The Steady Drip, Drip, Drip of Blowback.


Dec 5, 2011
The REPUBLICAN SHUT DOWN is suffering from the steady drip, drip, drip of blowback that can only be the result of not thinking before leaping.

How dare Democrats not vote to restore Benefits to Veterans.

Hey, all you tri-corner whack jobs, YOU WANTED THE GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN.

The V.A. (Veterans Administration) is funded by the Congress. The RePugs in the Congress wanted the Govenment Shut Down. The RePugs did not give a damn about the Veteran's not receiving their benefits, until they were shammed into it.

How dare Democrats not vote to restore funding for Cancer Research at the N.I.H. (National Institutes for Health). Thirty Children will not receive their Cancer Meds.

Hey, all you tri-corner what jobs, YOU WANTED THE GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN.

The N.I.H. is funded by the Congress. The RePugs did not give a damn about the funding Cancer Research until they were shammed into it. The RePugs did not give a damn about Children not receiving Cancer meds until story appeared in the news on Tuesday. Before Tuesday RePugs were mum...silent...not a damn word.

How dare Democrats not vote to restore funding for the World War II Memorial.

Hey, all you tri-corner hat whack jobs, YOU WANTED THE GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN.

The World War II Memorial is funded, at least in part by the Congress. The RePugs did not give a damn about World War II Vets (My Dad was WWII Vet, U.S. Army. He was Combat Field Medic. His first Combat was on Guadalcanal. His last was on Okinawa.) or the World War II Memorial. It seems the "Shame" of the failure of Dems not to vote for the World War II Memorial was a well stagged Photo. The RePugs appeared, as if by magic an hour before the Vets and the T.V. Cameras showed up.

THE REPUBLICAN SHUT DOWN is becoming the biggest mistake McChinless, the Boner and Cantor have made to date.

Don't blame the Dems for what YOU WANTED.



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