The Stock Market Crash of 2010 Sept 24th - A day that will live in Infamy.

Fdr knew the japanese fleet was headed to pearl and his first draft of the day of infamy speech probably had a few alternate dates. I think snl did a dec 7 or 14th skit about it
Neubarth, you prophets credentials are hereby revoked.

Not at all. The 24th was the highest the stock market will go. After that it will continue to fall.

Remember, as I have told you over and over and over and over again, the Government lies like hell about the economy. With an obvious economic collapse on their hands, they released a host of lies in news releases on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. A lot of people have been suckered in by Goldman Sachs' manipulation of the market. It can not last.
You make enough predictions, and eventually one of them is bound to come true.

Everytime in the past thirty years when I said something was going to happen is always has.

I have never been wrong.

Better luck next time, pal.

You will see this coming week that the gradual crash of the market will have started because of the economic news that was released last week. The government can not continue to lie like it has and expect the people to believe it. Lie after Lie after Lie after Lie will not win out.
In News release after news release we can see deception by the Government. The object is to keep the Sheeple tranquil.

Consider the Durable Goods Report.

The actual numbers were horrible, because they show that goods being ordered are declining on average. That decline has been going on for some time. Yet, the Government news release essentially said, if we take out the major declining components and do not count them, the rest of the components are positive. The stock market shot up on such a blatant lie. Yet, the economy is still falling and falling and falling.

So, here are the Durable Goods Orders for the past few months. Look at what has really happened in that time.


AUG 2010 –1.3%
JUL 2010 +0.3 %
JUN 2010 –0.1 %
MAY 2010 –0.8 % -


AUG 2010 +2.0 %
JUL 2010 –2.8 %
JUN 2010 +0.2%

Economic Calendar: Financial Calendars - Yahoo! Finance
Three days ago the news release from Washington claimed that Home Sales were up an astounding SEVEN PERCENT!

Yet here is the reality for the past half year. These numbers are the annual sales rate based upon reported sales in each month.

AUG 2010 4.13 M

JUN 2010 5.26 M

APR 2010 5.79 M

NOV 2009 6.54 M

FEB 2007 6.69 M

Do you see the actual trend here?

Don't believe the Government Lies.
Then we get to Unemployment. The Federal Government has dropped off millions and millions of people from the Labor Pool with the explanation that they are no longer looking for work. Bullshit!

All of these millions (5 to 9 Million depending upon who you listen to) have all been dropped from the list because of a so called public opinion survey that supposedly samples a few thousand people monthly to determine the percentage of people who are actively looking for work.

Nobody that I have ever met remembers ever being sampled in the so called survey, and I have spoken before a million people at the very least in the past quarter of a century. Yet, the government still comes out with its new and improved numbers. Even though the government knows these people have lost jobs, they claim that they are not unemployed because the government figures that they are not really looking for work.

All of the people that I know who have been looking for work are still looking. Supposedly 20 percent of them are no longer looking. Yet, when I ask them, they say they are still looking.

Nobody in his right mind buys that crap
weeeell, I guess if you can reframe being completely wrong as being right anyway,....then you can make any prediction you like and always be right.

In your own mind. To the rest of us you blew it Neub. Epic Fail.
weeeell, I guess if you can reframe being completely wrong as being right anyway,....then you can make any prediction you like and always be right.

In your own mind. To the rest of us you blew it Neub. Epic Fail.

If you were intelligent enough to read what I wrote, you would not say that.

But since, you are not too conversant with the English Language, you pretend to understand what I mean when I said a long Slow collapse. Remember I said, just like a slow motion falling house of cards.
"Though it may start before then, the 24th is the date most likely for the Stock Market Crash of 2010"

"The Stock Market Crash of 2010 Sept 24th - A day that will live in Infamy. "

"There is going to be tremendous violence in the months and years ahead."

I wager any amount that two of those three don't materialize.
Epic Fail.

"Everytime in the past thirty years when I said something was going to happen is always has.

I have never been wrong."

If you were intelligent enough to read what I wrote, you would not say that.

But since, you are not too conversant with the English Language, you pretend to understand what I mean when I said a long Slow collapse. Remember I said, just like a slow motion falling house of cards.

Read your own thread.

You said no such thing!

Until today!

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or he could just say: "gee, I was overly _____" and let it pass peacefully into the past, like a man.

All of us have made predictions that were wrong. But few of us predicted a specific day on which reality as we knew it would melt.

Moral: don't do that.
neubarth is a physco freak who thinks the bible is literal, I don't take what he says very serious

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