloved Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) reveal how oddly inflammatory the coverage is, as well as how stupid or compromised our "Leaders" are.

Allegheny County has a population of about 1.2 million. Of Allegheny County's 3,557 "cases" there have been exactly ZERO deaths of anyone under 20 years old. I'm not sure exactly what that percentage is, but it's pretty close to NOTHING. Please remind me why the schools were all closed, and apparently will be closed for the foreseeable future.

The total deaths of people UNDER 60 is twelve (12). We don't know how many of those 12 were medically "compromised" (certainly a couple were), but still, according to my gazintafier, 12/3557=three tenths of one percent of the reported "cases." And that's over several months. Now take another look at that statistic. Those twelve unfortunate people do not represent three tenths of one percent of THE COUNTY POPULATION; those twelve people constitute 0.3% of THOSE WHO WERE INFECTED. When looking at the county's population of people under 60 years old (approx. 1 Million), the twelve dead people constitute about .001% of the population. Would you rationally give up most of the things you enjoy doing because they result in a 12-in-a-million chance of getting sick and dying?

When you send your kid to school, there is ALWAYS the chance that s/he will bring home some sickness that s/he picked up from classmates. If you add one more possible sickness that NEVER KILLS kids, would you keep you kid home because of it? You would be a paranoid idiot if you did.

At the other end of the statistical tale, 81% of all of the deaths were people over 70, most WELL over 70.

So if our Leaders (he wrote, sarcastically) were rational, and had this information in hand, none of the "hunker down" guidelines would be directed at ANYONE under 60 years old. They would be issuing guidelines for old bastards like me and telling normal healthy adults and children to go about their business and try not to sneeze on Granny.

And if we get a gazillion "new cases" every day, and they are all healthy people under 60 years old, it wouldn't mean a God-damned thing. Which is why it drives me crazy to see these headlines every morning about all the new "cases." That information is nearly meaningless.
Yup, here in Arizona you’d think it’s the end of the world because of our “record breaking” daily confirmed cases. Yet the vast majority are young people who aren’t affected by the virus as you pointed out. The majority of deaths by a long shot are the elderly, and we have a huge elderly population here. These are folks who are supposed to stay isolated and in quarantine, so the reopening does not affect them.

Life here is quite normal all things considered. Everyone is happy to be able to go back to work.
Healthy adults under 60 have nothing to worry about. Period.

Locking up millennials and children is a social atrocity. One must now start to look at the motivations behind these decrees. Will they all go away after the election?
I showed you the relevant data from the CDC disagreeing with that assertion.

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