The Steele Dossier: How Does it Hold Up?

Which is why they obfuscate, deflect, and change the subject. They don't have counter arguments. They are boxed in with nothing to fight with and they know it. You know you are already winning the argument when they have to rely on these tactics. Been doing this for years with the Right, and they never seem to pull that rabbit out of he hat, because everything they argue for is based upon lies, misinformation, their own emotions, and ignorance, which produces anger. Why do they resort to these tactics? Simple, "fear"! They think this country belongs to them, and they fear they are losing that ownership to all the "others" in this country. This last presidential election by the Right was primarily a referendum about race. The problem is, this country was founded by immigrants and we have a Constitution that has evolved to be inclusive of all people. "We the people" Remember?

Anyway, your strategy is spot on, and you will continue winning your own personal debates, because you use the truth and the facts as your debate material. And when they argue against that, they will lose every time, and you will always win.
I don't think it's fear actually, to use these tactics. If I'd have to give a motivation it's ego. People on this board are not normal. We spend time on a forum talking politics. Most of us do this because an overwhelming sense of righteousness I think. For people who have that sense of righteousness nothing is more painful then having to admit your wrong. I've done it a few times myself here and it's incredibly painful. I don't think it's all that surprising that people choose to resort to certain tactics to avoid that pain.
Just admit you are wrong when you are wrong. I've done it myself. It's not painful, because the error was an honest mistake. Hold your head high, tell the truth based on the facts, and the wind will always be to your back.It's that simple. The rest will take care of itself.

I am not wrong. HRC was a criminal with intent to lie and deceive. Trump was a businessman trying to win an election. I don't believe he is pro Russia and anti US. Not even close. ZERO ERROR. An opinion cannot be wrong, unless you're a Leftist.
-Opinions are wrong all the time. At one time it was the general opinion that the earth was flat. I think we can agree that, that opinion is wrong. At one time Trump expressed the opinion that Mexico would pay for the wall. Obviously wrong.
-As to your opinion of Trump, I've done nothing than ask you to support that opinion. The thing is you seem to be unable to do so.
You know how they call something you believe without being able to support it right? They call it faith. That's probably why you said that opinions can't be wrong. Because you think that an opinion is the same as faith. And because people generally are more understanding of not challenging faith you think that you deserve that consideration? I'm sorry but when something is wrong it is wrong no matter how you package it.
-HRC not only did way less then Trump has done, but after multiple investigations by both the DOJ and both houses nothing prosecutable has been established. What's more. Those conclusions have not been challenged even after Trump has had 2 years and the control of all agencies tasked with going after criminals to make it stick. I find it funny by the way that you still seem to suggest that taking your work home is criminal. But giving the Russians intelligence given to you by your allies is not worth more than a yawn.

An opinion can never be wrong. Look up the operational definition. People thought the Earth was flat because they didn’t have the facts to prove them wrong. Once facts were received that opinion became invalid. For example in my opinion the Chiefs will win the SB. If they lose, it didn’t make my opinion wrong at the time but circumstances changed. I am 6’3 = fact. I am tall = opinion. If you cannot even see that an opinion cannot be wrong there is no point in us conversing any longer. About any topic.
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.
I don't think it's fear actually, to use these tactics. If I'd have to give a motivation it's ego. People on this board are not normal. We spend time on a forum talking politics. Most of us do this because an overwhelming sense of righteousness I think. For people who have that sense of righteousness nothing is more painful then having to admit your wrong. I've done it a few times myself here and it's incredibly painful. I don't think it's all that surprising that people choose to resort to certain tactics to avoid that pain.
Just admit you are wrong when you are wrong. I've done it myself. It's not painful, because the error was an honest mistake. Hold your head high, tell the truth based on the facts, and the wind will always be to your back.It's that simple. The rest will take care of itself.

I am not wrong. HRC was a criminal with intent to lie and deceive. Trump was a businessman trying to win an election. I don't believe he is pro Russia and anti US. Not even close. ZERO ERROR. An opinion cannot be wrong, unless you're a Leftist.
-Opinions are wrong all the time. At one time it was the general opinion that the earth was flat. I think we can agree that, that opinion is wrong. At one time Trump expressed the opinion that Mexico would pay for the wall. Obviously wrong.
-As to your opinion of Trump, I've done nothing than ask you to support that opinion. The thing is you seem to be unable to do so.
You know how they call something you believe without being able to support it right? They call it faith. That's probably why you said that opinions can't be wrong. Because you think that an opinion is the same as faith. And because people generally are more understanding of not challenging faith you think that you deserve that consideration? I'm sorry but when something is wrong it is wrong no matter how you package it.
-HRC not only did way less then Trump has done, but after multiple investigations by both the DOJ and both houses nothing prosecutable has been established. What's more. Those conclusions have not been challenged even after Trump has had 2 years and the control of all agencies tasked with going after criminals to make it stick. I find it funny by the way that you still seem to suggest that taking your work home is criminal. But giving the Russians intelligence given to you by your allies is not worth more than a yawn.

An opinion can never be wrong. Look up the operational definition. People thought the Earth was flat because they didn’t have the facts to prove them wrong. Once facts were received that opinion became invalid. For example in my opinion the Chiefs will win the SB. If they lose, it didn’t make my opinion wrong at the time but circumstances changed. I am 6’3 = fact. I am tall = opinion. If you cannot even see that an opinion cannot be wrong there is no point in us conversing any longer. About any topic.
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.

Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I don’t have any answers either. Iraq was the biggest disaster in American history by a conservative government.

Bush Senior went into the Middle East and forced Iraq out of Kuwait. And then he left. Clearly he knew what he was doing.

Bush Junior and the GOP lied the country into Iraq. And that proves that a lying commander-in-chief is only going to hurt the country.

Look at Trump. The damage, the division, the hate that he’s causing is many times worse than what Bush did.

Remember, Bush Junior put together an enormous coalition of countries to go into Iraq. He lied to all of them as well. And the coalition has expanded out into Afghanistan and into Syria and other places in the Middle East.

You can’t just walk away. But that’s how Trump is. He just walks away. Walks away from his marriages, walks away from his kids, walks away from people he owes money to, he just goes bankrupt.

Trump leaves behind devastation wherever he goes. And now he’s going to do the same thing for this country.

No one wants to stay in the Middle East, but we have to work with our allies to leave. That’s not trumps plan.

Bush Jr. was certainly a kind man but not competent. Hence I voted for Al Gore. Like I said the ME conflict is very complex. Until people in the US realize that Islam is an ideology and not just a religion we will never have peace or deal with it the correct way. Those people don’t want us there. They don’t understand nor like Western values. Their culture is that of hierarchy and obedience. Unfortunately our allies are under the Leftist spell of open borders and Islamification. London is unrecognizable, Paris is close to it as well. Hence you saw Brexit and rioting in Paris.

The Kurds are very kind and nice people. An anomaly in Islam. I feel badly for them.
Why do t@rded idiots keep coming up with this open borders sh!t. No Democrats believe in that.
Just admit you are wrong when you are wrong. I've done it myself. It's not painful, because the error was an honest mistake. Hold your head high, tell the truth based on the facts, and the wind will always be to your back.It's that simple. The rest will take care of itself.

I am not wrong. HRC was a criminal with intent to lie and deceive. Trump was a businessman trying to win an election. I don't believe he is pro Russia and anti US. Not even close. ZERO ERROR. An opinion cannot be wrong, unless you're a Leftist.
-Opinions are wrong all the time. At one time it was the general opinion that the earth was flat. I think we can agree that, that opinion is wrong. At one time Trump expressed the opinion that Mexico would pay for the wall. Obviously wrong.
-As to your opinion of Trump, I've done nothing than ask you to support that opinion. The thing is you seem to be unable to do so.
You know how they call something you believe without being able to support it right? They call it faith. That's probably why you said that opinions can't be wrong. Because you think that an opinion is the same as faith. And because people generally are more understanding of not challenging faith you think that you deserve that consideration? I'm sorry but when something is wrong it is wrong no matter how you package it.
-HRC not only did way less then Trump has done, but after multiple investigations by both the DOJ and both houses nothing prosecutable has been established. What's more. Those conclusions have not been challenged even after Trump has had 2 years and the control of all agencies tasked with going after criminals to make it stick. I find it funny by the way that you still seem to suggest that taking your work home is criminal. But giving the Russians intelligence given to you by your allies is not worth more than a yawn.

An opinion can never be wrong. Look up the operational definition. People thought the Earth was flat because they didn’t have the facts to prove them wrong. Once facts were received that opinion became invalid. For example in my opinion the Chiefs will win the SB. If they lose, it didn’t make my opinion wrong at the time but circumstances changed. I am 6’3 = fact. I am tall = opinion. If you cannot even see that an opinion cannot be wrong there is no point in us conversing any longer. About any topic.
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.

Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.
This is the definition of faith. Oddly similar don't you think?
I also find it incredible that you keep on just answering parts of the posts.
The premise of your reply was that opinions can't be wrong. Tell me how my assertion otherwise was wrong?
Just admit you are wrong when you are wrong. I've done it myself. It's not painful, because the error was an honest mistake. Hold your head high, tell the truth based on the facts, and the wind will always be to your back.It's that simple. The rest will take care of itself.

I am not wrong. HRC was a criminal with intent to lie and deceive. Trump was a businessman trying to win an election. I don't believe he is pro Russia and anti US. Not even close. ZERO ERROR. An opinion cannot be wrong, unless you're a Leftist.
-Opinions are wrong all the time. At one time it was the general opinion that the earth was flat. I think we can agree that, that opinion is wrong. At one time Trump expressed the opinion that Mexico would pay for the wall. Obviously wrong.
-As to your opinion of Trump, I've done nothing than ask you to support that opinion. The thing is you seem to be unable to do so.
You know how they call something you believe without being able to support it right? They call it faith. That's probably why you said that opinions can't be wrong. Because you think that an opinion is the same as faith. And because people generally are more understanding of not challenging faith you think that you deserve that consideration? I'm sorry but when something is wrong it is wrong no matter how you package it.
-HRC not only did way less then Trump has done, but after multiple investigations by both the DOJ and both houses nothing prosecutable has been established. What's more. Those conclusions have not been challenged even after Trump has had 2 years and the control of all agencies tasked with going after criminals to make it stick. I find it funny by the way that you still seem to suggest that taking your work home is criminal. But giving the Russians intelligence given to you by your allies is not worth more than a yawn.

An opinion can never be wrong. Look up the operational definition. People thought the Earth was flat because they didn’t have the facts to prove them wrong. Once facts were received that opinion became invalid. For example in my opinion the Chiefs will win the SB. If they lose, it didn’t make my opinion wrong at the time but circumstances changed. I am 6’3 = fact. I am tall = opinion. If you cannot even see that an opinion cannot be wrong there is no point in us conversing any longer. About any topic.
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.

Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.
I am not wrong. HRC was a criminal with intent to lie and deceive. Trump was a businessman trying to win an election. I don't believe he is pro Russia and anti US. Not even close. ZERO ERROR. An opinion cannot be wrong, unless you're a Leftist.
-Opinions are wrong all the time. At one time it was the general opinion that the earth was flat. I think we can agree that, that opinion is wrong. At one time Trump expressed the opinion that Mexico would pay for the wall. Obviously wrong.
-As to your opinion of Trump, I've done nothing than ask you to support that opinion. The thing is you seem to be unable to do so.
You know how they call something you believe without being able to support it right? They call it faith. That's probably why you said that opinions can't be wrong. Because you think that an opinion is the same as faith. And because people generally are more understanding of not challenging faith you think that you deserve that consideration? I'm sorry but when something is wrong it is wrong no matter how you package it.
-HRC not only did way less then Trump has done, but after multiple investigations by both the DOJ and both houses nothing prosecutable has been established. What's more. Those conclusions have not been challenged even after Trump has had 2 years and the control of all agencies tasked with going after criminals to make it stick. I find it funny by the way that you still seem to suggest that taking your work home is criminal. But giving the Russians intelligence given to you by your allies is not worth more than a yawn.

An opinion can never be wrong. Look up the operational definition. People thought the Earth was flat because they didn’t have the facts to prove them wrong. Once facts were received that opinion became invalid. For example in my opinion the Chiefs will win the SB. If they lose, it didn’t make my opinion wrong at the time but circumstances changed. I am 6’3 = fact. I am tall = opinion. If you cannot even see that an opinion cannot be wrong there is no point in us conversing any longer. About any topic.
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.

Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
-Opinions are wrong all the time. At one time it was the general opinion that the earth was flat. I think we can agree that, that opinion is wrong. At one time Trump expressed the opinion that Mexico would pay for the wall. Obviously wrong.
-As to your opinion of Trump, I've done nothing than ask you to support that opinion. The thing is you seem to be unable to do so.
You know how they call something you believe without being able to support it right? They call it faith. That's probably why you said that opinions can't be wrong. Because you think that an opinion is the same as faith. And because people generally are more understanding of not challenging faith you think that you deserve that consideration? I'm sorry but when something is wrong it is wrong no matter how you package it.
-HRC not only did way less then Trump has done, but after multiple investigations by both the DOJ and both houses nothing prosecutable has been established. What's more. Those conclusions have not been challenged even after Trump has had 2 years and the control of all agencies tasked with going after criminals to make it stick. I find it funny by the way that you still seem to suggest that taking your work home is criminal. But giving the Russians intelligence given to you by your allies is not worth more than a yawn.

An opinion can never be wrong. Look up the operational definition. People thought the Earth was flat because they didn’t have the facts to prove them wrong. Once facts were received that opinion became invalid. For example in my opinion the Chiefs will win the SB. If they lose, it didn’t make my opinion wrong at the time but circumstances changed. I am 6’3 = fact. I am tall = opinion. If you cannot even see that an opinion cannot be wrong there is no point in us conversing any longer. About any topic.
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.

Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.
An opinion can never be wrong. Look up the operational definition. People thought the Earth was flat because they didn’t have the facts to prove them wrong. Once facts were received that opinion became invalid. For example in my opinion the Chiefs will win the SB. If they lose, it didn’t make my opinion wrong at the time but circumstances changed. I am 6’3 = fact. I am tall = opinion. If you cannot even see that an opinion cannot be wrong there is no point in us conversing any longer. About any topic.
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.

Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.

Wrong. Science can prove that pigs cannot fly. If your opinion is someday pigs may fly that is a different story. An opinion cannot be wrong. Until you admit this we will never be civil. I reiterate. An opinion cannot be wrong. Learn English please.
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.

Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.

Wrong. Science can prove that pigs cannot fly. If your opinion is someday pigs may fly that is a different story. An opinion cannot be wrong. Until you admit this we will never be civil. I reiterate. An opinion cannot be wrong. Learn English please.
Hey, the definition of opinion that YOU made me look up said that an opinion doesn't need facts to back it up. So why do you bring facts into the equation? Facts have no bearing on opinions remember? It's your opinion that Trump doesn't lie. I have given you a taped recording were Trump is lying. This would make that opinion wrong now, wouldn't it? You can't have it both ways. Make my stated opinion adhere to facts, while you don't need to establish the same.
Last edited:
Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
Opinions can be true or false.

opinion - Google Search

  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
    "I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance"
    synonyms: belief, judgment, thought(s), (way of) thinking, mind, (point of) view, viewpoint, outlook, attitude, stance, position, perspective, persuasion, standpoint; More"
So an objectively wrong opinion isn't wrong by virtue of it being an opinion? That's handy, so nothing can be true or untrue as long as we call it an opinion?
This is the definition.
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
In other words faith.

Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.

Wrong. Science can prove that pigs cannot fly. If your opinion is someday pigs may fly that is a different story. An opinion cannot be wrong. Until you admit this we will never be civil. I reiterate. An opinion cannot be wrong. Learn English please.
Don't look by the way. But you just made my point. You just said that science can prove the opinion that pigs can fly is wrong. From that follows that opinions can be wrong.
Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
Opinions can be true or false.

opinion - Google Search

  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
    "I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance"
    synonyms: belief, judgment, thought(s), (way of) thinking, mind, (point of) view, viewpoint, outlook, attitude, stance, position, perspective, persuasion, standpoint; More"
This part of the conversation has been pretty surreal . Azog seems to have problems with the difference between opinions and facts and for some reason sees no problem in pursuing something so outrageous it becomes ridiculous.
Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.

Wrong. Science can prove that pigs cannot fly. If your opinion is someday pigs may fly that is a different story. An opinion cannot be wrong. Until you admit this we will never be civil. I reiterate. An opinion cannot be wrong. Learn English please.
Hey, the definition of opinion that YOU made me look up said that an opinion doesn't need facts to back it up. So why do you bring facts into the equation? Facts have no bearing on opinions remember? It's your opinion that Trump doesn't lie. I have given you a taped recording were Trump is lying. This would make that opinion wrong now, wouldn't it? You can't have it both ways. Make my stated opinion adhere to facts, while you don't need to establish the same.

I never said he doesn’t lie. I said He doesn’t lie more than the average person. Opinions cannot be wrong. Obviously if you bring me facts the opinion l, which was in the past becomes invalid. Stop using bold. I am Not a child. I can Read.
Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
Opinions can be true or false.

opinion - Google Search

  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
    "I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance"
    synonyms: belief, judgment, thought(s), (way of) thinking, mind, (point of) view, viewpoint, outlook, attitude, stance, position, perspective, persuasion, standpoint; More"

An opinion cannot be wrong.
Bullshit. You made up the faith part up because you’re a progressive Fascist. In my opinion you’re an unintelligent Troll. It doesn’t make it so. Nothing to do with faith. How convenient that you don’t know basic English.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.

Wrong. Science can prove that pigs cannot fly. If your opinion is someday pigs may fly that is a different story. An opinion cannot be wrong. Until you admit this we will never be civil. I reiterate. An opinion cannot be wrong. Learn English please.
Don't look by the way. But you just made my point. You just said that science can prove the opinion that pigs can fly is wrong. From that follows that opinions can be wrong.

That is not an opinion. That is an incorrect statement. If it can be proven then it is no longer an opinion.
Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
Opinions can be true or false.

opinion - Google Search

  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
    "I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance"
    synonyms: belief, judgment, thought(s), (way of) thinking, mind, (point of) view, viewpoint, outlook, attitude, stance, position, perspective, persuasion, standpoint; More"
This part of the conversation has been pretty surreal . Azog seems to have problems with the difference between opinions and facts and for some reason sees no problem in pursuing something so outrageous it becomes ridiculous.

An opinion cannot be wrong. Period. End of story.
Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
Opinions can be true or false.

opinion - Google Search

  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
    "I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance"
    synonyms: belief, judgment, thought(s), (way of) thinking, mind, (point of) view, viewpoint, outlook, attitude, stance, position, perspective, persuasion, standpoint; More"
This part of the conversation has been pretty surreal . Azog seems to have problems with the difference between opinions and facts and for some reason sees no problem in pursuing something so outrageous it becomes ridiculous.

I wonder if the term "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is about to take on a completely alternative meaning once Democrats take control of the House?
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.

Wrong. Science can prove that pigs cannot fly. If your opinion is someday pigs may fly that is a different story. An opinion cannot be wrong. Until you admit this we will never be civil. I reiterate. An opinion cannot be wrong. Learn English please.
Hey, the definition of opinion that YOU made me look up said that an opinion doesn't need facts to back it up. So why do you bring facts into the equation? Facts have no bearing on opinions remember? It's your opinion that Trump doesn't lie. I have given you a taped recording were Trump is lying. This would make that opinion wrong now, wouldn't it? You can't have it both ways. Make my stated opinion adhere to facts, while you don't need to establish the same.

I never said he doesn’t lie. I said He doesn’t lie more than the average person. Opinions cannot be wrong. Obviously if you bring me facts the opinion l, which was in the past becomes invalid. Stop using bold. I am Not a child. I can Read.
I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar.
Was this an opinion or an incorrect statement? And not only does he lie more then the average person but he probably lies more then 100 average people.Analysis | A year of unprecedented deception: Trump averaged 15 false claims a day in 2018 7600 untruths and counting. And before you yell fake news. If you want I'll give you further tapes of him speaking, or look on his twitter account and see how many outright lies I can find.
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And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.

Wrong. Science can prove that pigs cannot fly. If your opinion is someday pigs may fly that is a different story. An opinion cannot be wrong. Until you admit this we will never be civil. I reiterate. An opinion cannot be wrong. Learn English please.
Don't look by the way. But you just made my point. You just said that science can prove the opinion that pigs can fly is wrong. From that follows that opinions can be wrong.

That is not an opinion. That is an incorrect statement. If it can be proven then it is no longer an opinion.
Sure it is. There are still people of the opinion that the earth is flat. No matter how wrong it is proven ages ago.
There are people that are of the opinion that evolution isn't right. No matter how much it's shown to be correct.
There are billions of people who believe in one holy book or another. Some of the things in those books are demonstrably impossible. Yet a lot of people are of the opinion that those things happened. All opinions, all wrong.
And by the way Azog. I've made it a point to give you the respect to not call you names. Even when I suspected you were flat out lying to me about what you believe. I gave you the respect to challenge what you said and not go after you as a person. I even told BWK that I don't think you are dumb or incapable of logical thinking. Not once did I call you any name. I want, and implore you to try to make your argument on it's merit.

Respect is earned and when you claim an opinion can be wrong you lose it. Sorry. That is complete Fascism.
My opinion is that pigs can fly. Now, that isn't a wrong opinion? Oh and stop talking about earning respect and that you lose respect when you don't give decent arguments. If that would be true you would have lost it the moment you claimed Trump didn't lie. Or made the ridiculous statement that opinions can't be wrong. I have given you argument after argument, only a few times did you even try to engage the premise on any of them. Just to withdraw in your own little cocoon when they became unsustainable.

Wrong. Science can prove that pigs cannot fly. If your opinion is someday pigs may fly that is a different story. An opinion cannot be wrong. Until you admit this we will never be civil. I reiterate. An opinion cannot be wrong. Learn English please.
Hey, the definition of opinion that YOU made me look up said that an opinion doesn't need facts to back it up. So why do you bring facts into the equation? Facts have no bearing on opinions remember? It's your opinion that Trump doesn't lie. I have given you a taped recording were Trump is lying. This would make that opinion wrong now, wouldn't it? You can't have it both ways. Make my stated opinion adhere to facts, while you don't need to establish the same.

I never said he doesn’t lie. I said He doesn’t lie more than the average person. Opinions cannot be wrong. Obviously if you bring me facts the opinion l, which was in the past becomes invalid. Stop using bold. I am Not a child. I can Read.
I use bold to emphasize my point. I've noticed it sometimes forces people to answer the premise.

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