The Steele Dossier: How Does it Hold Up?

Biased media???? What moving pictures are now faked? Things that aren't even denied are now fake anyway? You know, you are just showing the level of dishonesty you are willing to lower yourself to in defense of the indefensible.

Media is biased. Period. If you cannot see that you are living in a fantasy world. With all due respect.
With all due respect, The first link was an article of an incident that was replied to by Trump by this tweet.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
The second was a youtube video of the Helsinki press conference. NO MEDIA spinning anything. Just Trump making statements. So what are you exactly asserting to be untrue?

Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
Not really.
The Ukrainians were supporting the Manafort investigation. But when they asked for missiles, Trump gave them missiles and they stopped all support for the Manafort investigation.

I posted links to that before.

Classic quid quo pro.
Media is biased. Period. If you cannot see that you are living in a fantasy world. With all due respect.
With all due respect, The first link was an article of an incident that was replied to by Trump by this tweet.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
The second was a youtube video of the Helsinki press conference. NO MEDIA spinning anything. Just Trump making statements. So what are you exactly asserting to be untrue?

Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
Media is biased. Period. If you cannot see that you are living in a fantasy world. With all due respect.
With all due respect, The first link was an article of an incident that was replied to by Trump by this tweet.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
The second was a youtube video of the Helsinki press conference. NO MEDIA spinning anything. Just Trump making statements. So what are you exactly asserting to be untrue?

Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
Not really.
The Ukrainians were supporting the Manafort investigation. But when they asked for missiles, Trump gave them missiles and they stopped all support for the Manafort investigation.

I posted links to that before.

Classic quid quo pro.

So he armed them. Manafort is in prison what more do you want? He also killed 200+ mercs. Were you overseas? That war is not winnable. Islam and Democracy do not mix. I saw that firsthand.
With all due respect, The first link was an article of an incident that was replied to by Trump by this tweet.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
The second was a youtube video of the Helsinki press conference. NO MEDIA spinning anything. Just Trump making statements. So what are you exactly asserting to be untrue?

Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I don’t have any answers either. Iraq was the biggest disaster in American history by a conservative government.

Bush Senior went into the Middle East and forced Iraq out of Kuwait. And then he left. Clearly he knew what he was doing.

Bush Junior and the GOP lied the country into Iraq. And that proves that a lying commander-in-chief is only going to hurt the country.

Look at Trump. The damage, the division, the hate that he’s causing is many times worse than what Bush did.

Remember, Bush Junior put together an enormous coalition of countries to go into Iraq. He lied to all of them as well. And the coalition has expanded out into Afghanistan and into Syria and other places in the Middle East.

You can’t just walk away. But that’s how Trump is. He just walks away. Walks away from his marriages, walks away from his kids, walks away from people he owes money to, he just goes bankrupt.

Trump leaves behind devastation wherever he goes. And now he’s going to do the same thing for this country.

No one wants to stay in the Middle East, but we have to work with our allies to leave. That’s not trumps plan.
With all due respect, The first link was an article of an incident that was replied to by Trump by this tweet.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
The second was a youtube video of the Helsinki press conference. NO MEDIA spinning anything. Just Trump making statements. So what are you exactly asserting to be untrue?

Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I agree with most of this, "BUT". At this point, there are two reasons why we stay. First, the Kurds, because they fought along side us, and Erdogan wants to invade the Kurds. It's almost as if we decided to not enter into WWII to rescue Britain from the takeover of Nazi Germany. They, along with France are our allies, so we entered the war. Why would we abandon the Kurds who helped us? It makes no sense.

Secondly, going back to 2003 with this illegal war that started ISIS, which by the way is responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, while simultaneously causing the migration of 2 million Iraqi's into Syria because of this fabricated war, we have some responsibility to protect the innocent, based on the mistakes we made.

That said, I will agree with you and Trump. Are we there forever? We certainly hope not. I never wanted to go there to begin with. But the least we can do is make sure those 15,000 ISIS fighters don't regroup again to reign terror down on the region for something we started in 2003. Was it a mistake for Obama to leave? Yes! Let's don't make the mistake again, and make sure ISIS is totally incapacitated, and for the sake of all that is right, Trump needs to stand fast in the defense of the Kurds who became our allies to save American lives and to fight our enemies along side us.
Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I don’t have any answers either. Iraq was the biggest disaster in American history by a conservative government.

Bush Senior went into the Middle East and forced Iraq out of Kuwait. And then he left. Clearly he knew what he was doing.

Bush Junior and the GOP lied the country into Iraq. And that proves that a lying commander-in-chief is only going to hurt the country.

Look at Trump. The damage, the division, the hate that he’s causing is many times worse than what Bush did.

Remember, Bush Junior put together an enormous coalition of countries to go into Iraq. He lied to all of them as well. And the coalition has expanded out into Afghanistan and into Syria and other places in the Middle East.

You can’t just walk away. But that’s how Trump is. He just walks away. Walks away from his marriages, walks away from his kids, walks away from people he owes money to, he just goes bankrupt.

Trump leaves behind devastation wherever he goes. And now he’s going to do the same thing for this country.

No one wants to stay in the Middle East, but we have to work with our allies to leave. That’s not trumps plan.
Most people don't know the history of daddy Bush and his own oil interests with Kuwait. That is why he invaded Iraq, even though Ed Gillespie told Saddam we wouldn't get involved with his oil dispute with Kuwait. Never mind the fact that it was ignored by Bush when Kuwait was slant drilling for oil on Iraqi territory. It's all about the money. Iraq 1 and 2 were all about the money. Twenty seven years later, this is what we have.
Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I don’t have any answers either. Iraq was the biggest disaster in American history by a conservative government.

Bush Senior went into the Middle East and forced Iraq out of Kuwait. And then he left. Clearly he knew what he was doing.

Bush Junior and the GOP lied the country into Iraq. And that proves that a lying commander-in-chief is only going to hurt the country.

Look at Trump. The damage, the division, the hate that he’s causing is many times worse than what Bush did.

Remember, Bush Junior put together an enormous coalition of countries to go into Iraq. He lied to all of them as well. And the coalition has expanded out into Afghanistan and into Syria and other places in the Middle East.

You can’t just walk away. But that’s how Trump is. He just walks away. Walks away from his marriages, walks away from his kids, walks away from people he owes money to, he just goes bankrupt.

Trump leaves behind devastation wherever he goes. And now he’s going to do the same thing for this country.

No one wants to stay in the Middle East, but we have to work with our allies to leave. That’s not trumps plan.

Bush Jr. was certainly a kind man but not competent. Hence I voted for Al Gore. Like I said the ME conflict is very complex. Until people in the US realize that Islam is an ideology and not just a religion we will never have peace or deal with it the correct way. Those people don’t want us there. They don’t understand nor like Western values. Their culture is that of hierarchy and obedience. Unfortunately our allies are under the Leftist spell of open borders and Islamification. London is unrecognizable, Paris is close to it as well. Hence you saw Brexit and rioting in Paris.

The Kurds are very kind and nice people. An anomaly in Islam. I feel badly for them.
Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I agree with most of this, "BUT". At this point, there are two reasons why we stay. First, the Kurds, because they fought along side us, and Erdogan wants to invade the Kurds. It's almost as if we decided to not enter into WWII to rescue Britain from the takeover of Nazi Germany. They, along with France are our allies, so we entered the war. Why would we abandon the Kurds who helped us? It makes no sense.

Secondly, going back to 2003 with this illegal war that started ISIS, which by the way is responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, while simultaneously causing the migration of 2 million Iraqi's into Syria because of this fabricated war, we have some responsibility to protect the innocent, based on the mistakes we made.

That said, I will agree with you and Trump. Are we there forever? We certainly hope not. I never wanted to go there to begin with. But the least we can do is make sure those 15,000 ISIS fighters don't regroup again to reign terror down on the region for something we started in 2003. Was it a mistake for Obama to leave? Yes! Let's don't make the mistake again, and make sure ISIS is totally incapacitated, and for the sake of all that is right, Trump needs to stand fast in the defense of the Kurds who became our allies to save American lives and to fight our enemies along side us.

We agree. Bravo
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I don’t have any answers either. Iraq was the biggest disaster in American history by a conservative government.

Bush Senior went into the Middle East and forced Iraq out of Kuwait. And then he left. Clearly he knew what he was doing.

Bush Junior and the GOP lied the country into Iraq. And that proves that a lying commander-in-chief is only going to hurt the country.

Look at Trump. The damage, the division, the hate that he’s causing is many times worse than what Bush did.

Remember, Bush Junior put together an enormous coalition of countries to go into Iraq. He lied to all of them as well. And the coalition has expanded out into Afghanistan and into Syria and other places in the Middle East.

You can’t just walk away. But that’s how Trump is. He just walks away. Walks away from his marriages, walks away from his kids, walks away from people he owes money to, he just goes bankrupt.

Trump leaves behind devastation wherever he goes. And now he’s going to do the same thing for this country.

No one wants to stay in the Middle East, but we have to work with our allies to leave. That’s not trumps plan.
Most people don't know the history of daddy Bush and his own oil interests with Kuwait. That is why he invaded Iraq, even though Ed Gillespie told Saddam we wouldn't get involved with his oil dispute with Kuwait. Never mind the fact that it was ignored by Bush when Kuwait was slant drilling for oil on Iraqi territory. It's all about the money. Iraq 1 and 2 were all about the money. Twenty seven years later, this is what we have.

You are correct.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I don’t have any answers either. Iraq was the biggest disaster in American history by a conservative government.

Bush Senior went into the Middle East and forced Iraq out of Kuwait. And then he left. Clearly he knew what he was doing.

Bush Junior and the GOP lied the country into Iraq. And that proves that a lying commander-in-chief is only going to hurt the country.

Look at Trump. The damage, the division, the hate that he’s causing is many times worse than what Bush did.

Remember, Bush Junior put together an enormous coalition of countries to go into Iraq. He lied to all of them as well. And the coalition has expanded out into Afghanistan and into Syria and other places in the Middle East.

You can’t just walk away. But that’s how Trump is. He just walks away. Walks away from his marriages, walks away from his kids, walks away from people he owes money to, he just goes bankrupt.

Trump leaves behind devastation wherever he goes. And now he’s going to do the same thing for this country.

No one wants to stay in the Middle East, but we have to work with our allies to leave. That’s not trumps plan.

Bush Jr. was certainly a kind man but not competent. Hence I voted for Al Gore. Like I said the ME conflict is very complex. Until people in the US realize that Islam is an ideology and not just a religion we will never have peace or deal with it the correct way. Those people don’t want us there. They don’t understand nor like Western values. Their culture is that of hierarchy and obedience. Unfortunately our allies are under the Leftist spell of open borders and Islamification. London is unrecognizable, Paris is close to it as well. Hence you saw Brexit and rioting in Paris.

The Kurds are very kind and nice people. An anomaly in Islam. I feel badly for them.
The Left wanting Islamification and open borders couldn't be further from the truth.
He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
I don’t have any answers either. Iraq was the biggest disaster in American history by a conservative government.

Bush Senior went into the Middle East and forced Iraq out of Kuwait. And then he left. Clearly he knew what he was doing.

Bush Junior and the GOP lied the country into Iraq. And that proves that a lying commander-in-chief is only going to hurt the country.

Look at Trump. The damage, the division, the hate that he’s causing is many times worse than what Bush did.

Remember, Bush Junior put together an enormous coalition of countries to go into Iraq. He lied to all of them as well. And the coalition has expanded out into Afghanistan and into Syria and other places in the Middle East.

You can’t just walk away. But that’s how Trump is. He just walks away. Walks away from his marriages, walks away from his kids, walks away from people he owes money to, he just goes bankrupt.

Trump leaves behind devastation wherever he goes. And now he’s going to do the same thing for this country.

No one wants to stay in the Middle East, but we have to work with our allies to leave. That’s not trumps plan.

Bush Jr. was certainly a kind man but not competent. Hence I voted for Al Gore. Like I said the ME conflict is very complex. Until people in the US realize that Islam is an ideology and not just a religion we will never have peace or deal with it the correct way. Those people don’t want us there. They don’t understand nor like Western values. Their culture is that of hierarchy and obedience. Unfortunately our allies are under the Leftist spell of open borders and Islamification. London is unrecognizable, Paris is close to it as well. Hence you saw Brexit and rioting in Paris.

The Kurds are very kind and nice people. An anomaly in Islam. I feel badly for them.
The Left wanting Islamification and open borders couldn't be further from the truth.

The Leftists do the normal Liberals do not.
With all due respect, The first link was an article of an incident that was replied to by Trump by this tweet.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
The second was a youtube video of the Helsinki press conference. NO MEDIA spinning anything. Just Trump making statements. So what are you exactly asserting to be untrue?

Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.
Article was an opinion piece. And you honestly don’t think the media is braised? I never Said anything was untrue I just said the media is biased. Please show where I said anything is untrue.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.
He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.
So you replying to me giving examples of instances were Trump went against US interests in favor of Russian ones by talking about a biased media is not implying those examples are false? As to the first link being an opinion piece. Sure.
-On the other hand, giving sources, developed and run by an ally, to another nation, without even notifying, let alone asking permission from that ally is bad. That's not really an opinion but fact.
-So is stating that giving a joint press conference, in which you flat out say you believe a foreign leader over your own intelligence services, is bad.
-Which leads me back to the original question I posed. You find the very idea that DJT works for Russia ridiculous? In light of these examples though what alternative explanation do you have besides incompetence or him being compromised?

He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

Oh and if that's the only thing your replying to in that post, I have to say that you don't seem to have a substantive counter argument.
I do also want to say something else though. At the risk of sounding condescending. Not my intention by the way. I appreciate that you at least try to have an actual conversation, and seem to be willing to at least consider what I'm telling. It is rare on this board and I try to thank all those willing to do so.
He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

Oh and if that's the only thing your replying to in that post, I have to say that you don't seem to have a substantive counter argument.
I do also want to say something else though. At the risk of sounding condescending. Not my intention by the way. I appreciate that you at least try to have an actual conversation, and seem to be willing to at least consider what I'm telling. It is rare on this board and I try to thank all those willing to do so.

Trump IMO is trying to use the Russians to fight the extremist Islamists while pulling the US back. Whether this works is tbd.
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.
He imposed strong sanctions, armed the Ukrainians and killed 200+ Russian Mercs in Syria. He says things to placate Putin. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. He is as much a Russian spy as you are. You need chillax
He imposed sanctions because congress approved sanctions in Veto proof majorities. He just authorized a withdrawal from Syria leaving the country to Assad and Russia who will get a naval base in the Middle East out of it. And you don't placate someone by throwing your allies and own intelligence agencies under the bus. So you are going for the incompetence option?

I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

There was never any claim that we were leaving Syria b/c the body count was too high, for God sakes, we're talking about 2,000 soldiers here, you dumb shits are once again over reacting. Do you know how long it would take us to shift 2,000 troops back into Syria from Iraq if things kicked off again? A week at most. And Trump's stated mission for Syria has been accomplished. We didn't go in their to protect the Kurds, we didn't go in to defeat Assad. We didn't go in build a Democracy. We went in to fuck ISIS up and take their territory from them. What's left of ISIS in Syria is contained to one city and Russia is fucking them up as we speak. Our mission there is over, hilarious how the left is suddenly for nation building because Trump!!!!
I am not saying he is right and he may be incompetent but he is not a spy or a liar. He sees the ME conflict and his options are we are there for ever or we withdraw and let them kill each other. Assad is there until he is overthrown. That region is highly unstable and he is sick of losing young American soldiers there. Were you there? I was. Islam and Democracy don’t mix. You either conquer them or you complete your mission and GTFO. Russia can stay and deal with car bombs and terror attacks 4ever. Trump wants out. There is an argument for staying too but it is not as cut and dry as you think.
-Is it, or is it not in Russia's perceived best interest that America leaves Syria? Is it or is it not, to the detriment of American interest that Russia gets a naval base in the region that holds the worlds biggest oil reserve? Is that not pretty cut and dry? Especially since the conflict in Syria has had only 3 Americans killed?
-You say he's not a liar???? Is this an argument in good faith? Cause from where I'm sitting, not only does Trump lie. But he lies so consistently and often so outrageously that I have trouble believing anyone can deny it in good faith.

You can hear Trump promise an imaginary 10 percent pay raise from second 9 to 14. To I assume your former brothers in arms. Note I specified the time, this way you don't have to listen to the media. This is just one. I could give you a thousand more.
- As to him being no spy.( I find it interesting you prefer that term to agent.) How do you know? I have shown you instances were Trump went for Russian interest over the countries not to mention against his own self interests as a Potus who's ties to Russia are closely scrutinized, in such a blatant way that you have to agree to the assessment that he might be incompetent. This is not the only possible explanation being compromised by Russian being the only obvious other one.

Only 3? Tell that to their families. How much oil do we get from Syria?

-Sure, but why Syria and not for instance Iraq? America has lost way more there? Or in many other places. The point I was making is that picking Syria to withdraw from because the body count was perceived to high doesn't fit the facts.
-This is a dodge. I wasn't claiming we get oil from Syria. I was claiming that Russia perceives Syria as a country that gives them influence in an oil rich region.

The plan is to withdraw from the ME in totality eventually as I understand it.

Sorry but no.Minute 1. I picked fox as a source since I couldn't find Trump saying it himself.

Eventually. May take 10+ yrs

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