The Stinky Salton Sea coughs up a treasure

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
For all of those who thought the Salton Sea could be filled and reinvigorated, it ain't gonna happen. Greening the Stinky Sea is off the table. It seems that hiding under the desert salt is a huge, really huge, deposit of lithium making the US lithium independent of any other country. Hear that China.

For all of those who thought the Salton Sea could be filled and reinvigorated, it ain't gonna happen. Greening the Stinky Sea is off the table. It seems that hiding under the desert salt is a huge, really huge, deposit of lithium making the US lithium independent of any other country. Hear that China.

Not if Joey Xi Bai Dung decides to sell the mineral rights to China. I wouldn't put it past Joey doing such a traitorous thing.
For all of those who thought the Salton Sea could be filled and reinvigorated, it ain't gonna happen. Greening the Stinky Sea is off the table. It seems that hiding under the desert salt is a huge, really huge, deposit of lithium making the US lithium independent of any other country. Hear that China.

The ev revolution is starting to flounder when Toyota and Ferrari are saying you people are retarded
It's funny, back at the turn of the 20t Century at te start of electrification of America, trolleys, subways and elevated trains were the bulk of city infrastructure.
Along came the gasoline power vehicles and diesels. All cities switched over to buses, by the 1960s trolleys were a thing of the past.

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For all of those who thought the Salton Sea could be filled and reinvigorated, it ain't gonna happen. Greening the Stinky Sea is off the table. It seems that hiding under the desert salt is a huge, really huge, deposit of lithium making the US lithium independent of any other country. Hear that China.

Thanks for posting this. That is awesome. We used to drive by there when we drove from Yuma to Palm Springs to visit my FIL.
For all of those who thought the Salton Sea could be filled and reinvigorated, it ain't gonna happen. Greening the Stinky Sea is off the table. It seems that hiding under the desert salt is a huge, really huge, deposit of lithium making the US lithium independent of any other country. Hear that China.

Can you even fathom the hue and cry that CA and the NAs would put-up if it were to be slated to be mined?

The land under the Salton Sea is a patchwork of ownership spread across three primary entities: the federal government (mostly the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Land Management), the Imperial Irrigation District (IID), and the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians.
See, environmental disasters can sometimes be a good thing. Now we can go in there and rape the land with impunity. No whiney lefties, no EPA; we have complete free reign. :dunno:

The article is talking about geothermal wells, 10,000 ft deep, near the Salton Sea.

The brine, which they have attempted to mineral recovery from before, has failed before. The brine they flash into steam is the most toxic poisonous water one could imagine.

A gallon of normal water weighs eight pounds. A gallon of "Salton Sea" brine weighs 10lbs. 2 lbs of toxic heavy metal in each gallon that the geothermal "fracks", injects pumps back into the earth once the heat is gone from the brine
Most of this information is very hard to search on the internet, the articles become hidden to hide the effects of renewable energy. But found they can be.

Either way, there is more arsenic per gallon than lithium. So first we must separate arsenic from the brine, and cesium and strontium which are radioactive, than there is cobalt 60 which is radioactive.

This is just another scam, the company will try, the executives will get multimillion dollar bonuses for trying, than they will go bankrupt

but what will they do with all that toxic pollution is a better question.
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For all of those who thought the Salton Sea could be filled and reinvigorated, it ain't gonna happen. Greening the Stinky Sea is off the table. It seems that hiding under the desert salt is a huge, really huge, deposit of lithium making the US lithium independent of any other country. Hear that China.

Will the crazy environmentalists in California allow it to be mined?
How will they separate the lithium from the toxic waste? Open ponds? Evaporation. In one of the richest areas for farming? On the Pacific Flyway which for those who dont know, is where ducks and waterfowl migrate north every year. How will we protect our food and wildlife.

Either way, here is a some of the toxic elements that must be dealt with
Screenshot from 2023-05-26 10-37-58.png

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