The Steele Dossier: How Does it Hold Up?

He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!

This is pretty much on point.
I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.

Which is contrary to his message about the expense. Didn't he mention the cost from our part? Trump isn't making much sense. Which is no surprise.
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!

We also didn't go in there to ally with the Kurds to fight ISIS along side with us, just so Trump could have a phone call with Erdogan about us leaving Syria so Erdogan could invade the Kurds. Did we do that with our allies in Britain and France during WWII when we were fighting for freedom throughout the world? Wasn't this the battle operation name when the war started with Afghanistan? Operation enduring freedom"? Remember that?

Remember when Republicans were outraged about Obama leaving Iraq, fighting for that "enduring freedom"? Lol!

Even if we move our troops to the border, we are abandoning our allies for "enduring freedom" between the Kurds and Turkey. I thought that was the whole point from the beginning? Remember? If it wasn't, then what was the point?

So no, our mission started in 2001 with "operation enduring freedom" by getting rid of terrorism. I was against that war and Iraq from the beginning, and I'm still against it today. But please, don't insult my intelligence by telling me the only mission was to "fuck ISIS up". We started ISIS during 2003.

We went there in 2001 to protect freedom from terrorism, and we did it through an army. And we are still doing it today, according to what our military officials called it. They were wars against terrorism. And now in that war that is still going on, we are abandoning our allies the Kurds.
I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!

We also didn't go in there to ally with the Kurds to fight ISIS along side with us, just so Trump could have a phone call with Erdogan about us leaving Syria so Erdogan could invade the Kurds. Did we do that with our allies in Britain and France during WWII when we were fighting for freedom throughout the world? Wasn't this the battle operation name when the war started with Afghanistan? Operation enduring freedom"? Remember that?

Remember when Republicans were outraged about Obama leaving Iraq, fighting for that "enduring freedom"? Lol!

Even if we move our troops to the border, we are abandoning our allies for "enduring freedom" between the Kurds and Turkey. I thought that was the whole point from the beginning? Remember? If it wasn't, then what was the point?

So no, our mission started in 2001 with "operation enduring freedom" by getting rid of terrorism. I was against that war and Iraq from the beginning, and I'm still against it today. But please, don't insult my intelligence by telling me the only mission was to "fuck ISIS up". We started ISIS during 2003.

We went there in 2001 to protect freedom from terrorism, and we did it through an army. And we are still doing it today, according to what our military officials called it. They were wars against terrorism. And now in that war that is still going on, we are abandoning our allies the Kurds.

You're obviously an idiot who doesn't understand the topic he is pontificating on and instead simply hate Trump , so I will waste no more time with you. Good day.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.

Which is contrary to his message about the expense. Didn't he mention the cost from our part? Trump isn't making much sense. Which is no surprise.

It’s complicated. Thank you Bush and Dick.
I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!

We also didn't go in there to ally with the Kurds to fight ISIS along side with us, just so Trump could have a phone call with Erdogan about us leaving Syria so Erdogan could invade the Kurds. Did we do that with our allies in Britain and France during WWII when we were fighting for freedom throughout the world? Wasn't this the battle operation name when the war started with Afghanistan? Operation enduring freedom"? Remember that?

Remember when Republicans were outraged about Obama leaving Iraq, fighting for that "enduring freedom"? Lol!

Even if we move our troops to the border, we are abandoning our allies for "enduring freedom" between the Kurds and Turkey. I thought that was the whole point from the beginning? Remember? If it wasn't, then what was the point?

So no, our mission started in 2001 with "operation enduring freedom" by getting rid of terrorism. I was against that war and Iraq from the beginning, and I'm still against it today. But please, don't insult my intelligence by telling me the only mission was to "fuck ISIS up". We started ISIS during 2003.

We went there in 2001 to protect freedom from terrorism, and we did it through an army. And we are still doing it today, according to what our military officials called it. They were wars against terrorism. And now in that war that is still going on, we are abandoning our allies the Kurds.

Every Mostly Muslim nation is a disaster. We need to GTFO ASAP
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!

We also didn't go in there to ally with the Kurds to fight ISIS along side with us, just so Trump could have a phone call with Erdogan about us leaving Syria so Erdogan could invade the Kurds. Did we do that with our allies in Britain and France during WWII when we were fighting for freedom throughout the world? Wasn't this the battle operation name when the war started with Afghanistan? Operation enduring freedom"? Remember that?

Remember when Republicans were outraged about Obama leaving Iraq, fighting for that "enduring freedom"? Lol!

Even if we move our troops to the border, we are abandoning our allies for "enduring freedom" between the Kurds and Turkey. I thought that was the whole point from the beginning? Remember? If it wasn't, then what was the point?

So no, our mission started in 2001 with "operation enduring freedom" by getting rid of terrorism. I was against that war and Iraq from the beginning, and I'm still against it today. But please, don't insult my intelligence by telling me the only mission was to "fuck ISIS up". We started ISIS during 2003.

We went there in 2001 to protect freedom from terrorism, and we did it through an army. And we are still doing it today, according to what our military officials called it. They were wars against terrorism. And now in that war that is still going on, we are abandoning our allies the Kurds.

You're obviously an idiot who doesn't understand the topic he is pontificating on and instead simply hate Trump , so I will waste no more time with you. Good day.

Stop your running from the truth. What was the mission in 2001? Answer, I already told you what it was, and you decided to make up a new mission after we pulled out of Iraq. That new mission was according to who? Answer, no one! The mission has been the same since the beginning. And who were our allies during the war with Afghanistan? Answser, Britain, Canada, and Australia. Would we abandon those countries if the Taliban attacked them? Answer, of course not. I rest my case.

And by the way, you're though with me because I put the truth in its proper context. Good day to you too.
Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?
-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!
We also didn't go in there to ally with the Kurds to fight ISIS along side with us, just so Trump could have a phone call with Erdogan about us leaving Syria so Erdogan could invade the Kurds. Did we do that with our allies in Britain and France during WWII when we were fighting for freedom throughout the world? Wasn't this the battle operation name when the war started with Afghanistan? Operation enduring freedom"? Remember that?

Remember when Republicans were outraged about Obama leaving Iraq, fighting for that "enduring freedom"? Lol!

Even if we move our troops to the border, we are abandoning our allies for "enduring freedom" between the Kurds and Turkey. I thought that was the whole point from the beginning? Remember? If it wasn't, then what was the point?

So no, our mission started in 2001 with "operation enduring freedom" by getting rid of terrorism. I was against that war and Iraq from the beginning, and I'm still against it today. But please, don't insult my intelligence by telling me the only mission was to "fuck ISIS up". We started ISIS during 2003.

We went there in 2001 to protect freedom from terrorism, and we did it through an army. And we are still doing it today, according to what our military officials called it. They were wars against terrorism. And now in that war that is still going on, we are abandoning our allies the Kurds.

You're obviously an idiot who doesn't understand the topic he is pontificating on and instead simply hate Trump , so I will waste no more time with you. Good day.
Stop your running from the truth. What was the mission in 2001? Answer, I already told you what it was, and you decided to make up a new mission after we pulled out of Iraq. That new mission was according to who? Answer, no one! The mission has been the same since the beginning. And who were our allies during the war with Afghanistan? Answser, Britain, Canada, and Australia. Would we abandon those countries if the Taliban attacked them? Answer, of course not. I rest my case.

And by the way, you're though with me because I put the truth in its proper context. Good day to you too.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!

We also didn't go in there to ally with the Kurds to fight ISIS along side with us, just so Trump could have a phone call with Erdogan about us leaving Syria so Erdogan could invade the Kurds. Did we do that with our allies in Britain and France during WWII when we were fighting for freedom throughout the world? Wasn't this the battle operation name when the war started with Afghanistan? Operation enduring freedom"? Remember that?

Remember when Republicans were outraged about Obama leaving Iraq, fighting for that "enduring freedom"? Lol!

Even if we move our troops to the border, we are abandoning our allies for "enduring freedom" between the Kurds and Turkey. I thought that was the whole point from the beginning? Remember? If it wasn't, then what was the point?

So no, our mission started in 2001 with "operation enduring freedom" by getting rid of terrorism. I was against that war and Iraq from the beginning, and I'm still against it today. But please, don't insult my intelligence by telling me the only mission was to "fuck ISIS up". We started ISIS during 2003.

We went there in 2001 to protect freedom from terrorism, and we did it through an army. And we are still doing it today, according to what our military officials called it. They were wars against terrorism. And now in that war that is still going on, we are abandoning our allies the Kurds.

Every Mostly Muslim nation is a disaster. We need to GTFO ASAP

I couldn't agree more. But we need to do three things before we leave. We need to protect our allies like the Kurds, just as we would protect the Brits, the Canadians, and the Australians, because they fought along side us under "operation enduring freedom". We owe it to the millions of displaced innocent civilians whose lives we ruined through death, injury, and displacement, to at least make such an impact, that ISIS will not be coming back any time soon or at all, and we need to admit that we lost the war on terror with a standing army in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Because the U.S. or anyone else will never truly get rid of terrorism with thousands of troops on the ground. We need to fight terror with counter intelligence operations in the future, not standing armies.
Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?
-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!
We also didn't go in there to ally with the Kurds to fight ISIS along side with us, just so Trump could have a phone call with Erdogan about us leaving Syria so Erdogan could invade the Kurds. Did we do that with our allies in Britain and France during WWII when we were fighting for freedom throughout the world? Wasn't this the battle operation name when the war started with Afghanistan? Operation enduring freedom"? Remember that?

Remember when Republicans were outraged about Obama leaving Iraq, fighting for that "enduring freedom"? Lol!

Even if we move our troops to the border, we are abandoning our allies for "enduring freedom" between the Kurds and Turkey. I thought that was the whole point from the beginning? Remember? If it wasn't, then what was the point?

So no, our mission started in 2001 with "operation enduring freedom" by getting rid of terrorism. I was against that war and Iraq from the beginning, and I'm still against it today. But please, don't insult my intelligence by telling me the only mission was to "fuck ISIS up". We started ISIS during 2003.

We went there in 2001 to protect freedom from terrorism, and we did it through an army. And we are still doing it today, according to what our military officials called it. They were wars against terrorism. And now in that war that is still going on, we are abandoning our allies the Kurds.

Every Mostly Muslim nation is a disaster. We need to GTFO ASAP
I couldn't agree more. But we need to do three things before we leave. We need to protect our allies like the Kurds, just as we would protect the Brits, the Canadians, and the Australians, because they fought along side us under "operation enduring freedom". We owe it to the millions of displaced innocent civilians whose lives we ruined through death, injury, and displacement, to at least make such an impact, that ISIS will not be coming back any time soon or at all, and we need to admit that we lost the war on terror with a standing army in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Because the U.S. or anyone else will never truly get rid of terrorism with thousands of troops on the ground. We need to fight terror with counter intelligence operations in the future, not standing armies.

Precisely hence we need a 10-yr window. Europe is a giant caliphate I am all set with our so called allies there.
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!

If the commitment was that small why leave in the first place? Why screw the ally who was fighting them for you in the first place? If it wasn't the body count, and it wasn't the commitment, why? What does it gain the US? I already told Azog what Russia gets out of it,what's the upside to the US?
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-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.

Eventually. May take 10+ yrs

Eventually pigs might sprout wings, doesn't mean it's the plan.
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

Oh and if that's the only thing your replying to in that post, I have to say that you don't seem to have a substantive counter argument.
I do also want to say something else though. At the risk of sounding condescending. Not my intention by the way. I appreciate that you at least try to have an actual conversation, and seem to be willing to at least consider what I'm telling. It is rare on this board and I try to thank all those willing to do so.

Trump IMO is trying to use the Russians to fight the extremist Islamists while pulling the US back. Whether this works is tbd.

If that's your opinion, then my opinion is that your opinion is simplistic. It comes back to my original point. You stated that it's ridiculous to state that Trump is compromised. Yet a lot of his foreign policy decisions only make sense if those decisions are written in the Kremlin. Withdrawing from Syria makes no sense for the US. The commitment is small. The US has a good ally there that does most of the fighting, ans it denies the Russians the influence they seek in the region. Going on camera and saying you believe Putin over your own intelligence community makes no sense. It demoralizes them, and gives a visual reminder to those watching that the US is unwilling to stand up to them. Giving the Russians code word level intel developed by Israel makes no sense. It shows the allies that giving intelligence to the US might end up in the hands of Russia.
Think of it like this. People on the right still chant "lock her up" because the then Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton had classified information on her private computer. It wasn't that she shouldn't have it. It wasn't that it was stolen. No the beef was that that information was deemed insecure and therefor shouldn't have been there. The highest level of classification was top secret. Trump flat out GAVE code word level intelligence to the Russians. Yet not a peep.
What would you guys have done if it would have been president Clinton? I think the first day the GOP would have yelled traitor and the second day would have been impeachment proceedings. The same can be said for Helsinki. Am I wrong?
Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?
-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.

Eventually. May take 10+ yrs

Eventually pigs might sprout wings, doesn't mean it's the plan.

Short term and long term plans always exist. Neither you nor I know the real circumstances just what the fake news on both sides spews.
I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

Oh and if that's the only thing your replying to in that post, I have to say that you don't seem to have a substantive counter argument.
I do also want to say something else though. At the risk of sounding condescending. Not my intention by the way. I appreciate that you at least try to have an actual conversation, and seem to be willing to at least consider what I'm telling. It is rare on this board and I try to thank all those willing to do so.

Trump IMO is trying to use the Russians to fight the extremist Islamists while pulling the US back. Whether this works is tbd.

If that's your opinion, then my opinion is that your opinion is simplistic. It comes back to my original point. You stated that it's ridiculous to state that Trump is compromised. Yet a lot of his foreign policy decisions only make sense if those decisions are written in the Kremlin. Withdrawing from Syria makes no sense for the US. The commitment is small. The US has a good ally there that does most of the fighting, ans it denies the Russians the influence they seek in the region. Going on camera and saying you believe Putin over your own intelligence community makes no sense. It demoralizes them, and gives a visual reminder to those watching that the US is unwilling to stand up to them. Giving the Russians code word level intel developed by Israel makes no sense. It shows the allies that giving intelligence to the US might end up in the hands of Russia.
Think of it like this. People on the right still chant "lock her up" because the then Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton had classified information on her private computer. It wasn't that she shouldn't have it. It wasn't that it was stolen. No the beef was that that information was deemed insecure and therefor shouldn't have been there. The highest level of classification was top secret. Trump flat out GAVE code word level intelligence to the Russians. Yet not a peep.
What would you guys have done if it would have been president Clinton? I think the first day the GOP would have yelled traitor and the second day would have been impeachment proceedings. The same can be said for Helsinki. Am I wrong?

It wasn’t that she had it. It was because she bleached it. Do you know how laborious that is? You don’t just hit delete. We were being civil but you turned into a Leftist extremist rude prick. All set with you and your fake intelligence. You can go and jump in a frozen lake/
I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

Oh and if that's the only thing your replying to in that post, I have to say that you don't seem to have a substantive counter argument.
I do also want to say something else though. At the risk of sounding condescending. Not my intention by the way. I appreciate that you at least try to have an actual conversation, and seem to be willing to at least consider what I'm telling. It is rare on this board and I try to thank all those willing to do so.

Trump IMO is trying to use the Russians to fight the extremist Islamists while pulling the US back. Whether this works is tbd.

If that's your opinion, then my opinion is that your opinion is simplistic. It comes back to my original point. You stated that it's ridiculous to state that Trump is compromised. Yet a lot of his foreign policy decisions only make sense if those decisions are written in the Kremlin. Withdrawing from Syria makes no sense for the US. The commitment is small. The US has a good ally there that does most of the fighting, ans it denies the Russians the influence they seek in the region. Going on camera and saying you believe Putin over your own intelligence community makes no sense. It demoralizes them, and gives a visual reminder to those watching that the US is unwilling to stand up to them. Giving the Russians code word level intel developed by Israel makes no sense. It shows the allies that giving intelligence to the US might end up in the hands of Russia.
Think of it like this. People on the right still chant "lock her up" because the then Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton had classified information on her private computer. It wasn't that she shouldn't have it. It wasn't that it was stolen. No the beef was that that information was deemed insecure and therefor shouldn't have been there. The highest level of classification was top secret. Trump flat out GAVE code word level intelligence to the Russians. Yet not a peep.
What would you guys have done if it would have been president Clinton? I think the first day the GOP would have yelled traitor and the second day would have been impeachment proceedings. The same can be said for Helsinki. Am I wrong?

Absolutely spot on.:113: Republicans have no counter argument for this.
-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.

Eventually. May take 10+ yrs

Eventually pigs might sprout wings, doesn't mean it's the plan.

Short term and long term plans always exist. Neither you nor I know the real circumstances just what the fake news on both sides spews.

There have been zero denials from the WH when Trump gave the Russians sensitive information. If it were fake, they would have been all over it. They never challenged that reporting. Next!
The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.

Eventually. May take 10+ yrs

Eventually pigs might sprout wings, doesn't mean it's the plan.

Short term and long term plans always exist. Neither you nor I know the real circumstances just what the fake news on both sides spews.

There have been zero denials from the WH when Trump gave the Russians sensitive information. If it were fake, they would have been all over it. They never challenged that reporting. Next!

Bullshit. What sensitive info?
I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!

If the commitment was that small why leave in the first place? Why screw the ally who was fighting them for you in the first place? If it wasn't the body count, and it wasn't the commitment, why? What does it gain the US? I already told Azog what Russia gets out of it,what's the upside to the US?
Trump isn't leaving the Kurd's vulnerable to Erdogan for no reason. Know what I mean?

Remember when Flynn got paid by Turkey to have the Trump campaign change its whole platform during the convention? Smell a rat? I do.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.

Eventually. May take 10+ yrs

Eventually pigs might sprout wings, doesn't mean it's the plan.

Short term and long term plans always exist. Neither you nor I know the real circumstances just what the fake news on both sides spews.

There have been zero denials from the WH when Trump gave the Russians sensitive information. If it were fake, they would have been all over it. They never challenged that reporting. Next!

Bullshit. What sensitive info?
Donald Trump's disclosures of classified information - Wikipedia
Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey Next!
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